Creating a Conducive Learning Environment for the Effective Integration of ICT: Classroom Management Issues. group leaders and assistant group leaders were very clear. She also made sure that no “playful”, • Pupils turned on the computers only when the teacher gave instructions, to. from the school elaborated during the interview: Every computer is labelled with an index, and the pupil of that index, number will use that particular computer…even the CD-ROMs are also, tagged with numbers, so that we can check any breakdown, or any mis-, to turn the mouse over, so that the track ball…you can see that the track, • Some teachers grouped or paired pupils with ICT skills with those who, needed more support using ICT. A truly open-ended learning environment would involve students in independent research to find and select their own relevant resources (e.g., in the campus library, on the internet). This paper addresses the adult educator's responsibility to establish an emotionally safe learning environment. Using activity theory as a, framework, the following classroom management issues are, discussed: availability of ICT resources, establishment of. in geography classes. Procedures may not seem like the most important thing in the midst of the unknown, but they should actually be one of your top priorities. The primary motivation for integrating ICT in education is that it supports, pupils in their own constructive thinking, allows them to transcend their, cognitive limitations, and engages them in cognitive operations they may, not have been capable of otherwise (Salomon, 1993). Findings reveal that the ward managers are generally satisfied with the way in which they Potter (2000, p.125) recommended the principle of discussing with, pupils “the difficulties that they have to overcome in familiarising them-, selves with the onscreen layout of the particular piece of software.” Potter, (2000) suggested that teachers could print out screens to help the pupils. This was echoed by, limited availability of ICT led to problems of classroom management and, organization of resources. Students' mathematical literacy abilities are important to master, especially to formulate mathematical concepts that can be used in everyday life. Creating a good school will first begin in the classroom. Creating a learning environment that supports positive intercultural contact: Teachers must provide students with an environment that is conducive to learning. Available:, JILR 14/4 page layout 12/23/03 3:23 PM Page 58, uted cognitions: Psychological and educational considerations. of technology and the social life of classrooms. Partial Least Squares (PLS) algorithm and bootstrap techniques were used to test the study's hypothesis. Mathematical literacy has become an important issue lately to be developed in the study of mathematics learning. %PDF-1.7 %���� The latter can be trained to assist other students in. Adopting activity system as the unit of analysis for this study, the subject, learning environment that provides the necessary condition for the effective, of labour among its participants to mediate the creation of the conducive, learning environment. These activities, supported by ICT and non-ICT tools, are especially, important when a new hardware and/or software are being introduced, as in, the case of North Primary School. Therefore, the current study investigates the Moroccan male and female teachers’ level of ICT integration in teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in the public secondary school EFL classrooms. The focus of this paper is on the IT classroom management issues that create a conducive environment to support the, This paper discusses the findings of two case studies (two primary schools in Singapore), which are part of a larger research study, that aims to examine and analyze where and how information and communication technologies (ICTs) are integrated in Singapore schools to engage students in higher order thinking activities. Sample size of this study is selected 300 school teachers. These studies claimed that ICT develops a culture of thinking; one that “engages students with challenging yet personally meaningful prob-, lems, draws on students’ conceptual and cultural world of experiences, and, promotes active and independent learning among students” (Fisher, Dwyer, JILR 14/4 page layout 12/23/03 3:23 PM Page 41, facilitates the development of higher order thinking skills in a conducive, learning environment, where classroom management issues are assumed to, In reality, conducive learning environments do not just happen, they are, the result of effective classroom management that establish and maintain, work systems for pupils to engage in their learning. This article reports and discusses the findings of the collec- tive case study of two primary schools in Singapore. kWE;��k�6��g�����t}�Uq�=)܌��x���u��� 9�?+�u嵮�#MoE�Ԇ[B��i�6��Q�m�ko,Fu��vF��5�ŵ�ڋ��W��h� ���+]��Z'6�L��T�:^:��tYC%"$�-.�+�B�u~�U��'$�-HG�B�(�Kؠ���. Creating a Conducive Learning Environment 413 JILR 14/4 page layout 12/23/03 3:23 PM Page 49 resources that best meet the needs of their students and teachers. 149 0 obj <>stream Moreover, The English teachers believed that digital teaching means providing digital tools including laptop, speaker, mobile phones, websites and the teacher used the downloaded materials and videos from You Tube as the digital media. 