The ensuing strife prompted a flare-up in the nation. The sepoys lacked one clear leader; there had been several. As a result, there was an increase in dissatisfaction and hatred against British rule among different sections of Indian society. They additionally did not have a coherent design by using which the foreigners would be routed. (c) The revolt was poorly organized and lacked coordinated planning amongst the leaders. The Indian sepoys were unhappy that the foreign service allowance (bhatta) which they were entitled to while serving in the Singh or Punjab was withdrawn. He took his own life in order to keep away from capture by the British in 1809. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. 0. 2 mins read. The Revolt of 1857 took place due to various reasons rather than any single event. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Indians had been subjugated in the army whilst their European counterparts confronted no such discrimination. Simultaneously an enormous number of Fakirs or Muslim beggars rebelled against the British under the authority of Majnu Shah and Cheragh Ali. 21 RELIGIOUS CAUSES. View Answer. They did not interact with the Indians and humiliated them. Hindus and Muslims were forced into Christianity. Required fields are marked *, Home About us Contact us Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Disclaimer Write For Us Success Stories, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Are you ready for UPSC Exam? The three presidencies of Bengal, Bombay, and Madras remained broadly speaking unaffected. His fundamental point was to purge the Sikh religion by expelling all the maltreatment, odd notions, and sick practices from it. India’s traditional economy collapsed as a result of the British ‘investment’ policies and revenue administration. Do you want to crack UPSC in first attempt? 0% average accuracy. The revolt was not an abrupt event but rather it was the summit of a century-long convention of furious well-known protection from British control. Quick Notes on Revolt of 1857: Social Causes The revolt of 1857 is an important marker in Indian History and is an area where questions have repeatedly featured in the Civil Services (Prelims) and Civil Services (Mains) Examinations conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The job of the Governor-General turned out to be more articulated and his profile was currently considered the Viceroy also. The originator of this development was Haji Shariatullah of Faridpur (eastern Bengal). Economic cause: The Great Revolt of 1857 was also an outburst of grievances due to the economic exploitation of the company. Others from lower arrange likewise went along with them. It was initially established by Bhagat JawaharMal in 1840. Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Host a game. 20. 5. So they took different measures somewhere in the range of 1863 and 1872 and were at long last ready to smother this development. Thus, the territorial greed of the British and the reaction of the Indian princes against that aggression was the political cause of the Revolt of 1857. The Santhal resistance was ancestral disobedience set apart by ancestral interests and a solid enemy of British emotions. The social causes behind the revolt are: (1) Political and organizational • Under British rule, each region became a scene of resistance and revolt. The … 19. Indus Valley Civilization – Harappa Civilization, Vedic Period – Origin, Society & Politics, Cultural Trends in Ancient Medieval India, Revolt of 1857 – Resistance to British Rule, Rise of Separatist Trends & Muslim League. Dissatisfaction at the workspace and the continuing abuse and low wages also marked important reasons for the revolt. His boss’s point was to expel un-Islamic practices from the Muslim society just as to resuscitate and re-establish Muslim guidelines by and by ousting the Christians from India. Indian rulers who aided the insurrection did not envision any sketch for the country after the British had been defeated. Because of all these reasons Kings, Princes, their courtiers and disbanded s… The whites additionally began interfering in the religious and cultural affairs of Indians and tortured them as well. Other general causes of revolt were the British land revenue policies and the systems of law and administration. They announced the finish of the British standards. 3. 5. The British followed a policy of RACIAL DISCRIMINATION and looked down upon the Indians. The East India Company came back to being only an exchanging association. VIEW MORE. Although it is exaggeration, it laid the seeds for Indian nationalism. Cloudflare Ray ID: 60665f3ff811dfa9 094: British Occupation of India - Part 9: The Causes and Impact of the Revolt of 1857 In this episode, we talk about The Causes and Impact of the Revolt of 1857 The Revolt of 1857 is also known by other names such as The Sepoy Mutiny, The Indian Mutiny, The Great Rebellion, The Indian Insurrection, India’s First War of Independence. Although some Historians claim 1857 revolt as just an Sepoy mutiny, V. D. Savarkar says it as First War of Independence. This used to be in opposition to the Hindu and Muslim sentiments and religious ideologies. While the British have been engaged in harassing warfare with the Khasis, the Singhphos broke into an open rise in early 1830, which was suppressed after 3 months. Avadh was annexed in 1856, on charge of mal-administration. Thus the peasants had been substantially influenced to overthrow the British Government from India and led to their active participation in the rebellion of 1857. Are you ready for UPSC Exam? • Immediate Cause of Revolt. The revolt of 1857 shook the establishment of the British East India Company and uncovered their wastefulness in managing the Indian organization. Thus they were reluctant to use the ‘Enfield’ rifle. Causes of the Revolt: a. Your email address will not be published. Velu Thambi was the Diwan (Prime Minister) of the Kingdom of Travancore. Saiyad Ahmad of Rae-Bareily was the organizer of this development in India. There were a number of fights battled between the Fakirs and the British soldiers who endured substantial misfortunes. 