For information, go to the Google and Find the information you want from the links. In most computer systems, there are eight bits in a byte. A dialog box does not have a minimize or maximize button and does not show up on the taskbar. The Most Popular Interview Questions to Reveal Key Soft Skills. 250+ Computer Basics Interview Questions and Answers, Question1: How can we view the patches and hotfixes which have been downloaded onto your computer? Some example objects are: data files, program files, folders, email messages, and drives. Or you can select forward, and then high-lite the part that you don't want to go with the message, and press your delete key. If there is not an existing M command, simply type MO in the text box. Differentiate the Input and Output Device?Input devices are used to giving input to the computer. What Steps Should We Take To Replace The Bios Battery? Ltd. is one of the best job search sites in India. Other uses of supercomputers include animated graphics, fluid dynamic calculations, nuclear energy research, and petroleum exploration. Difficulty. Are you in search of Computer basics jobs? How Do I Change The Default Font For Things Like Page Numbers, Headers, Footers, Footnotes, And Endnotes?These are all styles. What Is A Domain? Certainly, The different types of storage devices are: a) Magnetic Devices. Look for "Web mail" or something similar. Which Desktop Operating Systems Are You Familiar With? The driver software receives standard signals from another program, then translates these into commands for a particular piece of hardware. It may be a solid color, or it may be graphics. Are you searching for Computer basics interview question? Often an interview starts with an ice-breaker question to help develop a rapport between the interviewer and interviewee: 1. Most jobs demand communication with other people - customers, clients, colleagues - and the ability to communicate is closely evaluated in the job interview. Interview Question: Tell me about a time when it was necessary for you to communicate technical information, clearly, to an audience. This online course will instantly be free for you to access for 30-days. Identify A Few Firewalls?There are two basic types of firewall – network layer, which makes decisions based on source and destination addresses, and application layer, which are hosts run on proxy servers and allow no direct traffic between networks. What Is Ipconfig Command? Why soft skills matter. The first web-based e-mail service? Use SAVE AS when you are creating a new document from scratch or an existing document. Thanks a lot. The active item is said to be the item with the focus. How Do We Open A Rar File?A RAR file (Resource Adapters Archive) is a compressed file (like a Zip file). What Is The Difference Between The "system Tray" And The "quick Launch Tray"? The BIOS is stored on a ROM (Read-Only Memory) computer chip inside the computer. (It's okay to add it at the end of other commands that are already there.) Every Computer Science interview is different and the scope of a job is different too. It means Original Equipment Manufacturer. How Can I Add Or Change The Choices Available In The Send To Box? Do they admire solid engineering, sleek design, intuitive user experience or another aspect of good … To know more visit our site, Computer Fundamentals Interview Questions, Computer architecture Interview Questions, Computer Systems Analyst Interview Questions, Business administration Interview questions, Cheque Truncation System Interview Questions, Principles Of Service Marketing Management, Business Management For Financial Advisers, Challenge of Resume Preparation for Freshers, Have a Short and Attention Grabbing Resume. c) Solid-State Storage Devices. For example, bold, italics, underlining, color, and size, are all formatting attributes of text. Move the mouse pointer over the object you wish to drag, then hold down the left mouse button. Start -> Control Panel -> Phone and Modem. There are many different types of hardware, however, and each piece of hardware may have its own protocol (or "language"). Since it is on a disc, you can jump to any scene instantly, and you never need to rewind. Question 8. What Is A Storage Device? With this disk, it will allow us to boot to dos mode. How to Convert Your Internship into a Full Time Job? Without a BIOS, a computer would not know how to communicate with its hard disk and other devices. Question 29. Wouldn't life be a little easier if information about your operating system, hardware resources and components, and software settings was all in one place Microsoft System Information, which is included with almost all Windows systems, may be just what you need. Each partition on the disk can then be considered as a separate disk allowing different file systems to be used on each. After all, 45-90 minutes (the length of the average job interview) is not a lot of time to gain real insight into a person’s true character. A dialog box such as a File menu that contains one command until it is clicked when a number of different commands "drop-down.". There are numerous leading companies that offer various job positions in Computer Basics like computer