Slightly raises the amount of HP recovered when obtaining a Ki Sphere that matches that character's Type., ATK & DEF +30%; launches an additional attack that has a medium chance of becoming a Super Attack. Thanks to Gohan & Goten’s Passive Skill this Card is not heavily reliant on support Cards, has little upkeep and can do its own thing with ease. Where to find it? * In Stage 3, you can only obtain the exclusive Awakening Medal "Legend's Mark (Vegeta)". In the event "Ultimate Saiyan Potential Covered in Crimson" AGL LR Gohan hidden potential ideas; User Info: grandpastern. It works for both Super and Extreme Types. so if the event came back, i can finish farming medals … * You can choose one of the following characters as Friend when challenging the stages: - [Hope for Growth] Gohan (Kid) - [Advent of Beautiful Love] Super Ribrianne - [Mission Complete] Trunks (Kid) & Goten (Kid) & Marron Event Tips With the Dragon Balls in place, Goten wishes Goku was there. Slightly raises ATK when AGL attacks STR, STR attacks PHY, PHY attacks INT, INT attacks TEQ, or TEQ attacks AGL. Shit shit shit, I just now realized that the UI super farm event was running only until this Sunday. Bandai Official *CARD CREATOR FOR DOKKAN* Released! Gohan (Teen) can strengthen allies from the new "Saviors" Category and allies from the "Hybrid Saiyans" Category! Slightly raises the Super Attack power. Gohan & Goten start every fight with a 58% ATK & DEF Buff, but their Buffs improve by 10% with each ATK performed. The higher the skill level, the higher the chance of giving a critical hit. Gather Medals in this Event and exchange them for the Event-exclusive SPARKING character, Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen)! #janemba #dokkanbattle #dokkan how to get the brand new nimbus cloud awakening medals! * You can choose one of the following characters as Friend when challenging the stages: - [Hope for Growth] Gohan (Kid) - [Advent of Beautiful Love] Super Ribrianne - [Mission Complete] Trunks (Kid) & Goten (Kid) & Marron Event Tips Just keep in mind that this Card will not provide Ki to non-Super Saiyan allies, thanks to its 1 Ki Link. AGL LR Trunks (Kid) & Goten (Kid) - Ray of Hope Leader: Super AGL Ki +4, HP and ATK and DEF 100%UP & Extreme AGL Ki +2, HP and ATK and DEF 70%UP Passive: At the start of the turn get random amount of Ki between 3 ~ 9 & ATK 120%UP when performing a Super ATK Super ATK (12+ Ki): Colossal Damage, Own ATK down for 1 turn. Extreme Z Awakening. The Full Info for the New LR SSJ Gohan & LR Cell for Dokkan Battle's 300 Million Download Celebration are here! NEW INFORMATION ON LR CELL!! Unlike his father, Gohan lacks a passion for fighting and prefers to do so only when the need to defend his loved ones arises. SSJ Goten's silhouette is also visible in the aura. SS4 Gohan SS4ごはん What that's for? While Gohan & Goten make up for their Ki Links with their Passive Skill, the issue will not be launching their 12 Ki Super ATK, but launching this Card’s 18 Ki Super ATK may be a hassle in certain situations. The effect increases along with the skill level. If for some reason their 216% ATK Buff was not enough, Gohan and Goten have the ATK Links “Super Saiyan” and “Fierce battle” for an additional, as well as easily attainable, 25% ATK Buff. The effect increases along with the skill level. He awaken with x21 Rose Super 2 medals, x21 UI Goku Medals, x21 SSB Vegeta Medals, x21 SSB Goku Medals, x21 Angel Golden Frieza Medals. Brotherhood Kamehameha. Finally, Goku fires his Kamehameha as he, Gohan and Goten charge more power into the combined attack, overpowering the opponent and inflicting a huge amount of da… LR art. Floaters are LR Bros (my TUR version, currently), MVP 17 and STR SSJ2 Saiyaman. Because i don't have anything to do beside farming Gems (only have Goten to dokkan into Gotenks), i started grinding the LR androids medals. On top of that, they can be Dokkan Awakened into LR with Awakening Medals obtained from the … I only need 7 medals to awaken my PHY Trunks, so that ain't much resources to get another TUR (current 120s are Mystery Super Technique AGL SSJ3 Goku, AGL SSJ2 Gohan (Youth), TEQ SSJ2 Goku [the freebie, so he's kind of a weak TUR], and the INT Piccolo from the world tournament prizes). With Goku in Other World Gohan and Goten have stepped up to take on any threats the Earth faces. 4886. The LR Gobros are one of best Cards in the game, and a great addition for numerous Teams. Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! In Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2, the Family Kamehameha is performed like the Father-Son Kamehameha, with only Goku and Teen Gohan.In this same game, if Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks is in the team while Goku and Adult Gohan perform the Ultimate Kamehameha, Goten will also appear and shoot his own Kamehameha too. ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 140% Dokkan Awakening [Sons of a Great Father] Gohan (Teen) & Goten (Kid) can be Dokkan Awakened to transcend the UR limit, reaching the maximum level of 120! Any additional effects of the Super Attack will not change. This Card does also has the ATK Links “Blazing Battle” for an additional 15% ATK Buff, but there are far fewer Cards with this skill when compared with the bevy of Cards with the previous ATK Links. [Raging Dash] Majin Buu (South Supreme Kai) can be Extreme Z-Awakened starting from 22:30 PST on 10/12 (Mon)! Passive Skill is fairly simple, it doesn't provide a massive boost, but it's enough for this Gohan … On top of their ATK Links, this Card also has an Active Skill that deals monstrous Damage, and it will most likely activate late into a fight meaning this Card should have gained most of its Passive Skill Buffs. Passive: Attack 35% with each attack received (up to 140%) and ki 2 and attack 25% for all allies, when hp is 30% or below recover all HP only once The effect increases along with the skill level. Thankfully the Teams Gohan & Goten are in have numerous supports that can make up for any Ki issues, but keep in mind that early into a fight this Card may struggle for Ki. Son Gohan (孫そん悟ご飯はん Son Gohan) is the elder son of the series' primary protagonist Goku and his wife Chi-Chi, the older brother of Goten, the husband of Videl and father to Pan.He is named after Goku's adoptive grandfather, Gohan. - Gohan (Future) * This Awakening Medal is obtainable in Stage 4 “The Last Fighters” of the Story Event “Fight against Despair! Writer for the Dokkan Battle GamePress sub-site, and always never not tired. After becoming a Time Patroller, Xeno Gohan's appearance is Gohan with his Ultimate form, but with informal martial arts clothes almost identical to Xeno Trunks's, most notably a black trench coat. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. What makes the additional 10% ATK & DEF Buff powerful is that the additional 10% is multiplied with the initial 58% ATK & DEF … Gohan & Goten are fantastic leaders for both the Siblings’ Bond and Goku’s family categories, which also allows for a wide array of potential Cards to bring alongside Gohan & Goten, to elevate the Team’s performance to a whole new level. In the event "Ultimate Saiyan Potential Covered in Crimson" Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. On top of this, Gohan is featured on 11 categories, which makes him very easy to include in Teams. Goku and Gohan firing the Family Kamehameha. What makes the additional 10% ATK & DEF Buff powerful is that the additional 10% is multiplied with the initial 58% ATK & DEF Buff, for a 15.8% Buff on the first ATK performed. Community content is available under. Awakening Medals: Gohan Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) 目覚めメダル:ゴハンブラック(スーパーサイヤ人ローゼ) Slightly lowers damage received when AGL is attacked by STR, STR is attacked by PHY, PHY is attacked by INT, INT is attacked by TEQ, and TEQ is attacked by AGL. This Card continues to gain a 15.8% Buff until it caps out at a total of 216% ATK & DEF Buff, alongside providing itself +5 Ki. (12-17 Ki) Father-Son Kamehameha (18+ Ki) Greatly raises DEF for 1 turn and causes mega-colossal damage to enemy. The higher the skill level, the more the additional power. Belonging to a whopping 9 categories, at the moment, Gohan & Goten easily can easily slot into each category with ease. Gohan & Goten start every fight with a 58% ATK & DEF Buff, but their Buffs improve by 10% with each ATK performed. Burning Soul Super Saiyan Bardock: Max LvL 120, Rarity UR, Type Super INT, Cost 40, Leader Skill: When HP is 99% or below, Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +10%, Super Attack: Spirit of Saiyans causes supreme damage and seals Super Attack, Passive Skill: The Ultimate Goal Grants a rare chance of performing a critical hit that ignores the enemy's DEF and is highly effective against all Types. Mrgrgr. Ki: Sp ATK Effect: 18+ Greatly raises ATK for 1 turn and causes mega-colossal damage to enemy: Sp ATK LV: Extra Effect: 20+ Super Attack +30%, Super Attack power will be increased even more! Where to find it? There are also dokkanfest LRs like the LR fusions, SSJ Gohan and Cell, and the Gohan&Goten, and they can only be pulled when they are featured on dokkanfest banners. The effect increases along with the skill level. Thanks to this Card’s Passive Skill providing a 25% chance to launch an additional ATK, Gohan & Goten can quickly become a self-sufficient tank and heavy hitter. 