While both insight and divergent thinking tasks are used to study creativity, there are reasons to believe that the two may call upon very different mechanisms. Sleep “Bed” might be your best bet out of the three. What convergent thinking is … He argued that creativity is a natural resource and suggested that efforts to encourage creativity would pay high dividends to the whole of society. Rothenberg (1983) introduced the idea of janusian thinking, naming it after the Roman god Janus, who had two faces and thus could look in two directions at the same time so that he had the ability to deal simultaneously with pieces of information that would not normally be processed together. Heilman, in Encyclopedia of Human Behavior (Second Edition), 2012. The goal of the course designers was to enhance the fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration of trainees’ responses during creative thought. Water logic, by contrast, allows ideas to flow together from many directions according to the natural pathways in the material in question, just as water flows along cracks and depressions in the ground where there is no resistance, and forms pools and eventually rivers (creative ideas). It involves breaking a topic down into its various component parts in order to gain insight about the various aspects of the topic. The Alternate Uses Test is one of the most popular divergent thinking tasks. Decisions on what the next step should be are based on correctness, and this is decided in terms of absolute norms such as truth, justice, or beauty, which change only slowly. V. Drago, K.M. Also called: ‘Thinking … Edward De Bono’s concept of Lateral Thinking falls into this area. Divergent thinking, or lateral thinking, is about generating multiple creative solutions to the same problem. In the design world—where we’re constantly employing design thinking in our work—both approaches are necessary and lead to unique solutions … Pair this with the fact that creative ideas do not always work out as intended, it is not surprising that people have difficulty accepting creativity. The differences between divergent thinking in the top-down sense and divergent thinking in the bottom-up sense may seem trivial, and indeed, this is of little consequence to the general concept of divergent thinking. Here, we summarize studies that show that creativity develops considerably during adolescence with different developmental trajectories for insight, verbal divergent thinking, and visuospatial divergent thinking. As expected, the transformational leadership group was more flexible and fluent than the transactional group; and also nominal groups were superior to real groups in those regards. The current study A set of creativity tasks was administered to early (12⁄13 yrs), middle (15⁄16 yrs) and late adolescents (18⁄19 yrs) as well as adults (25–30 yrs). Although I will deal with some other specific features of convergent thinking later in this chapter, I want to discuss some other kinds of thinking that are associated with the generation of variability and novelty. This should sensitize researchers to task features when interpreting imaging results. The Runco Ideational Behavior Scale (RIBS) was also administered (Runco, Plucker, & Lim, 2000–2001). Andrew Marvell Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies Archaeology and Landscapes Studies Research Centre / Wetland Archaeology and Environments Research Centre Blaydes Maritime Centre Centre for Applied Research and Evaluation Centre for British Politics Centre for City and Regional Studies Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice Centre for End of Life Studies Centre for … Divergent thinking has long been viewed as an important component of creative problem solving. Of course, this system is highly vulnerable to error, … The Press No age-group differences were observed for verbal divergent thinking fluency and flexibility. Rather, these constraints are the basis of the analysis that follows our divergent thinking, and knowing what they are is a necessary part of the engineering problem-solving process. The Torrance Test of Creative Thinking is the most widely used test to assess divergent thinking and creativity. We found that, in the case of the insight task the depolarization of right temporo-parietal junction and hyperpolarization of left middle temporal gyrus resulted in increased performance, relative to both the control condition and the reverse stimulation condition in both groups (non-native > native speakers). Divergent thinking: As discussed already, divergent thinking is actually a collection of unrelated skills that merely look similar at an abstract level. Igor Schindler, University of Hull. Basadur, Graen, and Green stated that engineers in an industrial organization showing significant improvements in problem finding and problem-solving immediately after training and this finding held 2 weeks later on work related measures. Investigating these two components of creativity has Divergent thinking should be the basis of the generation phase, while convergent thinking should be the basis of the exploration phase. They broadly fall into 3 categories: divergent thinking, artistic creativity, and insight. Lateral Thinking. Heuristic-Simple thinking strategy that often allows us to make judgements and solve problems efficiently -2 types: Availability