typing, Computer basics, English, Science, SST home tutor, Online Basics of Computer System, English tutor, Computer basics, Dance, Spoken English home tutor, Require Tally, web Designing, computer Basics Faculty, Marketing, Computer faculty with accounts and basic knowledge and many other roles too. If that doesn't resolve it, you may need to hire a technicians to trouble shoot the problem. A window will be visible asking for “Reference type- Heading, figure, and foot Note, etc. The other text will be "painted" with the formatting of the original text selected. A DVD looks just like an ordinary compact disc, however a DVD can hold up to 25 times as much as a CD!! When interviewing for a Computer Technician look for candidates that demonstrate good technical expertise, strong problem-solving skills, meticulous attention to detail, and good communication skills. Hard skills are a … Certainly, The various types of processing device in a computer are: a) Microprocessor b) Chipset c) BIOS. These questions are basics and any candidate should possess basic knowledge of these aspects. Question5: What steps should I take to replace the bios battery? Question 21. As a last resort, you can move the program folder to the recycle bin but this will not totally remove it and may cause problems. What Is The Difference Between Save And Save As? How Important Are Interpersonal Skills To The Computer Technician? To create word referencing in MS Word, the following steps are followed; Above all, Question and answer is useful in computer test or government job or private sector job. Question 17. Although computer science is an extremely broad field, we know that these top ten computer science interview questions will prepare you for what lies ahead. They are used in various applications like switches and routers, IP-Phones, IC-Testers, DSLAM Cards, to Automotive Electronics. Some programs allow you to turn individual toolbars on and off (to display or hide them), and you may even be able to customize the toolbar by changing what buttons are shown (or even add your own buttons). You can change the attributes of any style for the current document or for all documents based on the current template. Task list A list of applications that are currently running. The term static differentiates it from dynamic RAM (DRAM) which must be periodically refreshed. What are the hardware components of desktop computer/laptop?This is a basic technical interview question to test the basic knowledge of computers. A DVD-ROM is a DVD disc for a computer. The system tray is that portion of the task bar (usually on the bottom of the screen-but you can drag it to either side or to the top!) Is There A Simple Way To Create A Boot Disk For Various Operating Systems? Have the applicant perform some simple tasks using a word-processing program. Focus your answer on those systems, but also mention other systems with which you have experience. An established communication session between a server and a workstation. Right click on an empty place on the desktop, choose "Properties" from the menu and then Settings. This way, when you double-click on an associated file, it will open the correct program. If you change the file, you must save it (which copies the file back to the permanent hard disk). Usually it looks like (+) and (-) or (->). However If your skills need refreshing or you need to acquire a new skill-set, there are many free courses online you can take to upgrade your skills. When you are interviewing for a job, a typical question is, “What computer skills do you have and what programs are you comfortable using?” The answer to this question will vary widely depending on the job for which you are applying. Customer service representatives must have a specific set of skills and qualifications to perform their jobs well and be able to communicate that during an interview. What Is A Computer?A computer is a programmable machine. We provide you with the complete Computer basics interview Question and Answers on our page. Top 4 tips to help you get hired as a receptionist, 5 Tips to Overcome Fumble During an Interview. In den folgenden Produkten sehen Sie als Kunde unsere Top-Auswahl an Interview techniques training, wobei die oberste Position den Favoriten definiert. If you double-click the Format Painter button, then it will be "locked" and you can paint lots of text. If a novice user does this, though, the user may not know what he or she did and may “lose” the toolbar. Most dialog boxes have a cancel button. You must open a file to view or edit it. What Is Bit? Question 41. To make a window active by bringing it to the front. What Do You Mean By A Processing Device?The main function of a computer is to process data. A program is backward compatible if it can use files from an older version of itself. In Windows Explorer, selecting auto arrange will lock any visible icons into a grid or pattern. For other professional skills, check out this article on how to include 50+ examples of skills on a resume. Question 5. They sell kits with a "velcro" ball you clean the rollers with by putting it in place of the regular ball. How Can Freshers Keep Their Job Search Going? Most of the people working in computer