2733. Playing a bit again since I had some decent luck with the duals this time around, picked up the Goku, Frieza, and my first Super 17 and Angel SSJ3. Dokkan Battle Gohan teen medal, farming, best way to farm, where to find. * In Stage 3, you can only obtain the exclusive Awakening Medal "Legend's Mark (Vegeta)". In short, Gohan & Goten are going to melt everything in their path. 25% chance for additional attack to become a Super Attack. AGL LR Trunks (Kid) & Goten (Kid) - Ray of Hope Leader: Super AGL Ki +4, HP and ATK and DEF 100%UP & Extreme AGL Ki +2, HP and ATK and DEF 70%UP Passive: At the start of the turn get random amount of Ki between 3 ~ 9 & ATK 120%UP when performing a Super ATK Super ATK (12+ Ki): Colossal Damage, Own ATK down for 1 turn. Character Summary; Striking in Harmony Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth) [Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF] 42/8745/8610/4025 [L] All Types HP and ATK +30% [S] Causes immense damage to enemy [P] Ki +3 and ATK +70% at start of turn Golden Warrior - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - Kamehameha - Prepared for Battle - Fierce Battle - Soul vs Soul: Hybrid Saiyans: Fury Unleashed Super Saiyan 2 Gohan … [ November 23, 2020 ] Top 50 best games like Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus Action [ November 23, 2020 ] Top 9 best games like Doofus Drop Action [ November 23, 2020 ] Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 : Creating Word documents from templates Server Applications [ November 23, 2020 ] Windows Server 2012 : DNS in an Active Directory Domain Services Environment Windows While this Card may face a few hurdles in terms of Ki, or activating its Active Skill in certain events, these are minor setbacks. In the Demigra Assault Saga, Xeno Gohan removes his coat in favor of a grey button up shirt with a black vest, maroon necktie & gloves, and traditiona… The biggest flaw this Card has is its lack of useful Ki Links, with only “Golden Warrior” in its toolkit which provides a measly +1 Ki. Thus, the spirit of their father Gokudescends beside his two sons and transforms into his Super Saiyan form. Apart from that though, this is a really well balanced card! Gohan and Goten fire a combined Kamehameha at the opponent, who struggles against the attack. ► Their additional "ATK & DEF +10% with each attack performed" is calculated separately, resulting in an increase of +13% per attack performed, for a total of ATK & DEF +121% after 7 attacks, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. After Dokkan Awakening, he can launch an Active Skill to boost his power and become Ultimate Gohan when the conditions are met! 77. Does this mean that Gohan and Goten are useless in events that pit you against multiple enemies? 【NEWS】Information on Extreme Z-Awakening! Shit. With incredible stats, a Passive Skill that provides Ki, high ATK & DEF Buffs, and a powerful Active Skill this Card is going to shine in any fight. The Leader Skill is good and the SA effect is great, makes up for his extreme damage. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "I got an insanely good pull (my white whale + a huge bonus)". My method is to tackle the event once and move on to the next event until all of them and then cycle it back. "Siblings' Bond" Category Ki +2, ATK +140% and HP & DEF +120%; or "Goku's Family" Category Ki +2, ATK +140% and HP & DEF +100% Brotherhood Kamehameha: Raises ATK for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy: Strengthened by Boundless Dreams: ATK & DEF +30%; launches an additional attack that has a medium chance of becoming a Super Attack; Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +10% … Participate in the ongoing Extreme Z-Battle to collect the required Awakening Medals! Awakened LR Two Makes the Strongest of All Universes - Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla & Super Saiyan 2 Kale Super AGL 9 LR Miracle-Calling Clash - Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) & Super Saiyan Goten … No matter the Team, players will be hard-pressed to find a situation in which this Card is underwhelming. The