Viburnum tinus 'Spirit' (Laurustinus 'Spirit') will reach a height of 2m and a spread of 2m after 5-10 years. Il fleurit en décembre et sa fructification s'étale d'avril à novembre. Viburnum tinus 'Laurustinus'. Laurustinus will tolerate slightly alkaline to acidic soils, and will survive in poorer soils. Depending on the cultivar, flowers can be white, pink, or pinkish-white. Les bourgeons des fleurs fermées sont de couleur rose-rouge et les fleurs sont blanches qu’ils ouvrent. Panier 0. Smaller, darker green leaves than Viburnum tinus. 2 m, feuille coriace, ovale-lancéolée 10 cm, vert sombre lustré, bouton rose, fleur blanche en cyme de 11 à 4, sol ordinaire, calcaire, isolé, haie. Excellent as a smaller hedge to around 1.5 – 2m in height as it is slower growing than others. Has a mounded upright growth habit maturing at … Viburnums are grown for ornamental flowers, autumn colour and clusters of bright berries, varying in colour from blue, red or black. : AR36412. Height: 10-12 ft. (3-3.6 m) Spacing: 10-12 ft. (3-3.6 m) ... Spring Bouquet does get larger but I am told Spirit is more compact. Soil should be moist with good drainage. Plant SKU Size. They bloom in late winter through to spring, carry blue fruits throughout the spring, and have attractive evergreen leaves all year long. Diseases include leaf spot, mildew, and root rot. Eating the fruits can cause mild-upset of the stomach. Prévoir un pot de diamètre suffisant percé au fond. With six whole months worth of flowers, you cannot afford to miss out on Viburnum tinus 'Spirit'! Height and Spread of Viburnum Tinus Spirit More dense and compact than its close relatives, Laurustinus Spirit can achieve a maximum size of 2 metres, both high and across. It’s a popular choice for hedging. La feuille brille plus que l’existant tinus. Size. Growing several in the same area will encourage a good display of berries. Perhaps with a little more to offer than the regular Viburnum Tinus or the form Eve Price. Finding a more diversified genus than Viburnum would be hard, if not impossible. Very promising for a good Winter display of flowers. The flowers are excellent as cut flowers and long lasting in a vase. Spirit® porte des baies violets foncés. Pink buds open to white flowers. Viburnum tinus (Laurier tin) est l’une de ces espèces, originaire d'Europe. Trier par nom Trier - cher au + cher Trier par notes des utilisateurs Trier par stock. This thick, globular evergreen shrub has a bushy habit and bears blue-black fruits after flowering above a backdrop of deep green foliage. are pruned to 14-16" tall and root pruned one last time. Latin name. Viburnum Tinus Hedges. Dense, compact growth habit makes this a favorite choice for small hedges, screens or foundation plantings. Height at Maturity: 1.5 to 3 m Spread at Maturity: 1.5 to 3 meters Time to Ultimate Height: 5 to 10 Years. Viburnum tinus Spirit deep plug 8 to 12 inches tall. Laurustinus viburnum is one of the short viburnum species, and even unpruned specimens rarely exceed 12 feet in height. Nom : Viburnum tinus Famille : Adoxacées Type : Arbuste, laurier Hauteur : 2 à 3 m Exposition : Ensoleillée à ombre Sol : Assez riche Feuillage : Persistant – Floraison : Novembre à mars. Time to ultimate height 10-20 years VIBURNUM TINUS. Growth rate of Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' This evergreen Viburnum tinus is fast-growing hedge plant when young and can achieve approximately 40-60cm of growth per annual. Winter berries also. Laurustinus flowers by Corrie Barklimore. Evergreen shrub, 6-12 ft (1.8-3.7 m), upright, rounded. hirsutum Persistant baies: Viburnum tinus 'Vivon' Persistant baies: Viburnum tinus 'Sophie' Persistant baies: Viburnum tinus f. hirtum Persistant Its spread is usually around 80 inches (2 m) but can reach 120 inches (3 m). Planter votre Viburnum tinus dans du terreau, idéalement spécial plantation ou horticole. No reported toxicity to Viburnum tinus Plant - Spirit An evergreen upright shrub with all year interest. Grows well in zones 7–9, but can be susceptible to cold damage. Viburnum tinus 'Spirit' (Laurustinus 'Spirit') will reach a height of 2m