or IT profiles are Data Analytics, Social Media, Graphic Design, Microsoft Office, Spreadsheets, Email Communication, Marketing Automation, and Data Visualization. SRAM exhibits data remanence,[1] but is still volatile in the conventional sense that data is eventually lost when the memory is not powered. This will keep the original document untouched in its original format and create a new document with a new name. The clipboard will store one piece of information at a time when it is manually added to the clipboard or is copied there. And Hardware Tab >> Device Manger will show the entire hardware resources attached with you computer. Often, you can drag a toolbar (by dragging from an edge of the toolbar where there is no button) to move it to a different location on the screen. Explain Modem? Can A Fat32 Drive Be Converted To Ntfs Without Losing Data? Asking the Right Soft Skill Interview Questions. DNS is like a translator for computers, computers understand the number and not the alphabet. An icon is a picture used to represent an object. Buttons usually have a 3-dimensional look, although you may have to move the mouse over the button for it to look 3D. How Can We Get Rid Of The Noises When Our Modem Makes A Connection To The Internet? What Are The Different Functions Of A Computer?A computer does the following functions; a) Accepting data b) Processing Data c) Storing Data d) Displaying Data. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. For Windows, a keyboard accelerator is represented by an underlined letter on a button, menu or other label. Modem commands vary from one modem to the next, but most use the command MO - that's a zero, not a capital 0 - to tell the modem to keep the speaker off at all times. Awesome Computer interview questions and answers for freshers. How to Answer Interview Questions on Computer Experience. Computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) is an interviewing technique in which the respondent or interviewer uses an electronic device to answer the questions. Ask hiring managers what to expect from candidates’ answers. A bit has a single binary value, either 0 or 1. You will Learn How to Answer Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions: A technical support job puts together the knowledge of computer, its know-how and the skills required for customer service. During an interview, your employer may ask you analytical questions to assess your critical thinking skills and ability to think through problems to find solutions. What Is A Microprocessor? Go to Control Panel > Display > Settings and adjust the resolution there. This interview question for technical support tests your knowledge and if you updated with the latest technological trends. And also Visit Computer quiz with answer for government exam like bank po, gpsc, clerk, railway exam and also for other private job it is very useful must visit. Settings. Does chemistry workout in job interviews? 100 Bytes would equal an average sentence. Question 24. That means that different types of files each have an icon representing its file type. But output devices are used to get the result back from the computer. Its aim is to help customers with issues related to computers. The Taskbar can be moved to an edge of the screen, and the clock and Start button can be removed if desired. Depending on your settings, the cursor can be many different things. A folder can be thought of as a location on your hard disk or floppy disk. It is only a portion of its "parent" program. This is especially frustrating when you're attempting to resolve a problem, and a support technician asks you to provide a simple piece of data. The toggle to "insert" is "replace". What Is The Common Classification?Storage devices are used to store data on the computer. Question 22. Computer Teachers lead practical and theoretical lessons that equip students with the skills to use computers. Interview question for Course Administrator in Singapore.Asked about computer skills and if i was efficient with microsoft excel, sending of emails. For example, if we type like, the computer doesn’t understand this so they use DNS which converts ( into (numbers) and then executes the command. Click *File*, Click *New*, Click *Shortcut*, Click *Browse* to find folder you want to add to the *Send To* list, Click it and then click *OK*, Click *Next*, Click "Finish*, General tab will show the processor and ram information. Questions. In fact, figuring out if the candidate has the qualities you are looking for is often the most difficult part of the interview process. You'll see a DOS-like box open to a command prompt. A dialog box, usually square, that records an on or off value, when we click on this box for on it shows as right tick mark. Sequential Easy First Hard First. Then you can hit that letter to select the menu, button or other input control. The value of a bit is usually stored as either above or below a designated level of electrical charge in a single capacitor within a memory device. These types of processors have been found in many personal computers since 1993. What Steps Should I Take To Replace The Bios Battery? DVD is a new technology very similar to compact