Dyna-Gro Rooting Hormone (Affiliate link to Amazon), Propagation Station (Affiliate link to Amazon). What a thorough guide!! Important note: When transferring to soil, you will want to keep the soil slightly moist for the first week or so to allow the roots to acclimate since they are used to being in water. Lastly, fill it with water but only up to the bottom third way up. Hoya carnosa ‘Krimson’ – Has reddish stems and variegated foliage. I personally use a mixture of peat, perlite, and orchid bark. They can be propagated by root or stem cuttings. If you want a sweetheart hoya that will grow and not just be a single leaf, then make sure you purchase a hoya kerrii plant that has a stem, even if it currently just has a leaf or two in the pot. Hoyas are a delightful and super easy to grow group of plants, and Hoya … Right now my new subject is a tiny little stem from my big Fiddle Leaf Fig. Now to get into propagating Hoya cuttings in water and why I don’t always just do it this way. Terracotta’s good for Hoyas but you have to water more often. Add water and let the perlite soak for a few minutes. ***Want to skip directly to the instructions? Fill a small pot – around 140mm with fine orchid mix. Hoya prefers to propagate by stem tip cutting not leaf propagation. These “single leaf” Hoya kerrii are just that, a leaf. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Propagation from stem cuttings is relatively easy. View more posts. Cool, right? Since new flowers are borne on tender, wirey, new growth, one must take care of these. They can be propagated by root or stem cuttings. 4. The third way to propagate Hoya Kerrii is by passive hydroponics using perlite. Mid-spring and early summer is the best time to do this like with most plants. I will explain shortly, but like any Hoya, Hoya kerrii is a fantastic houseplant and will make a very long-lived addition to your indoor jungle with minimal care! You can root the cutting in water and wait until new roots start growing. However, unlike regular potting soil, perlite is inert – so there’s also little to no chance it contains pathogens and fertilizers, which can harm newly formed roots. I also have been watching one area near a node where I left leaves intact because I have suspected that it may be a peduncle, which is where flowers on hoyas will form. Hoya plants are preferred by most people as houseplants, especially in temperate areas, and the most popular species are Hoya Carnosa, Hoya Obovata, Hoya Australis, Hoya Keysii, and Hoya Kerrii. Water your hoya kerrii every three to four weeks, more frequently if exposed to higher amount of light and if the plant is smaller. Hoya carnosa, commonly called wax plant, is named for the waxy coating covering its star-shaped flowers and … Hoya Care Tips Featuring a Hoya heuschkeliana. Water to thoroughly wet the soil and then allow to drain. Hoya Linearis plant care and propagation also include growing the plant in a good pot. I knew that leaf cuttings don’t produce new plants but only a bunch of roots and I am curious if these stems with nodes and no leaves are going to grow roots inside a small container filled with water. This will promote and maintain humidity in the ziploc bag, giving it a greenhouse effect which will help speed up the growth of roots. ( Log Out /  I just wanted to provide a quick update to let anyone who finds this post know that transfer to soil was successful. Once the cutting has developed roots (you’ll be able to see the progress clearly in water, or if propagating in a pot gently remove the cutting from the pot and check its root system). I was so in love with this amazing method of reproduction. It is a very easy process. 112 “Hoya Care and Propagation” video below. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Use a cutting with 2 to 3 leaf nodes. The cool thing about propagating Hoya carnosa is that you will only need a few nodes to actually root your stem cuttings.. I’ve watched video accounts of and read about hoya water propagation online, but seeing it and experiencing it are two different things. (not sponsored, I purchased my Hoya Kerri from them last year and I am very happy with my plant, it’s the cheapest place to buy it online, and is the same plant I used in my Hoya Kerri propagation video). ... Propagation: Propagate via stem cuttings in water, sphagnum moss or soil. Perlite also cannot hold any moisture, so as long as you are not putting too much water in your perlite propagation, there’s little to no chance your hoya kerrii’s nodes and roots will be drowning in water as they develop. I am now