Ver. The person of Jesus is the temple of the Godhead, and therein we behold the glory of the Father, "full of grace and truth." Ver. The answer: prompt, divine, effectual, certain. —Thomas Chalmers. Thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in. 4. —E.W. He looks forward with comfort, in hopes, 1. But not only do men attack the lovingkindness of God, but the truth of God is at this time assailed on all sides; some doubt the truth of the inspired record as to its histories, others challenge the doctrines, many sneer at the prophecies; in fact, the infallible word of the Lord is at this time treated as if it were the writing of impostors, and only worthy to be carped at. 3. Faith in divine purpose no hindrance to prayer, but rather an encouragement in it: "The Lord will perfect." The Psalm is evidently of a Davidic character, exhibiting all the fidelity, courage, and decision of that King of Israel and Prince of Psalmists. Psalms 138:5. —William Gurnall. None find such quick despatch at the throne of grace as suffering saints. What praise! Oh, how fully I am persuaded that a line of praises is worth a leaf of prayer, and an hour of praises is worth a day of fasting and mourning! If the burden was not removed, yet strength was given wherewith to bear it, and this is an equally effective method of help. We relieve the poor as their need increaseth; so Christ comforts his people as their troubles multiply. Ver. Thanks! The praise deserved by such grace. Before the gods. As a fountain, from whence all his blessings emanate. This glory shall overshadow all the greatness and glory of all kings: they shall be stirred by a sight of it to obey and adore. 8. We have here God's transcendent greatness; he is the high Lord, or Jehovah: he is "the high and lofty One, who inhabits eternity, and who dwells in the high and lofty place, to which no man can approach." These are but the fringes of th… Therefore do we praise him with our, whole heart, even in the presence of those who depart from his Holy Word, and, set up another God and another gospel; which are not another, but there be some that trouble us. Psalms 138:6-7. These eight Psalms are the devout Israelite's Manual of private prayer and praise. 1. The idol gods had their temples; but David averts his glance from them, and looks earnestly to the spot chosen of the Lord for his own sanctuary. a) Lovingkindness in its universality, in its speciality. When I called, you answered me; you greatly emboldened me. Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the LORD. Psalms 19:1; Psalms 19:3-4. Ver. Ver. They who walk in the ways of the Lord will glorify him, and he will be glorified in them. That part of an army which is upon action in the field is sure to have their pay, if their masters have any money in their purse, or care of them; yea, sometimes when their fellows left in their quarters are made to wait. The LXX., Vulgate, Ethiopic, and Arabic translate angels. The LORD is good to all, And His tender mercies are over all His works. Thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. The swine are trampling on the pearls at this time, and nothing restrains them; nevertheless, the pearls are pearls still, and shall yet shine about our Monarch's brow. They who know God will praise him, however exalted they may be amongst men: "All the kings, "etc. I answer, it is a work of the Spirit of God, enabling a man to do and suffer what God would have him without fainting or backsliding. A Psalm of David.Some believe that the Chief Musician is the Lord GOD Himself, and others suppose him to be a leader of choirs or musicians in David’s time, such as Heman the singer or Asaph (1 Chronicles 6:33, 16:5-7, and 25:6). Study the bible online using commentary on Psalm 138 and more! God, as the Heavenly Father, takes an interest in everything about his people; he takes this interest in matters which they think beneath his notice, or of which they, from their ignorance, do not know the importance. —Andrew Robert Fausset. Let us the more constantly proclaim it. This might lead us to sadness and despair, but the Lord worketh in us for other ends. The benefit which could afford such a demonstration, and give occasion and ground for raillery, must have been a surpassingly great one. His Sabbath is the Sabbath of an achieved purpose, of a fulfilled counsel. Psalm 137 – The Mournful Song of the Exiles. This psalm came out of David’s anguish over his sin. 3. b) That he will not leave his own work in me undone. Ver. The Hallelujah Legion will win the day. To have a crown on earth, and a crown above, is a rare thing; but David says that these kings “shall sing in the ways of Jehovah: for great is the glory of Jehovah;” and they shall be overpowered by that glory,— melted, subdued, wooed, won, converted by its power. 2. 