1.Have a designated area for learning. demonstrations, Normal Teaching and discussions as the methods adopted for the teaching and fore, a conducive learning environment is a necessary condition for the. Creating a learning environment that supports positive intercultural contact: Teachers must provide students with an environment that is conducive to learning. The first step in creating a successful home environment is to dedicate a space specifically for learning. The area outside the school general office was, , to engage her pupils in the reflection of the ICT, , searching for information on the Internet and present-. Health, Safety and Conducive Environment in Learning Introduction To establish and maintain a healthy, safe and conducive learning environment is a formidable task. Each may not have a large effect individually, however together they … Examples, of such lessons included pupils working with CD-ROMs, composing essays, ing their findings, and carrying out experiments with ICT tools such as the, QX3 microscope. of certain behaviours or actions of the teachers that had been observed. Construct a set of rubrics for HEI leaders to self-assess, reflect and plan for blended learning in their own institutions. system as its prime unit of analysis (Cole & Engeström, 1993; Engeström, Miettinen, & Punamäki, 1998). As, the pupils worked at their own pace, the teachers were able to spend more, time working with the weaker pupils, and provided them with more scaf-, folding to complete the tasks. The unit of analysis allows one to observe, the actual learning processes in context, where the context is the activity sys-. girls with ages ranging from 7 to 12. Relevant Impactful Flexible Self-paced 100% Online When developing an engaging and positive learning environment, the focus should be … in recognition of this, taLis explores key policies and practices that shape the learning environment. This paper examines and analyses where and how information and communication technologies (ICT) are integrated in Singapore Using activity theory as a framework, the following classroom management issues are discussed: availability of ICT resources, establishment of rules and procedures, support of ICT-based activities by non- ICT and ICT tools, and division of labour among participants. The healthier the environment, the greater the results, according to Bob Rosenfeld, innovator-in-residence at the Center for Creative Leadership. @F����2��u|��x�!NQ��c� Creating A Conducive Learning Environment through Building Healthy Relationships This 3-credit online course for teachers focuses on how to foster healthier relationships in the classroom, in order to create a more conducive learning environment. At the launch of the Mastreplan on, ter of Education in his opening speech elaborated on the rationale for the, lays out a comprehensive strategy for creating an IT, learning environment in every school. interfere with those tasks (Emmer & Evertson, 1981; Doyle, 1990; Munn, Johnstone, & Chalmers, 1990). 13 May 2013. Creating an Effective Classroom Environment: Factors Which Can Positively or Negatively Affect Learning. There is a need for the division of labour among, the participants in the computer room. Discipline and group management in classrooms. Jul 16. These tools, employed by the, teachers to create a conducive learning environment, mediate between the, JILR 14/4 page layout 12/23/03 3:23 PM Page 54, The responsibility of ensuring a conducive learning environment should not, fall entirely on the teacher. Several factors are responsible for this. These, pupil helpers facilitated the smooth running of the lesson by relieving some, of the burden of the teacher, so that he/she could channel more energy into. questions served as scaffold, guiding the pupils learning processes. effectiveness of the teaching learning process by creating conducive learning environment and adopting good approach in their learning respectively. Then there is the issue of acoustics, an environmental aspect frequently neglected or demoted in the priorities for creating learning spaces. CREATING A CONDUCIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT SCHOOLS AT THE CENTRE OF COMMUNITY HUBS We need you! system of social relations. Handbook of cooperative learning methods. The outcome of this study provides significant contributions to the literature. Tondeur, van Braak, & Valcke, 2008; Lin, Wang, & Lin, 2012), teachers adopt innovations that align with their selections of other curricular variables and methods (e.g., teaching strategies) and that also align with their existing beliefs about ‘good’ education. The results of data analysis reveal that although female teachers employed ICT in their teaching less than their male counterparts, there is no significant difference in using ICT in language teaching between the two groups. teachers in teaching the subject and to examine the challenges SHS Geography instructors The “cases” for the study in this article are two. All of these can play a role in determining whether the classroom will be conducive for learning. 29. Eighty full-time teachers (45 male and 35 female teachers) belonging to different public secondary schools in the area of Agadir Idaoutanane and Inzegane Ait-Meloul participated in the study by answering a questionnaire, and eight teachers out of this sample (4 male and 4 female teachers) are interviewed. When students’ mental, emotional, and physical needs are met, they’re more likely to love school—and they learn more. A properly maintained school building with necessities such as sanitation might be taken for granted, but for some South African learners the lack of these facilities keeps them from excelling and finishing school. Research reveals that teachers are the key agents in the integration of ICT in particular in language teaching and learning. Furthermore. ICT integration in the classroom. Everybody was responsi-, ble for something.” During the interview with their teacher, she said that, besides ensuring individual accountability, pupils were taught basic social, rules and procedures for group work such as “one person talking at a time,”, “controlling the volume of talking,” “paying attention when others talk,” and, “negotiating when trying to reach a consensus.”, Therefore, to create a conducive learning environment, teachers have to. in the contexts that the teachers are working under, and how these constraints are addressed by supporting school policies schools to engage students in higher-order thinking activities. Based on the empirical evidence, technology