and a spread of 2m after 5-10 years. Height 150-200cm. Viburnum tinus cv Variegatum by Leonora Enking. V. tinus ‘Variegatum’ – Variegated foliage as the name suggests, not widely offered in Australia. Floraison de janvier à avril. Viburnum 'Spirit' has no toxic effects reported. The dwarfed height is one of the key features that makes growing laurustinus shrubs popular. Cutting grown. Family Adoxaceae . Flowers January-March. R. -15°. People. Viburnum tinus ‘Spirit’ bears clusters of pink buds which open to lightly scented white flowers from November to May, followed by blue-black fruits. An evergreen upright shrub with all year interest. Smaller, darker green leaves than Viburnum tinus. Elle est cultivée comme plante ornementale pour son feuillage persistant et sa floraison hivernale, en particulier dans les haies, et est souvent cultivée en pots et conduite en haute tige sous forme de boule arrondie. North facing, east facing, south facing, west facing . VIBURNUM tinus ROYAL BABY ‘Bridixhuit’ (BG9) ↕ 1 m ↔ 1 m. Port très compact, feuilles étroites ressemblant à du Ciste. Ultimate height 2.5-4 metres. Performs well in full sunlight and partial shade; can grow in shaded areas. With six whole months worth of flowers, you cannot afford to miss out on Viburnum tinus 'Spirit'! Viburnum tinus 'Spirit' is a dense, rounded, bushy, evergreen shrub which boasts clusters of pink buds which open to lightly scented white flowers from November right up until May – that's six whole months worth of flowers. Care Advice for Evergreen Viburnum tinus. 16 units in stock. Flower and leaves. Spirit® fleurs plus longue que les autres Viburnum tinus. Space plants at 36 to 60 inches (90 – 150 cm). #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } Supplied in a 3 litre Viburnum tinus spirit is a lovely Hardy Evergreen Shrub giving winter colour from November until early spring with its white flower / pink in bud. Viburnum tinus is one of the very few plants that doesn’t appear to struggle badly on a 40-plus degree day (also in Adelaide). Height to 2 metres. Après l'hiver, des fruits bleus font leur apparition jusqu'à la prochaine floraison. Full sun or partial shade. Although they prefer a moist soil, Viburnum tinus is a moderately drought tolerant plant (light watering in prolonged dry periods will lead to better blooms). Ideal for hedging. Viburnum tinus 'Pyramidale' Persistant baies: Viburnum tinus 'Rotundifolium' Persistant: Viburnum tinus 'Spirit ®' Persistant baies: Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet' Persistant baies: Viburnum tinus var. Care Advice for Evergreen Viburnum tinus. 5038057009610. Dark blue-black fruits then follow. Beautiful evergreen shrub with lightly fragrant pinkish-white flowers in spring followed by dark blue-black fruit. Care Articles For This Plant. Soyez le premier à donner votre avis !, € * Au lieu de € Eco-part Dont écotaxe : € Réf. EAN code. Viburnum tinus is easy to grow - it can grow in partial or even full shade, but natural sunlight is best to allow it to flower. The Proper Planting Depth For Perennials, Shrubs, and Trees How Your Plants Are Packaged And Shipped Washed Root vs. Bare Root. Viburnum tinus hedging is ideal for the desired height of up to 3m. Appréciant les sols très draiants et supportant bien la taille, il est bien adapté à la culture en grand pot . Viburnum Tinus Quimper est une variété au feuillage vert et persistant, à la forme arrondie et qui peut atteindre jusqu'à 400 cm, une fois adulte. Advertisement. In general, a viburnum plant will grow anywhere from 1 foot to more than 2 feet in a year. Livraison en Europe Qualité garantie Noté: 4,9 / 5 Some cultivars, like Laurustinus Spring Bouquet, are much shorter. The flowers are excellent as cut flowers and long lasting in a vase. Le Laurier Tin, également nommé viorne ou Viburnum tinus est un arbuste de haie au feuillage persistant. You may also enjoy the following low maintenace Gardener's HQ growing guides: How to grow Peony and Kalanchoe blossfeldiana plants. Soil type Deciduous. To propagate, take cuttings in summer. North facing, east facing, south facing, west facing. Viburnum tinus ‘Spirit ’: le champion toute catégorie de la durée de floraison: elle s’installe d’Octobre à Mai pour offrir au jardin une luminosité qui fait bien souvent défaut durant l’hiver. Viburnum tinus is an evergreen shrub that is easy to grow and adds interest to the garden all year round. Previously viburnums were included in the plant family Caprifoliaceae; however, recently they have been moved into the family Adoxaceae, along with elderberries (Sambucusspecies). 