discs. Whether you're interviewing for a position as a healthcare professional or an administrative assistant, chances are you'll need to impress the interviewer with your ability to describe your computer experience. And to get that kind of insight, you’ll need to put aside the resumes and come up with a thoughtful set of interview questions to ask your top candidates. How is cross-referencing created in MS Word? What Is Intel Pentium?The Intel Pentium is a series of microprocessors first developed by the Intel Corporation. When we click on (+) directory opens/expands, when we click on (-) directory closes/collapse. Using a modem to dial into a remote site network. By using a proxy server, an organization can improve the network performance and filter what users connected to the network can access. You should single-click on buttons (do not double-click). When We Tried To Make A Corrections To Some Text, All The Letters/words To The Right Disappeared As We Typed In The Corrections. Share; Over 60% of hiring managers agree that screening for soft skills is tough. Include a written assignment that tests candidates’ coding skills. Select the Keyboard tab. To know more visit our site A window that is open but is not active means the window is behind other window. 13. Any data storage device. Move your mouse pointer over the object, then press the left mouse button twice in a row quickly. There are a couple of things to recommend: Question 15. It is high-speed computer bus interface designed to connect the host bus adapters to mass storage devices, such as hard disk drives and optical drives. What Is Vpn Server?VPN Stands for Virtual Private Network. In today’s information and technology age, it’s no surprise that job seekers with strong computer skills land far more jobs than those who don’t. Do you have employment gaps in your resume? Folders used to be called directories/subdirectories. It makes sure that all the components of the computer can function together. You need not to make it arrange explicitly. How Can We View The Patches And Hotfixes Which Have Been Downloaded Onto Your Computer? To change the number of mouse clicks required to open items: Question 20. Example: In notepad, click on 'Format' -> Click on 'Font...' -> Here you can change the text formatting. How Do I Set The Time For How Long My Screen Saver Stays On To Forever? Set "Turn off monitor", "System standby" and "System hibernates" to Never. Multitasking is performing several tasks at a time, that is one of the popular interview question examples in regards to workplace performance. VPN is cost-effective (No Costly). Asynchronous SRAM are available from 4 Kb to 64 Mb. First make sure that the text box does not already have a command beginning with M. (And note that &MO, /MO, and MO are three different commands.) For instance, you could ask him to open a Word document. Compact Disc - Read Only Memory. keep sharing with your friend. This article help me to describe my level of computer skills. Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse -> Pointers tab -> In customize menu you can select different cursor view -> Click on 'Apply' and 'OK'. Supercomputers are very expensive and are employed for specialized applications that require immense amounts of mathematical calculations. Making a great Resume: Get the basics right, Have you ever lie on your resume? How Do We Remove The ">" Marks For An Email Before We Send It? Computer skill is essential for every job. In addition, CCC course material is designed to aim at imparting a basic level IT Literacy program for the common man and student. It is usually stored in a Flash Memory Chip on the Motherboard. A vertical flashing line that shows the user where text will be inserted. How Can We Fix It? Example: You double-click while you open a folder. To add a sound to the Caps Lock key, go into Control Panel and double click (or single click in XP) Accessibility Options. Answer Guide:: Applicant should appear to keep current with current technological advancements and they should be able communicate that information succinctly and … There are however other significant features that are "classifiable" within a processor -- namely "bus" or "memory access" speed, and onboard "Cache" size (and speed). If you move the mouse while trying to double-click, you may end up dragging the object instead of double-clicking it. What Is Bios (basic Input And Output Software)? Question 11. Computer science is one of the most lucrative and rewarding fields in the working world. Then you are at the right place. That's 18 gigabytes!! Question 34. How to Answer Interview Questions About Computer Skills The most commonplace software currently being used for workplace paintings is word processing software like Microsoft Word, spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel, and presentation software program like Microsoft PowerPoint. Dispose of a window four eight-bit bytes and octets from a 32-bit word choosing `` toolbars.. Screen directions operations of a computer is called a nibble overview of multitasking interview questions on skills. To select the entry for your modem, and foot note, etc )! 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