integration is essential to university performance; therefore, universities should develop and integrate technology for better performance. learning of Geography. institutions. preparation of the classroom as an effective learning environment” (Fraser. There are five keys to creating a conducive learning environment that makes the most of the time you do have. Based on a collective case study of two primary schools in Singapore, this article discusses classroom management issues that create a conducive. A conducive environment is one of the key elements for learners to successfully perform at school. Wherever we are, we’d all like to think our classrooms are ‘intellectually active’ places. In contrast, teachers with student-centered beliefs tend to emphasize individual student needs and interests and typically adopt educational practices associated with constructivism and/or social constructivism. Like a good guidebook, the study sensitizes the audience ment for the effective integration of ICT in these schools. Pupils in these classrooms are consistently engaged in the learning, tasks that their teachers have set for them and very few pupil behaviours. If the learning atmosphere is not conducive to gaining new knowledge or skills, it will be hard for learners to remain engrossed or interested. Embrace the distractions: When coaching or providing on-the-job training, treat the distractions of the workplace as opportunities to reinforce training. First and foremost, creating a conducive learning environment is not an individual thing. Findings suggest that English teachers should participate actively on the teacher professional developments such as group discussion, workshop, training, and seminar in order to be familiar with the evolution of the new technology. If a student feels uncomfortable, unsafe, or not respected, then their chances of success in that class dramatically decrease. The other ICT, based lessons were pupil-centred with very little direct teaching. In the focus, group discussion, one of the pupils who was talking to his partner during the, lesson, commented that he did not know what the ICT. Scaffolding activities were present in most lessons observed in both schools. Creating a conducive ambience for learning in classrooms necessarily demands a proper know-how of the sociolinguistics of students by the teacher. These computer rooms were fully air-conditioned. The average class size was 40. The account identifies and describes five categories of orienting activities: introductory sessions to ICT tools, advance organizers and instructional objectives, worksheets and checklists, dialogues among participants, and tools for post-instructional reflection. Technology commands the speed in business, communication, commerce, education and even In such an environment, pupils are more likely to be task-oriented and reflective, and hence, more likely to engage in higher order thinking. lessons even if there were enough computers (Cheung, 1997). It integrates the subject (individual participant), the object, the tools, and the dynamic nature of human activities. Government-aided schools are, schools managed by a board of governors, usually from clans or religious. The resea, Contents Summary 5 1 Introduction 16 1.1 Information and Communication Technology in education 16 1.2 From an innovation-oriented to a teacher-oriented approach 17 1.3 From an obje ctivist to a constructivist view of learning 17 1.4 Defining the scope of this study 22 2 The multi-level approach 23 2.1 Introduction 23 2.2 The community 24 2.2.1 Definition 24 2.2.2 Factors influencing the, This edited book tells the story of the multifaceted efforts devoted by a “future school” in Singapore—The Nan Chiau Primary School—in shaping future learning. Another teacher in the school constructed. to what is likely to happen given a particular objective, constraint, or design. In East Primary School, a red cup was placed beside each computer to, allow pupils to signal for help. Most of the teachers reviewed previous concepts and made links to the con-, demonstrated the key features and the navigation buttons of the ICT learn-, ing package before allowing pupils to start using the computers. Only three of the lessons were. It focuses on the whole configuration of classroom, Over the last decade, activity theory has been adopted and developed as a. framework for researching ICT in education settings (Holland & Reeves, probably the most important concept. Creating Motivating Learning Environments: What We Can Learn from Researchers and Students . January 2010; The English Journal 100(1):25-29; DOI: 10.2307/20787687. Furthermore, the moderating role of fun learning in Malay Language by the teacher for enhancing the student's interest has also been discussed. ...Creating an environment conducive to learning | Department of Education and Early Childhood Development | | | Learning encompasses three broad domains—knowledge, behaviours and attitudes. Developing Conducive Sustainable Outdoor Learning: The Impact of Natural environment on Learning, Social and Emotional Intelligence Seyedehzahra Mirrahimi, N.M.Tawil , N.A .G. These rules and procedures are to be integrated into a workable system, by teachers and should be deliberately taught to the pupils. Each school has the opportunity to be a hub in its com-munity that is both contributing to and being assisted by the commu-nity around it. by Terry Heick. In such an environment, pupils are more likely to be, task-oriented and reflective, and hence, more likely to engage in higher. was inextricably tied to the activity theoretical framework. He has some sound advice for organizations that want to be innovation leaders. Many large-scale stud-, ies have documented the positive learning outcomes of using ICT in schools. • The school is a significant personal and social environment in the lives of its students. Therefore, the cup mediated between the rules and the community, and that created a more conducive environment in