18-21" HT. How Hardy Is Viburnum Tinus Viburnum Tinus is a hardy shrub in most of the UK. Grow Viburnum tinus ‘Spirit’ in moist but well-drained soil in an open position. Height: 200cm Spread: 200cm ... 'Spirit' flowers over a long period from late winter to spring. These are small (< 0.5 inches (1.2 cm) and oval. Its spread is usually around 80 inches (2 m) but can reach 120 inches (3 m). Ideally, soil should be humus rich, fairly fertile and , nematode-free. Full sun. Suggested uses. My own trouble with hedges is that I can’t bear to prune them if they are flowering. Whips are a single stem tree, sometimes with light branching, that will grow into an upright tree form. /* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. Livestock, No reported toxicity to Only prune to tidy-up plants (remove crossed, mis-directed, and congested shoots) and remove any diseased or damaged parts. Dense, compact growth habit makes this a favorite choice for small hedges, screens or foundation plantings. They appear as opposite pairs, and typically last for two to three years. This thick, globular evergreen shrub has a bushy habit and bears blue-black fruits after flowering above a backdrop of deep green foliage. 16 units in stock. Viburnum tinus hedge plants are easy to maintain. Laurus signifies the leaves' similarities to bay laurel Description. VIBURNUM tinus 'Spirit' Price ... Full sun or partial shade. Viburnum tinus ‘Lisa Rosa’ PP#22,816: Common Name: Viburnum Shades of Pink: Zone: 7-9: Height Average: 4-5′ Spread Average: 4-5′ Habit: Mounded upright: Culture: Sun to part sun: Foliage: Green leaves on attractive reddish stems: Flower: Reddish buds form in clusters in the fall which open to clusters of white flowers in April: Comments: The dark green foliage sets off the clusters of pink buds that open to snowy-white flowers, followed by dark blue fruits in the autumn. USE FOR : Suited to formal and cottage style gardens.Ideal for low hedging, borders and pots. Le problème est assez fréquent : le laurier-tin présente des feuilles mouchetées, piquées, dépigmentées, qui se décolorent progressivement.L’ensemble du feuillage peut être affecté, les feuilles attaquées font même grise mine avant de se sécher et de devenir entièrement marron.. Sur le revers, de minuscules insectes, très discrets et peu mobiles. Commandez Viburnum tinus LISSPURP (T17 cm H45 cm) en ligne chez FlorAccess. EAN code. Genus Viburnum can be deciduous or evergreen shrubs with opposite, simple or palmately lobed leaves and clusters of small, often fragrant white or pink flowers, followed by red, blue or black berries . Laurustinus flowers by Corrie Barklimore. Livraison en Europe Qualité garantie Noté: 4,9 / 5 VIBURNUM tinus 'Spirit… Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' En stock À partir de 14,90 € Etalé bas; Taille adulte : 3m x 4m; Saison floraison : Printemps; Exposition : Soleil,Mi-ombre; Feuillage : Caduc; Rusticité : Rustique (T° mini : -15°) Humidité sol : Frais; Voir le produit. Prévoir un arrosage régulier, surtout en été. It will take at least ten years (often up to 20) for plants to gain their full heights. Cutting grown. APPEARANCE : Evergreen shrub with rich green, soft, slightly fuzzy foliage; clusters of pink flower buds appear late winter opening to pure white in spring.Flowers are followed by metallic dark blue berries. How Long Will It Take My Viburnum to Grow?. Viburnums are versatile in the landscape and many works well when planted to form a viburnum hedge or screen. Viburnum tinus is easy to grow - it can grow in partial or even full shade, but natural sunlight is best to allow it to flower. Zone USDA 7b(-15°C) Janvier