only exception is the step-up banners, which are dokkanfest banners (you get red coins) but they have the general pool LRs in them. Gather Medals in this Event and exchange them for the Event-exclusive SPARKING character, Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen)! Of course not, but don’t count on their Active Skill saving you in those situations. This Card’s Active Skill is fantastic, however, its restriction can be infuriating on events with multiple enemies because it only activates when facing 1 enemy. Shit. I'm using the same rotations on my squad lol. Confirmed In-Game Issues There is an issue in the "Legends Road - S... Dragon Ball Legends (Unofficial) Game Database. "Legends Road - Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) -" Returns! Players may find this Card performing better in the categories it leads, considering this Card is the best leader for Siblings’ Bond. * This Awakening Medal is obtainable in Stage 2 “Warrior of Hope” of the Super Strike Event “The Time-Traveling Warrior”. Could also probably substitute him for Blank's LR Gohan. He also wears glasses, like his counterpart's appearance in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’. The Last Super Warriors!”. SS4 Gohan SS4ごはん What that's for? Or at least I would be going with this if the Goten medals would drop! Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) & Super Saiyan Goten (Kid) 5121. Dokkan Battle Gohan teen medal, farming, best way to farm, where to find. Currently Subscribed to 20 streaming services and counting/crying, Extreme Z-Battle: Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell Guide, Should You Pull: “DOKKAN NOW!” Release Celebration, Should You Pull: Kale & Caulifla Legendary Summon, Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) & Super Saiyan Goten (Kid), SSR Sons of a Great Father - Gohan (Teen) & Goten (Kid) TEQ, Awakened UR Sons of a Great Father - Gohan (Teen) & Goten (Kid) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Successors of Ultimate Strength - Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) & Super Saiyan Goten (Kid) Super TEQ, Awakened LR Miracle-Calling Clash - Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) & Super Saiyan Goten (Kid) Super TEQ, Awakened UR Furious Transformation - Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta & Bulma Super AGL, Awakened UR Becoming a Furious God - Super Saiyan God SS Goku Super AGL, Awakened LR Golden Fist - Super Saiyan 3 Goku Super TEQ, Awakened UR Zealous Roar - Super Saiyan Goku Super STR, Awakened UR The Warrior Who Surpassed Goku - Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth) Super AGL, Awakened UR Long-Awaited 100% - Frieza (Full Power) Extreme STR, Awakened UR Hope-Filled Strike - Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Goku Super TEQ, 'Siblings' Bond' Category Ki +4, ATK +170% and HP & DEF +150%; or 'Goku's Family' Category Ki +3, ATK +170% and HP & DEF +130%, Greatly raises ATK for 1 turn and causes colossal damage to enemy, Greatly raises ATK for 1 turn and causes mega-colossal damage to enemy, ATK & DEF +58%; launches an additional attack that has a medium chance of becoming a Super Attack; Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +10% with each attack performed (Ki up to +5 and ATK & DEF up to +100%); disables Rampage, Massively raises ATK temporarily and causes ultimate damage to enemy, Can be activated when HP is 59% or less and facing only 1 enemy starting from the 3rd turn from start of battle (once only). It works for both Super and Extreme Types. Gohan Explodes! EZA Beerus + LR Beerus Gohanten + EZA SS Goten Floating the spare Gohanten, Bulla, and ATM SS3 EZA Goku (while I figure out a better asset). Shit shit shit, I just now realized that the UI super farm event was running only until this Sunday. On their Active Skill saving you in those situations Legend 's Mark Vegeta... ( Vegeta ) '' `` Hybrid Saiyans '' Category featured on 11,... Atk when AGL attacks STR, STR attacks PHY, PHY attacks INT, INT attacks TEQ, or attacks. The `` Legends Road - S... Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘ F ’ move on to next..., STR attacks PHY, PHY attacks INT, INT attacks TEQ, or TEQ attacks AGL Legend Mark! Ssj2 Saiyaman In-Game Issues there is an issue in the `` Legends -... With the Dragon Balls in place, Goten wishes Goku was there *. Only until this Sunday in short, Gohan is featured on 11 categories, which makes him very easy include! 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