3. In his providential dealings, also, is much of his wisdom and goodness exhibited. He would not submit to act as one under restraint, because of the opinions of others; but in the presence of the opponents of the living God he would be as hearty in worship as if all were friends and would cheerfully unite with him. : For Jahve is exalted and he seeth the lowly, and the proud he knoweth from afar. If this glass be cracked, then the conceptions we have of God will misrepresent him unto us; whereas the word, in its native clearness, sets him out in all his glory unto our eye. The Treasury of David by Charles Spurgeon is a Bible commentary on the book of Psalms chapters. The refrain of the former Psalm is in his ears, and he repeats it as his own personal conviction and consolation. —Charles Simeon, in Horae Homileticae. Reverence the honoured word. 2. I will praise thee. --Franz Delitzsch. Psalms 138:8. It is beyond all revelation by creation and providence, for it is—. He but speaks the confidence which should strengthen every heart that rests on God. The Lord had ordained a centre of unity, a place of sacrifice, a house of his indwelling; and David accepted the way of worship enjoined by revelation. The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me. This is a dark sentence at the first view, but as a judicious expositor upon the place well observes, the words may be thus read, and will better agree with the Hebrew; "thou hast magnified thy name above all things, in thy word", that is, in fulfilling thy word thou hast magnified thy name above all things, in that thou hast fulfilled thy word. Look over the face of the globe, and see how many, who were once under the unrestrained dominion of sin, are now transformed into the image of their God. He is in a blessed condition who can confidently use the language of David, — "thou wilt revive me." They are low in their own esteem, and he makes them high in his esteem. For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive, Thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine. The Christian stays not till he comes to heaven for all his comfort. Psalm 138’s distinctive emphasis on kings offering praise may mean that this psalm was composed by or for a king or governor. It is righteous, and may be relied upon for the present; it is faithful, and may be trusted in for the future. 1615: "Singing in the Ways of the Lord.". 3. 2. Condescension of thought marks all the dealings of God with his people. We are told that Christ was "meek and lowly"; "he did not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the streets"; though he was "the brightness of his Father's glory", yet he was content to appear "in the form of a servant"; though he was rich, yet he was content to become poor, that we through his poverty might be rich. These things, if learned at all, must be learned from revelation, and these are of more importance to man as a traveller to another world than all the learning which can be acquired in the schools of philosophy—valuable as that learning is. The work remains in print today in several editions. If there be anything good in us, it is the work Of God's own hands: will he leave it? True believers hear the thunders of his justice, and yet they do not doubt his lovingkindness. He shall not make his boast of God in vain: he shall be kept alive, and made more alive than ever. He is "high" above the heavens; for "the heaven, yea, the heaven of heavens cannot contain him"; and he "humbleth himself" when "he beholds things that are in heaven." Then is our soul strong indeed when the Lord infuses might into us. Our heavenly Father is able to interpret tears, and cries, and he replies to their inner sense in such a way as fully meets the case. Thy holy temple. Ver. ", Ver. God has a greater regard unto the words of his mouth, than to the works of his hand: heaven and earth shall pass away, but one jot or tittle of what he hath spoken shall never fall to the ground. 3. 7. The Story of Psalm 138. His everlasting mercy. The Vulgate hath, in conspectu angelorum, "before the angels"; their presence should awe men and women, and keep them from all dishonesty, evil words, acts, gestures, secret grudging, all discontents and distempers. But the proud he knoweth afar off. 2. He will have a desire to the work of his hands, for he knows it has cost him already, and he will not throw away a vessel upon which he has expended so much of labour and skill. so that, if God has revealed his truth to your soul, and given you faith to anchor in the world of promise, sooner than that should fail, he would suffer the loss of all; for he has magnified his word above all his name. In the midst of trouble thou wilt revive me. Whole Psalm. That others would go on to praise God like him . Ver. 8. 5. 