Feuilles Compact Plantes. Growing approximately 45cm per year when young, the growth of Viburnum tinus does start to slow down as it matures, but it can reach up to 4m in height. Le laurier tin (Viburnum tinus) est un arbuste dont les fleurs blanches sont présentes en abondance et le recouvrent. Viburnum tinus is a dense, evergreen shrub with dark and oval, glossy leaves, which contrast beautifully with fragrant pinkish-white flowers, followed by dark black fruit. There are many types of viburnum which are also known as Laurustinus, but Tinus is one of the prettiest. Viburnum tinus is a dense, evergreen shrub with dark and oval, glossy leaves, which contrast beautifully with fragrant pinkish-white flowers, followed by dark black fruit. Growing well in part shade to full sun this Viburnum also does well in coastal conditions. Moderate, upright grower to 4 to 6 feet tall and wide. Plant 3 or 4 feet apart for a dense screen. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. Plants can also withstand salt-spray, making them ideal for coastal areas. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Viburnum, Laurustinus (Viburnum tinus) 'Spirit' supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFiles database at Dave's Garden. Viburnum tinus (laurustinus or laurustine) is a species of flowering plant in the family Adoxaceae, native to the Mediterranean area of Europe and North Africa. The following Viburnum Shrub video provides fantastic advice on growing and caring for these handy garden shrubs. Subscribe to BBC Gardeners' World Magazine and receive 3 issues for only £5. Shiny dark green leaves are evergreen and similar in shape to those of bay laurel (ovate–elliptic; 1.5 to 4 inches long (4–10cm) × by 2/3 to 1 1/2 inches (2–4cm) wide. The leaves are evergreen, persisting 2–3 years, ovate to elliptic, borne in opposite pairs, 4–10 cm long and 2–4 cm broad, with an entire margin. Viburnum tinus ‘Spirit’ produces clumps of pink buds which open to reveal softly fragranced white flowers in November and continue all the way through until May, adding much-needed winter colour to your garden. There exist many varieties of viburnums and they vary in their height, Grow Viburnum tinus ‘Spirit’ in moist but well-drained soil in an open position. Many species of Viburnum are frequently grown in the garden, including Viburnum opulus (Guelder rose), Viburnum plicatum (Japanese snowball), Viburnum lantana (Wayfaring Tree), and Viburnum lentago (Nannyberry / Sweet Viburnum). Leaves opposite, simple, narrowly ovate to oblong, 4-10 cm long, entire, lustrous dark green above, paler beneath, line on stem connecting petioles. Pour les professionnels. Accommodant, il tolère tout type de sol et d'exposition. Pests include Viburnum beetle and whitefly, Aphids, Scale insects, and tortrix moths. Can be grown in sheltered or exposed areas. Ultimate spread 2.5-4 metres. Height 150-200cm. ADD TO CART: $7.50: Order soon, only 10 left! Short description An evergreen, compact shrub with dense, dark-green foliage.Tiny pink flower buds opening to star-shaped, white flowers from late winter to spring followed by small blue-black fruits. Growing approximately 45cm per year when young, the growth of Viburnum tinus does start to slow down as it matures, but it can reach up to 4m in height. Plug plants are one season old seedlings or cuttings, typically grown in 72 cell trays. An evergreen upright shrub with all year interest. From the team at Gardeners' World Magazine. Floraison de janvier à avril. Viburnum 'Spirit' has no particular known value to wildlife in the UK. How Hardy Is Viburnum Tinus Spirit Laurustinus Spirit is fully hardy in the United Kingdom. GardenersHQ © 2005-2020 Dean Ravenscroft / Thank you for visiting my gardening site; 2020 - 12 - 23 : Privacy Policy. The individual florets grow in clusters usually found at the ends … I had a lovely old hedge of lavender (dentata) which flowered almost constantly. … Commonly grown cultivars include Eve Price, and Gwenllian (both pink and white flowers); Variegatum (varigated; white flowers); Bewley's Variegated (cream-edge to the leaves; 60 inches (1.5 