2 mins read. The contrast between Governor-General and Viceroy was that the Viceroy would go about as the agent of the Queen and the Governor-General was the delegate of the British Parliament whose authority was limited to that of British India itself and not to the Princely States. Thus it is evident that the colonial rule even throughout the days of the East India Company witnessed numerous uprising and disturbances. 2. It erupted on 10th July 1806 in Vellore, present-day Tamil Nadu, and lasted only for a day, but it was brutal and it was the first major mutiny by the Indian sepoys in the East India Company. This enraged Indians and led to the insurrection of 1857. And this exploitation used to be in all directions, i.e. Related Questions to study. The Muslim feelings had been badly hurt when after the death of Bahadur Shah II, Lord Canning took away regal … In the battles with the British troops, Kattabomman at the start escaped but was once as a result caught and publicly hanged as a warning to other Polygars. The British had vowed to pull back after the principal Burma war(1824-26) from Assam anyway interestingly, the British attempted to join the Ahoms regions in the organization’s territory after the war. Thus, from the above discussion, we can say that the main causes of the Revolt of 1857 were due to various policies introduced by the British, the rapid spread of English education, imposing of heavy duties. India’s traditional economy collapsed as a result of the British … The rebellion was first started by sepoys of the company’s army on May 10, 1857 at Meerut. They feared the opposition of the rebels in bringing about social reforms. But the Singhphos remained in a mood of sullen discontent and once more rose in rebellion in 1839 when they killed the British political agent. This hurt all the sections of the society. Also, the import of British Machine to India, the exclusion of Indian sepoys at higher ranks in the military, etc. Further, they were also apprehensive about serving overseas since this meant a loss of their caste according to their beliefs. Historians have identified diverse political, economic, military, religious and social causes of the Indian Rebellion of 1857.. An uprising in several sepoy companies of the Bengal army was sparked by the issue of new gunpowder cartridges for the Enfield rifle in February 1857. In spite of the fact that the Wahabi uprising was fundamentally motivated by hostility to settler slants yet, it had a Pentecostal and mutual propensity. POLITICAL CAUSES Lord Dalhousie’s policy of annexation and the Doctrine of Lapse had made the Indian rulers angry and insecure. Check your preparation with. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. social causes of revolt of 1857 » There was fear among peoples that Christian missionaries will convert them into Christian. As a result, the Indian people … Edit. British rule had adversely affected the interest of almost all sections of society and severely affected the way of life in India. The Second Polygar War (1800 – 01) is additionally referred to as the South Indian Rebellion due to its scale and reach. Administration of India Act, 1858: Under this Act, the standard of the East India Company was annulled and the British Parliament had assumed direct liability towards administering India. Therefore, these rulers, who misplaced their states to the British, had been naturally in opposition to the British and took aspects in opposition to them throughout the revolt. This development was initially an Islamic socio-strict change development. Such innovations were alien to the Indians, who became fearful of the British intentions. Share practice link. The social causes of the Revolt of 1857 were: The British introduced railways, post and telegraph in India. The Board of Control (set up under the 1784 Pitt’s India Act) was canceled. Lord Warren Hastings followed ‘ring-fence policy‘ (creating friendly states around enemy states and occupying both in course of time). The whites also started interfering in the religious and cultural affairs of Indians and … The cartridge had to be bitten off earlier than loading it into the gun. 39 minutes ago. This was believed to be the immediate aspect of the rebellion of 1857. The Rani of Jhansi, Laxmibai , was not allowed to adopt a son. Let’s get the details of Nawabs and their power In mid-eighteenth … Majorly northern India used to be affected through this revolt. This disaffection ultimately led to a mass uprising which we know today as the revolt of 1857. It also affected large parts of North and Central India. 2 mins read. 0. These three settlements have been notably exploitative, and in particular, the Permanent settlement had created a devastating impact. • Causes for the RevoltThere were many causes that ultimately lead to this revolt. 