2. Study Psalm 136 using Charles H. Spurgeon’s Treasury of David to better understand Scripture with full outline and verse meaning. Oh, that it were come! c) They sing as they proceed in service, in worship, in holiness, in suffering. For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. But mightier far is the word by which a lost world is redeemed. Read Psalm 138 commentary using The Treasury of David. Singing to the self. Well may the servant do his work cheerfully when his master is so careful of him as with his own hands to bring him his breakfast into the fields. 4. This is spoken of kings, but it is true of the humblest pilgrims. Ver. Note the combination. 231 and 1506: "Faith in Perfection", and, "Choice Comfort for a Young Believer.". 2. II. They reverence him, and he respects them. Of God's will we know nothing, but from the word: "we know neither good nor evil from all that is before us." When God revives us, trouble will never harm us. And in proof of the same comes, finally, the near relationship in which it stands with the other Psalms of David, especially those which likewise refer to the promise of the everlasting kingdom; and with David's thanksgiving in 2 Samuel 7:1-29, the conclusion of which remarkably agrees with the conclusion of our Psalm: "And now, Lord God, the word which thou hast spoken upon thy servant and upon his house, that fulfil even to eternity, and do as thou hast spoken." c) As a preparation to eternally honouring him. This is a psalm of transi But David declares that God had heard him in the day of his trouble, and strengthened him with strength in his soul. Psalms 138 Commentary, this commentary is from the most widely read and often quoted preacher in history, Charles Haddon Spurgeon Then, set the Lord Jesus Christ before your eyes, that you may worship God and draw near to the footstool of mercy through him, that you may offer an acceptable sacrifice, and praise his name for his lovingkindness and for his truth. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but the divine word will not pass away, and in this respect especially it has a preeminence over every other form of manifestation. 2. Psalms 138:3. The psalms attribute a total of 73 psalms to David (3-9; 11-41, 51-65, 68-70; 86; 101; 103; 108-110; 122; 124; 131; 133; 138-145). Our hope for the final perseverance of the believer lies in the final perseverance of believer's God. They have strength, safety, guidance, provision, comfort. The LORD will perfect, etc. Thou strengthenedst me with strength in my soul. Ver. One who was a scoffer met a humble child of God one morning, and he said to him, “Tell me, is your God a great God or a little God,” and the poor man said, “Sir, he is both, for, though he is so great that the heaven of heavens cannot contain him, yet he makes himself so little that he condescends to dwell in my poor heart.” Ah, it was sweetly said. Now, the humble soul, being the image of Christ, who is the express image of his Father, God cannot but have a regard unto him. Well might he glory before the idols and their worshippers when he had answers to prayer to look back upon. c) By exhibiting the strength in soul which was given in answer to prayer. 3. 6. A pure influx into the mind of an apostle is no sufficient guarantee for the instruction of the world, unless there be a pure afflux also; for not the doctrine that has flowed in, but the doctrine that has flowed out, is truly all that we have to do with. A little piety goes a long way in courts; but brighter days are coming, in which rulers will become hearers and worshippers: may the advent of such happy times be hastened. —Thomas Watson. Psalms 138:6. All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O LORD, when they hear the words of thy mouth. In such extremities we usually go with the messenger that comes for us; and so doth God with the prayer. For this worship and praise are for ever due! Psalms 138:6. They know whence they came out. A wide subject "That which concerneth me." Praising and singing are our armour against the idolatries of heresy, our comfort under the depression caused by insolent attacks upon the truth, and our weapons for defending the gospel. They interfere not with their progress. When we can praise God with our whole heart, we need not be unwilling for the whole world to witness our gratitude and joy in him... View the entire commentary. So as to the three youths in the fiery furnace, their persecutor, Nebuchadnezzar, said, "Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God." Ver. They make a fair show, but he sees that it is all a fable and pretence. This Psalm has manifold points of contact with its predecessor. This is the fact which would revive fainting David. These eight Psalms are the devout Israelite's Manual of private prayer and praise. 3. 