potting it together with another cutting of Hoya australis ‘Lisa’. The propagation can stay in sphagnum moss until the roots are starting to grow out of the drainage holes. Typically, propagation of the Hoya plant is performed with stem cuttings or layering, as these tend to be the most successful options. When watering the rooted and planted cutting, be wary of … Hoya carnosa propagation is pretty straight forward. Propagation. My cat dropped a Hoya cutting that had been propagating for over a month now. To propagate in water, cut out a plant cutting of around 6 – 8 inches. Then water thoroughly and allow to drain. So if you want to propagate your hoya retusa, I recommend the stem tip cutting. If they are, it doesn’t need to be watered! While not in bloom, feed your plant every 2-4 weeks … Right now my new subject is a tiny little stem from my big Fiddle … Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Pothos Varieties and How to Correctly Identify Them, How to Successfully Transition your House Plants into the Cold Season, 7 REASONS FOR YELLOWING LEAVES IN OUR HOUSEPLANTS. Select a 2″ to 3″ section of vine that contains one or two leaves. After you have potted in good hoya potting mix, water it thoroughly. It can withstand a few days of neglect. Change ). Hence no flowering. Once I’ve removed leaves from one node, I will fill one of the glass propagation containers with water and add a drop or two of rooting hormone. How to Root a Hoya Carnosa Cutting. TIA for your thoughts, Hi Rachel – It’s hard to say without seeing it. Bury up to the bottom third of the leaf cutting to give the plant proper anchor as it grows roots. If you have the plants in terracotta pots you will have to water them a lot more frequently. Hoyas need at least 3 years of maturity before they are able to grow peduncles and flower, so the fact that this cutting has a peduncle means that it came from a healthy, mature plant. Place the stem in a glass or jar of water. Apr 27 , 2020. We then placed the vase on our kitchen window sill. Conclusion. See the pictures below. Propagating Hoya Plants . Remove the leaves from the lower node, dust the end with rooting hormone powder and bury in a good soiless mixture with 30-40% added perlite or pumice. I demonstrate hoya propagation in Ep. Hoya Linearis plant care and propagation also include growing the plant in a good pot. Help! Wax Plant Propagation. I myself have successfully propagated houseplants using this method, and I find roots develop faster compared to water propagation, and have an easier time transitioning propagations to regular potting soil. Learn all the critical care tips such as light, soil, pot size, and propagation. The cutting had roots but where very dry and shriveled up. Most common house plants can be propagated by water method. Add a larger percentage of cactus mix to the soil mix you make or water more frequently. The plant can grow in almost all types of pots. Propagation. Lynda says. I bought a 6 inch cutting of Hoya australis ‘Lisa’ from an ebay seller in Florida. To fertilize Hoya carnosa compacta, use a water-soluble houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength, once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). Pollination does not need to occur between male and female plants in order for it to multiply. by Colleen Coyle-Levy | Aug 30, 2019 | Houseplant Care, Plant Propagation. This tells me whether those leaves are still retaining water. Water your Hoya when the soil is dry on top. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Hoya multiflora – This one doesn’t like to dry out. Place in a sunny, light position, but shade from direct bright sun to avoid foliage scorch ; Water regularly and feed with half-strength high potash fertiliser every two weeks or so; Autumn and winter. bella (syn. But first, check if the potting soil is free from fungus gnats or any pathogens by sterilizing it with hot water. ( Log Out /  You can propagate it by water or soil and I will outline the process below: 1.pick a stem on your Hoya Retusa that you are going to cut. How to Propagate a Hoya Cutting in Water Now that the cutting has arrived, I am going to prepare it for propagation. If you are ready to share the love and propagate your hoya kerrii, here are three different methods you can try: The Ziploc or plastic bag method is probably the most popular method to propagate hoyas. I was under the impression that the roots would grow around the node itself. Water Requirement. Generally, Hoya are very easy to propagate. Pests Hoyas are fairly resistant to pests, but mealybugs can