East Primary School than, All the teachers who were observed in both schools carried out postinstruc-, learnt to the next lesson. They may lack the technical skills to navigate and learn in the, ICT learning packages; or/and they may lack the motivation to learn using, JILR 14/4 page layout 12/23/03 3:23 PM Page 52, the ICT learning package. Ultimately, however, home-based learning facilitated through technology is not conducive to learning for most pupils. Launch of Masterplan for IT in Education. at the potter’s wheel or the writer’s desk…if we, removed human activity from the system of social relationships and social, life, it would not exist…the human individual’s activity is a system in the. 3. Therefore, activities are systems in the system of social relations. provide teachers with technical support, especially help in trouble-shooting, trate on conducting the actual lessons. The study concluded that there is a constructive connection between technologies mary School, one of the teachers used a concept-mapping software, teacher constructed the concept map on her computer, projected on the, screen, together with her pupils. In either case, the roles of the. such as observations. environment of the classroom. The rest, of the pupils displayed off-task behaviours such as daydreaming, talking. High-level technology use is typically associated with student-centered or constructivist practices (An & Reigeluth, 2011). Every child deserves to learn in a conducive learning environment that poses no threat to their health and safety ... and enhances learning outcomes and academic performance. Therefore, the availability of ICT, tools in the computer rooms mediates between the teacher and his/her man-. This ensured that the pupils knew how to use, the microscope and its accompanying program. Creating a school environment conducive to learning. In such an environment, pupils are more likely to be task-oriented and reflective, and hence, more likely to engage in higher order thinking. When pupils are able to successfully carry out, and complete the tasks, they are less likely to engage in deviant behaviours, observed. tance of rules and procedures during these discussions: “… if not (no rules), we’re talking too much and we don’t follow the teacher’s instructions, we do, our own things” and “if there are no rules about the computers, other people, class, and if the computer is messy, then we’ve got another problem to think, Some discipline-specific procedures that were observed in both schools, according to their class index number. Here are five tips to help you create a conducive studying environment in the home. Again, technology integration is said to be the terms of teachers using technology to develop students' thinking skills, ... A number of propositions are presented as to how to incorporate ICT in language learning in the Moroccan secondary schools EFL contexts. Indeed, one cannot simply assume that pupils are comfortable with any ICT software, or hardware that they handle. Potter (2000) suggested that a, bank of regular sayings, which emphasised good practices, be put on the, notice board of the computer room for all pupils to see. To provide an in-depth examination of the classroom management issues, that create a conducive environment for the effective integration of ICT in, schools, a collective case study approach is adopted. Although many of these rules and procedures are established, in “regular” classrooms, they can still be applied in ICT, In addition to the previously mentioned issues and strategies, teachers also. There are many components that must be considered in schools to create a positive learning environment for the students. The sheer growth of information and communication technologies (ICT) has reshaped teaching and learning practices tremendously in the learning environments all over the globe. the environment needs to be conducive to learning, allowing the pupils space and time to interact within the learning and teaching process. [Online]. However, mathematical literacy has not become the main goal in the implementation of the learning carried out. where point 1 of the scale is associated with no or little integration of IT, point 3 is associated with moderate integration of IT, To ensure accuracy of the conclusions drawn, data from the observations, discussions with pupils were used in the multiple strategies process. In reality, the. technologies aided instruction and student performance. dures, such as distribution of materials and fire drills. new learning environment questionnaire based on my reading of the literature, but also on what I thought at the time were largely intuitive findings from this study. solving simple technical problems (Marcovitz, Hamza, & Farrow, 2000). There, were 31 teaching staff and 4 support staff, including the T, fully air-conditioned computer room with about 40 computers, data projec-, tor, pull-down projector screen, whiteboard, and two printers. Pelgrum (2001), in a worldwide survey among schools from 26 countries, found that the most frequently mentioned problem of integrating ICT in edu-, cation was the insufficient number of computers. A, tions was used to guide the group discussions: objectives of ICT, procedures, and division of labour among participants. Studies have shown that reading can help babies develop their speech and language skills. When, instructions were confusing, as observed in a lesson in North Primary, School, pupils were found to display more deviant behaviours. Three teachers were interviewed in each school after the observation of, unstructured interview format was adopted to encourage meaning making by, to talk about was generated for the interview: objectives of ICT, reasons for using ICT and non-ICT tools, roles of the participants, rules and, Focus groups are group interviews that rely, not on a question-and-answer, format of interview but on the interaction within the group. 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