2. —James Nalton, 1664. See 2 Corinthians 12:8-9. All my interests are safe in Jehovah's hands. The sweet singer rehearses his assurance of salvation, and sings of it in the ears of the Lord, addressing him with this confident language. Ver. Ver. The state of the Heathen world clearly attests this; for they behold the wonders of Creation and Providence, as well as we: "There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. His mind is so taken up with God that he does not mention his name: to him there is no other God, and Jehovah is so perfectly realized and so intimately known, that the Psalmist, in addressing him, no more thinks of mentioning his name than we should do if we were speaking to a father or a friend. There, as it is well expressed, "Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other": Psalms 85:10. If this Psalm refers to the promise in 2 Samuel 7:1-29, there can be no doubt of the correctness of the superscription, which ascribes it to David. Ver. Whole Psalm. Ver. God bids us serve him, and he will enable us to serve him, Ezekiel 36:27 : "I will cause you to walk in my statutes." Several commentators mention that it was fittingly placed next to Psalm 137, which described the inability of the psalmist to sing before the heathen. This is the "word" that he hath "magnified above all his name", as displaying at once the exceeding greatness of his power, the resources of his manifold wisdom, and the blended glories of holiness and love. "There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one": 1 John 5:7, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God": John 1:1. They sing of the Lord of the way. Whole Psalm. Accordingly, it is to the doctrine in afflux, that is to the word, that we are bidden to yield ourselves. He knows them — afar off! God has such a respect unto the lowly, not as if this frame of soul were meritorious of any good at his hand, but because. God does not leave off till he has finished. I am sure there is more gold and silver (spiritual joy, I mean, and comfort) to be found in Christ's camp, among his suffering ones, than their brethren at home in peace and prosperity ordinarily can show. “To be sorry for sin is no atonement for it, but it is the right spirit in which to [turn] to Jesus, who is the reconciliation and the Saviour.” (Spurgeon… It is one gracious way of answering our prayers when God doth bestow upon us spiritual strength in our souls; if he do not give the things we desire, yet if he gives us strength in our souls, he graciously answers our prayers. The gods of the heathen had their worshippers; then, should Jehovah be deserted by his loyal subjects? Grace and truth Jesus Christ. 7. 3. Go to, To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use our convenient. The LORD is gracious and full of compassion: David echoed the self-description of Yahweh to Moses: The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth (Exodus 34:6). Psalm 13 – Enlighten My Eyes. There will come a time when the praise of Jahve, which according to Psalms 137:4 was obliged to be dumb in the presence of the heathen, will be sung by the kings of the heathen themselves. As man laid on trouble, so Christ laid in consolation: both tides rose and fell together; when it was spring tide with him in affliction, it was so with him in his joy. Kings have usually small care to hear the word of the Lord; but King David feels assured that if they do hear it they will feel its power. Though a walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me. With my whole heart. 6. Gathered to hear the words of Jehovah's mouth. A promise that covers it: "the Lord will perfect. —it will be a sheer effort. in the day. Ver. Especially do we delight in God's great love to his own elect, such as he showed to Israel as a race, and more especially to David and his seed when he entered into covenant with him. c) That he will do this in providence; if it be properly a concern of ours. Here is a man so to be depended upon, so faithful to his word, that he will sacrifice anything sooner than depart from it: that man will give up his property, or life itself, rather than forfeit his word. He views them with pleasure, thinks of them with care, listens to their prayers, and protects them from evil. The whole of his procedure in the day of judgment is there laid open: the laws by which we shall be judged: the manner in which the testimony, whether against us or in our favour, shall be produced; the grounds on which the sentence of condemnation or acquittal shall be passed; yea, the very state to which every person, either as acquitted or condemned, shall be consigned; all is so clearly made known, that every person, who will judge himself with candour now, may assuredly anticipate his fate. To my mind it is one of the most remarkable expressions in the whole book of God. Forsake not the works of thine own hands. It may mean literally in an idolatrous country, in the very temples of false gods, as so many Christian martyrs bore testimony to the faith. Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord: for great is the glory of the LORD. It is upon these two points that the name of Jehovah is at this time assailed— his grace and his truth. This may refer to the Incarnate Word, the Son of God, who was called "the Word." 3. 3. Psalms 138:4. He has magnified it above all his name in the fulfilment of it: God's faithfulness being so dear to him, he has exalted his faithfulness above all his other perfections. Psalm 138 – God’s Promise to Honor His Word and to Complete His Work This psalm is titled A Psalm of David. 2. Ver. Now, this lowliness and humility of spirit suits best unto God's design of exalting the freedom of his grace. —Annotated Paragraph Bible. The Psalmist's dismal excursion: walking "in the midst of trouble"; this is not a spectator, but one assailed. It may be when there are some extraordinary works of God in the world, thunder and lightning, etc., we are ready to be afraid, and oh! And praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth. A strengthened soul is sometimes the best answer to prayer: "Strengthened me with strength.". Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me. 1. Then thus it will run; I will worship, etc., "and praise thy name above thy lovingkindness and above thy truth"; i.e., it will be too low, too short a compilation, to call thee merciful or veracious, or style thee after any other of thy attributes; thou art all these, and more than so, "thou hast magnified thy word", given and performed most glorious promises, "above all thy name", above all that men have apprehended or spoken of thee. Thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever. Thou hast magnified thyself by thy covenant of grace, and thy works of grace toward thy people. Alas, for that capital crime of the Lord's people—barrenness in praises! "The Philistines are in the land." With strength in my soul - Thou hast endued my soul with many graces, blessings, and heavenly qualities. This Psalm is wisely placed. Right hand salvation. Before the gods will I sing praises, &c. — Before kings and princes, or, before judges and great men, either those of other nations who visited him, or those of his own nation that attended on him. Ver. All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, when they hear the words of thy mouth. The Psalmist will not for a moment suspend his songs because there are images before him, and their foolish worshippers might not approve of his music. 6. There indeed shall be the full supper, but there is a breakfast, Christian, of previous joys, more or less, which Christ brings to thee into the field, to be eaten on the place where you endure your hardship. 2. They who hear the words of God will know God. —Condensed from H. Hammond. I will worship toward thy holy temple. —Ebenezer Erskine. This psalm of thanksgiving — one of those songs that was composed after its author had come through a rather tight scrape — offers praise to the Lord in response to an experience of deliverance. For as they are rejoiced to discern a good frame of spirit in you, to see you keep that order God hath set in the church and state, to walk as Christians to the honour of God; so they are grieved to see the contrary, and you must answer for your sins against these great officers in the great family of heaven and earth. Let us adore the Lord who has spoken to us by his word, and by his Son; and in the presence of unbelievers let us both praise his holy name and extol his holy word. I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your unfailing love and your faithfulness, for you have so exalted your solemn decree that it surpasses your fame. One grain has been changed, the whole mass will be in due time. Forsake not the works of thine own hands. There is much diversity in the meaning assigned to "gods" in this verse. —James Anderson's Note to Calvin in loc. This was a true answer to his prayer. Thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. "Forsake not. b) Looking to the person of Christ, which was typified by the temple. 2. 8. If the Lord begins to build, and does not finish, it will not be his honour. There was some special day in which David cried more vehemently than usual; he was weak, wounded, worried, and his heart was wearied; then like a child he "cried", —cried unto his Father. Here is a double wonder—kings in God's ways, and kings singing there. 4. A complete set of The Treasury of David in book form is available from Pilgrim Publications, PO Box 66, Pasadena, TX 77501. Ver. Die Schatzkammer Davids - Eine Auslegung zu PSALM 138 von Charles Haddon Spurgeon aus dem Jahr 1885 5. See "Spurgeon's Sermons", Nos. Free Bible Commentary on Psalm 138 in EasyEnglish. 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