and Representative. Divergent and convergent thinking are two complementary methods to explore ideas, work towards goals, and address challenges. His view was, in this sense, about as far away from that of IQ theories as you can get. We work close handedly with our clients to offer solutions to their company goals and progress opportunities, to analyze market gaps, assess customer needs to develop business strategy and direction of growth. Algorithm-Methodical and logical procedure that guarantees solving a problem-Ex: proof in geometry. Their results have shown that patients with focal right frontal lobe lesions were impaired specifically on those match problems that required set shifts. This course was conducted as a lecture along with a discussion of the model presented to trainees. In other words, divergent thinking and presumably divergent doing would be underpinned by abstraction of the rules of generating alternatives that work at category level, further allowing access to different known categories and thereby fostering the creation of new categories. For this reason it has been argued that good performance on Match Problems necessitates ‘set shifts.’ By relaxing the constraints placed on the problem space, set shifts effectively widen the problem space. In the context of Match Problems, activation in right dorsal lateral PFC has been shown to covary parametrically with the number of generated solutions. 11 Moreover, to generate the best solution, individuals must use divergent thinking to overcome functional fixation. Lastly, assessing an individual's response to creative work or examining the degree to which an individual accepts or even initiates creative action is an important aspect of creativity that should be examined. Iss. A motor-form divergent thinking task, consisting in producing acted motor forms (e.g., a basketball player), has been also developed (Palmiero et al., 2019). This network is frequently activated in linguistic tasks, and its involvement is not surprising given the verbal nature of the stimuli and the task. 8 No age‐group differences were observed for verbal divergent thinking fluency and flexibility. "Differential Modulation of Performance in Insight and Divergent Thinking Tasks with tDCS," , Article 2. Course design includes the length of a creativity course, the types of practice opportunities trainees are given (if any), and how the different training sessions are scheduled (i.e., massed versus distributed). This is a self-report measure, assessing ideational skills in a natural environment. Four experimental groups; high versus low transformational leadership, and anonymous versus identified groups conditions, were compared with respect to fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. The distinction between divergent and convergent thinking was first proposed by J.P. Guilford. In addition, divergent doing tasks have also been developed (e.g., Bertsch, 1983; Moraru, Memmert, & van der Kamp, 2016; Wyrick, 1968) to assess divergence in motor domain, for example, asking participants to produce as many actions as possible on an agility ladder laid on the ground (e.g., stepping, skipping). Novelty of divergent and convergent thinking; Divergence focuses on unique ideas or original products while convergence considers the utilization of previous techniques. Furthermore, set shifts are facilitated by mental representations of the start state that are more abstract and ambiguous than the one provided in the problem statement. This training intervention was designed by Feldhusen and colleagues in the early 1980s and consists of 28 lessons on audio tape. As one generates more responses, the conflict of choosing between multiple responses would increase accordingly. Problem-solving is defined the act of resolving a complex, ill-defined problem using new ideas that have been developed using multiple pieces of information and expertise in order to provide a framework for implementing a solution. Divergent thinking takes place in a free-flowing manner and is spontaneous, which results in multiple possible solutions in short amount of time. -Insight. David H. Cropley, in Creativity in Engineering, 2015. They concluded that the selection of tests is important even when they seem to measure same or similar skills. He was president of the American Psychological Association and devoted his 1949 Presidential Address to creativity (Guilford 1950). The use of lectures, A-V equipment, case-based material, or cooperative learning activities fall into this category. Evidence bearing on the effectiveness of this program can be found in Reese, Parnes, Treffinger, and Kaltsounis in 1976 and Basadur, Graen, and Green in 1982. Originality is not synonymous with creative thinking, but originality is undoubtedly the most commonly recognized facet of creativity. Little, S.J. Divergent thinking (DT) is an important constituent of creativity that captures aspects of fluency and originality. Runco, in Encyclopedia of Creativity (Second Edition), 2011. This procedure is unorganized and yields unexpected connections. Given that alpha wave activity is an inverse measure of cortical activity, this finding confirms that creativity is linked to task-related variation in cortical function. Divergent thinking may play several roles in organizations. Presumably, homospatial thinking is the opposite of