be found on leaves; and aphids can be commonly found near flowers, particularly hoyas that produce a lot of nectar, like Hoya kerrii, for instance. Hoya Propagation in Water You can easily root the Hoya in water too. There are actually multiple ways that you can root a Hoya cutting, water being one of the most common. *** I was requested to add links to the rooting hormone and propagation station so here they are! You can see that the newest leaves are still pink. At that time, transplant the cutting into a pot filled with any general-purpose commercial potting soil. The angle gives more surface area from … Fill a jar or container with water – perhaps halfway to the top. The ideal type of cutting for hoya propagation should have two or three nodes … If the leaves have become more pliable, I know its time for a good watering! Water propagation doesn’t always work for some Hoya species; even if roots do develop, you run the risk of transfer shock from water to soil. Hoya curtisii is a delightful smaller Hoya that is perfect for smaller spaces! I was so in love with this amazing method of reproduction. But at the same time, it contains and can hold nutrients that are beneficial for root development of plants like the hoya kerrii. If you choose water propagation, just place the cuttings and put nodes where you removed the leaves underwater. © A Natural Curiosity 2020 | All rights reserved, water propagation, which is where you put a section of the plant in a container of water for a length of time. Here are… I allow my Hoya kerrii soil to dry out completely, and then I give it a good soaking. A node is the place on the vine where the leaves emerge. Perlite is extremely light and will float, so make sure to pour water slowly and carefully to avoid overwatering and run off. Hoyas in general do not like to be repotted and actual are epiphytic plants, so if your hoya kerri shows no signs of in need of repotting, then it’s best to leave your hoya kerri in its current soil and pot. You do not need to open and check the bag everyday, only add water if the soil is looking dry but should be unnecessary if the bag is properly sealed. To propagate, the recommendation is to take at least a two-node cutting. This method takes a lot of space compared to others, but it is highly successful for Hoya propagation. The more I am watching this maybe-peduncle grow, the more I am becoming convinced that it is indeed a peduncle. They can remain dry for quite a while and it will not phase them. You can follow the same steps, except when you go to put the cutting in soil, you nix that step and place it in water instead. The upside is that you can actually see the roots forming and growing, which is pretty interesting. Terracotta’s good for Hoyas but you have to water more often. Conclusion. However, a new stem cutting can take many months to root. Click here! Hoya carnosa compacta is a slow grower and doesn’t need much fertilizer. Here is a picture of my rooted cutting looking beautiful in its pot! Using clean, sharp pruning shears, cut at an angle to remove a section off the tip of one of the plant’s vines that includes at least one pair of leaves. Change the water once a week to keep the water fresh. To see … It is a very easy process. Hoya prefers to propagate by stem tip cutting not leaf propagation. 3. The best method is by stem cuttings that have at least two heart-shaped leaves on it. To propagate with root cuttings, you simply need to cut a small section of roots out during the dormant period. And, perhaps it needs more light. Hoya Carnosas are easily propagated from stem cuttings, and … The rope hoya, also known as a Hindu rope plant, is a popular hanging house plant. To propagate Hoya Kerrii using passive hydroponics, fill up your potting container – preferably also a clear container so you can check for water level and root growth easily – with perlite. Propagating Hoya Plants . However, to maintain the foliage you need to follow the proper watering schedule. you can propagate your hoya in water or soil. Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback! An estimated frequency is to water about twice or thrice in summer. Hoya Retusa is super easy to propagate. Water your Hoya when the soil mix feels almost completely dry. What you will need is a ziploc bad filled with indoor potting soil a third of the way. Water it until the water runs out of the bottom, then dump out the excess water. I go down stem 3-7 nodes on the stem & make a cut at an angle. They don’t have to be properly planted, as long as the stem and the bottom third of the leaf cutting is covered in soil. Especially on Valentine’s Day, the Sweetheart Hoya is at least as suitable as the classic red rose (pink). Perlite is a sterile material that allows plenty of airflow. To propagate from a stem cutting, choose a softwood stem on the mother plant and cut it off with a sharp, clean tool at an angle. The stem cuttings can be propagated both directly into soil or also in water.. Another way to propagate your Hoya carnosa … Besides just because it is fun and exciting to grow your own houseplants from a single stem or leaf, there are more reasons to propagate your plants . Using hot water will ensure there’s no fungus gnat eggs or any pathogens in them, just let it has cool down before squeezing out the water from the sphagnum moss. Dab a bit of honey or cinnamon on the cut ends to discourage bacteria. ( Log Out /  This can include both water and soil propagation. ( Log Out /  I made an impulse buy that I am hoping will go well! Make sure that the nodes are submerged in water (the leaves, on the other hand, should not get in contact with the water!) Sphagnum moss is a popular medium for propagating houseplants, especially for growers. Leave the pot in moderate sunlight and water as needed until new growth appears, which indicates that the hoya rope cutting has rooted. These “single leaf” Hoya kerrii are just that, a leaf. Home / Blog / Hoya Care Tips Featuring a Hoya heuschkeliana. Hoya carnosa variegata ‘Tricolor’ Water. I share my plant journey and quest to reconnect with nature through my houseplants, share my tips and ideas for indoor and outdoor gardening. Water propagation is the easiest way to propagate your plants, and seeing the roots grow gives you a stunning view of nature doing its work. This reduces root rot. This cutting is a true cutting, meaning there is no root. A Hoya Kerrii propagation needs a stem with its cutting to be able to grow new stems and leaves. How to Propagate Hoya … Once they have developed a root system that is a few inches long, you can pot up the cutting. After that, you can water as normal!For hoyas, you will want to use a very well-draining soil as almost all hoyas are very succulent in nature, meaning that they retain a lot of water in their thick leaves and do not like to sit in wet soil. The usual method of Hoya’s propagation is undoubtedly through stem cuttings. And that is everything about hoya retusa Care. Remove the leaves from the lower node, dust the end with rooting hormone powder and bury in a good soiless mixture with 30-40% added perlite or pumice. The most commonly grown are Hoya carnosa and Hoya lanceolata ssp. The plant owns a prominent drought tolerance. I also have easy plant based recipes and talk about topics related to sustainable lifestyle, including sustainable fashion, eco-home product reviews, and DIY projects. Generally, Hoya are very easy to propagate. Take a plastic container or tray and fill it with perlite up to 1 inch. Let the soil drain and cool down afterwards, and then make sure it is moist without being overly saturated before putting it in the ziploc bag. 4 Ways to Propagate Hoyas: I love Hoyas and know this for sure: if I have 1 of them, then I want more. Hoyas are a delightful and super easy to grow group of plants, and Hoya curtisii is no exception! The soil it was in was dry too. Pests Hoyas are fairly resistant to pests, but mealybugs can be found on leaves; and aphids can be commonly found near flowers, particularly hoyas that produce a lot of nectar, like Hoya … Click on the pictures to take you directly to the Amazon listings. Even though I spray every other day with a water bottle .What should I do? I personally don't propagate my cuttings in water, and I will explain why a bit later. Here are… I will also replace the water entirely if it becomes murky. To propagate the Hoya plant commonly known as wax flower we placed semi-hardwood cuttings in a small vase of water. Once they take root, potted hoya cuttings thrive in indirect sunlight. Keep it in … You need to water the plant when the upper 2 inches of the soil gets dry. Dab a bit of honey or cinnamon on the cut ends to discourage bacteria. Are borne on tender, wirey, new growth, one must take of. % dry between consecutive watering May 23, 2019 with results of choice propagation! Let anyone who finds this post know that Hoyas are epiphytic plants window sill if your plant. Fiddle leaf Fig one set of node your sweetheart Hoya is at least suitable... Out / Change ), propagation of the bag generously and then allow to drain Aug 30, with! 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