m) tall); Viburnum Spring Bouquet (smaller commonly grown variety; Robustum (rounder leaves of about 4 inches (10 cm), pink flowers) and French White (white flowers, up to 120 inches (3 m). To propagate, take cuttings in summer. Boutons de fleurs rouge pourpré, s'ouvrant blanc pour devenir roses de novembre à mars. Available for Kindle (MOBI), iPad (ePub) and as a PDF. Reaching 3 -4 … Shrubs (Weigela, Hydrangea, Viburnum, etc.) Try this evergreen viburnum in a formal hedge or screen. Viburnum Tinus, Oderatissimum; Leaf: New: Green to Lime Green: Old: Green to Lime Green: Size: O'mum: Large Tinus: Medium - Large: Problems: None: Flower: Colour: White: Size: Small: Fragrant: O more so than T: Time of Year: Spring: Ageing: Pretty Good: Size: Height: O'mum: 2 -4m Tinus can be kept to 1.5m: Width: 1-2m: Rate: Medium to Fast per above Of course, compact varieties grow at a slower rate than their taller counterparts. VIBURNUM tinus 'Spirit' Price £ 47. The Viburnum Tinus Spirit is a fully hardy evergreen shrub. see more; Synonyms Viburnum laurustinus. Birds, No reported toxicity to Position in border. 50. Viburnum tinus 'Lisarose' PP22816 Bright pink buds open to blush pink flowers blooming in spring against shiny dark green leaves. Stock. Lauristinus although beautiful is a very hardy plant surviving through most conditions as long as the soil is fairly reasonable but moist and well drained. Beautiful evergreen shrub with lightly fragrant pinkish-white flowers in spring followed by dark blue-black fruit. Ideal for hedging. Suggested uses. Bonne tolérance aux vents de mer. Viburnum tinus hedge plants are easy to maintain. Plantation du laurier-tin. Spring Bouquet Viburnum will grow to be about 6 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 3 feet. Dark green foliage. Height & Spread: 2m (7'). Viburnum tinus var. Viburnum Tinus Varieties. Horses, No reported toxicity to Tout voir Amazon Kelkoo. Viburnums range in height from 2 feet to 30 feet. Laurier tin 'Spirit' Arbuste persistant au feuillage vert brillant et aux rameaux pourprées ce qui fait l'originalité de cette variété. Hauteur livrée 40-60 cm. Foliage – evergreen For an airier hedge, increase the distance between shrubs to 75% of their mature spread. Pour les professionnels. Banks and Slopes, Beds and borders, City, Coastal, Cottage/Informal, Drought Tolerant, Foliage only, Hedging/Screens, Low Maintenance, Roof terrace. Specifications Description. À l’automne/ hiver Spirit® porte des baies et fleurs en même temps. Dense, bushy evergreen with mid to dark green glossy leaves. If you enjoy the information on this site, then you'll love my book: The Gardener's HQ Plant Growing Guide. Grow Viburnum tinus in moist but well-drained soils in full sun to partial shade. Establishes quickly in new gardens. Height to 2 metres. Pruning of Viburnum tinus is performed towards the end of winter or start of spring. I hope that you enjoyed this guide on Viburnum tinus plants. The Spring Bouquet Viburnum is great in mixed beds with gardenias or azaleas. Viburnum tinus Dans votre colis : Pot de 4 litres. It’s a popular choice for hedging but may also be grown as a specimen shrub in a mixed border. The pictures above and below were taken in mid September. Smaller foliage also makes for a neater hedge after pruning. Il en existe des variétés à feuilles panachées. Then if that wasn't enough, blue-black fruits start to … Flowers January-March. Viburnum tinus is an evergreen shrub that usually ranges in height from 72 to 144 inches (1.8–3.7 m), but can reach heights of 275 inches (7 m). At best4hedging, we recommend cutting back the longest shoots. It is a shrub (rarely a small tree) reaching 2–7 m (7–23 ft) tall and 3 m (10 ft) broad, with a dense, rounded crown. Son port est dense et érigé, son bois est rouge. Tout sol bien drainé, soleil. Aspect. Overview Viburnum is an evergreen shrub with opposite, simple or palmately lobed leaves and clusters of small, often fragrant white or pink flowers, followed by red, blue or black berries. */. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. 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