4. Economic Factors – There have been a number of reforms in the taxation and income gadget that affected the peasants heavily. 7th - 12th grade . The British Government couldn’t afford to lose India at any cost, so consequently, the British Government decided to abolish the rule of the East India Company, and direct Government was once installed, guided through the British Parliament. by nuhman_jafri. Huge numbers of Indians were thrown out of employment. In Bengal Saiyad Nissar Hussain drove this enemy of British battle which here and there took a collective turn. Join UPSC Telegram Channel. The policy of Doctrine of Lapse was applied not only to Princes but also big Zamindars. Political and Social Causes of Revolt of 1857. The landholders and peasants, the scattered soldiers, the landlords were so … 0% average accuracy. The depth of the rebellion of 1857, even though limited in positive pockets, used to be so high that it shook the backbone of British rule in India, and it also proved the reality that the East India Company which was basically a trading organization was now not efficiently adequate in tackling Indian administration. Edit. The British policy of economically exploiting India also became one of the causes of the revolt. The company’s trade policy destroyed Indian handicrafts. The peasants suffered due to high revenue demands and the strict revenue collection policy. The economic policies of the British were mainly exploitative and led to the severe destruction of the Indian economy. Played 0 times. "CAUSES OF REVOLT OF 1857" PART III (SOCIAL CAUSES) CLASS 8 HISTORY FOR UPSC/SSC/CGL/PSC - Duration: 4:53. 0. All these prompted various clashes between the agitators and the organization’s powers. The Santhals assaulted and annihilated the places of landowners, moneylenders, growers, and British authorities. Velu Thampi used to be able to garner precise aid from the people of the land against the British. Child marriage, infanticide and polygamy were not allowed. The revolt of 1857 was initiated due to quite a number of elements which are referred to below: 1. Social Studies. These sannyasis supported by average citizens struck the English manufacturing plants and settlements. 3 mins read. He used to be additionally against the heavy financial burden imposed on the kingdom through the Subsidiary Alliance Treaty. Polygars (Palaiyakkarars) have been feudal lords who had been appointed as military chiefs and administrative governors from the time of the Vijayanagara Empire in components of Southern India. Conscriptions of laborers for street building linking the Brahmaputra valley with Sylhet passing through the whole length of the Khasi dominated the Khasis to rebel under the leadership of Tirut Singh. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. The revolt of 1857 was a combination of political, economic, socio-religious and military causes. This arose discontent and used to be a major military issue that resulted in the insurrection of 1857. Results of revolt of 1857. An order of Sannyasis rose up against the British during and after the incomparable Bengal starvation of 1770. The Sikh troopers also did not take part in the rebellion. He had defied the British for 7 years refusing to receive their suzerainty and pay revenue to them. The policy of taxing lands belonging to temples and mosques lent further support to this idea. The India House was the summit body to oversee India and was an associating join between the British Parliament and the Indian administering framework. Causes of the Revolt of 1857. British Government had imposed and added quite a number of administrative policies to enlarge their territory. Causes of the Revolt of 1857 Political Economic Military Social Administrative 5. In any case, after the British extension of Punjab restoration of Sikh force and sway turned into the significant target of the Kukas. Finish Editing. The revolt of 1857 was initiated due to various factors which are stated below: Religious & Social Causes – racism or racial discrimination was believed to be a major reason for the revolt of 1857 wherein Indians were exploited and were kept away from mixing with Europeans. V D Savarkar wrote book in 1902 and called revolt of 1857 as 1st National War of Independence because: The revolt represented the biggest coordinated armed revolt against the British rule. These modifications prompted separation in the socio-social, budgetary, and political presence of the individuals. Religious and Social Causes – Racism or racial discrimination used to be believed to be a major reason for the revolt of 1857 whereby Indians had been exploited and had been kept away from mixing with Europeans. After Saiyad Ahmad’s passing in the clash of Balakot against the Sikhs (1831), Patna turned into the focal point of this development. Social Studies. These various grievances reached their climax in the revolt of 1857, which in spite of targeting certain organizations of Indians stood the outstanding rebellion in opposition to the British before the establishment of the Indian Freedom Movement. Practice . Causes of Revolt of 1857. The insurrection was ultimately not successful in ousting the British from the country due to the fact of countless factors. The revolt was the result of religious insult to the sepoys. Save. Many were affected by policies. 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