heterospatial thinking—which keeps ideas locked away from each other in separate spaces. Thus, access to different conceptual categories enables the activation of more original ideas. Edward … The involvement of right dorsal lateral PFC in working memory for maintaining and storing information is well established. On a cognitive level, one would expect a positive correlation between the number of hypotheses generated and the demand on monitoring resources and relations. The ability to generate diverse ideas (divergent thinking) is valuable in solving creative problems (e.g., insight problems); yet, however advantageous, this ability is insufficient to solve the problem alone and requires the ability to logically deduce an assessment of correctness of … Divergent thinking tests were also used for prediction of managerial creativity. … This selective impairment was especially apparent in patients with lesions to right ventral (as opposed to dorsal) prefrontal cortex (PFC). Scratchley and Hakstian (2000–2001) used a battery of divergent thinking tests that were developed for industrial settings, including three components: the brainstorming exercise, which requires finding many solutions for a management problem; the similarities exercise, which entails finding many similarities between two different objects; and the association exercise which is about finding a word that connects three dissimilar words. Unlike the Alternate Uses Task, Match Problems is a visuospatial problem-solving task. So now that you know about three different types of creativity, insight, convergent thinking, and divergent thinking, you might think that the brain processes must be complicated. : Sleep “Bed” might be your best bet out of the three. This program was developed by Sidney Parnes and colleagues during the 1970s and presents trainees with six stages of creative problem-solving. It underpins the creative potential rather than creativity (e.g., Runco & Acar, 2012), which relies on an open-ended mental process aimed at finding different solutions to open problems (e.g., alternative uses for a brick—Kaufman, Plucker, & Baer, 2008). Pretend play relates to and facilitates processes—divergent thinking, insight, imagination, and affect expression—relevant to creativity and creative problem solving (Dansky 1980; Fisher 1992; Moore and Russ 2008; Russ and Grossman-McKee 1990). Divergent thinking tests are also used in numerous educational programs and in various organizational training packages. > On the other hand, coming to a conclusion too quickly can prevent sufficient divergent thinking and limit the number of potential solutions generated. Almost all multiple choice tests that assess reasoning rather than knowledge require the person taking the test to use convergent reasoning. Findings indicate that both hemispheres are involved in divergent thinking, which is accompanied by both event-related increases and decreases in the neural activation. We explain this dissociation in terms of differing task demands of divergent thinking and insight tasks and speculate that the greater sensitivity of non-native speakers to tDCS stimulation may be a function of less entrenched neural networks for non-native languages. That improv causes increases in divergent thinking (Lewis & Lovatt, 2013) helps explain the success of improv in creative fields such as business and entrepreneurship (Lubart, 2016). The goal of divergent thinking is to generate many different ideas about a topic in a short period of time. Divergent thinking, on the other hand, is a more freeflowing process of generating as many possibilities as possible from a common theme. Early EEG results from pioneering studies by Colin Martindale distinguished alpha wave activity in relation to engagement in the Alternate Uses Test from activity in relation to engagement in the Remote Associates Test and intelligence tests. It is closely associated with spontaneity, random thoughts, non-conformity, creativity and thinking “out-of-the-box”. However, assuming creativity is needed, and given that this article is focused on promoting creativity through training, it is valid to consider the degree to which creativity training helps people become more accepting of creative ideas. Components of creativity training courses. The terms convergent thinking and divergent thinking were introduced by a psychologist J.P. Guilford, in 1967. Divergent Insights: We help turn Fortune! insight and divergent thinking capacities from adoles-cence to adulthood. It is closely associated with spontaneity, random thoughts, non-conformity, creativity and thinking “out-of-the-box”. No age‐group differences were observed for verbal divergent thinking fluency and flexibility. Jung (2000–2001) compared transformational and transactional leadership in the conditions of real versus nominal brainstorming groups. Not surprisingly, divergent thinking tests are among the most commonly used in creativity research. Identify differences (e.g., fly and butterfly), Identify similarities (e.g., blood and a poppy), Visual tracking (i.e., follow moving object with head and eyes), Tactile prehension (i.e., pick up particular object), J.J. Caughron, ... M.D. One of the best known training programs is the Purdue Creative Thinking program. This study investigated the divergent thinking of students with visual impairments (i.e., blindness or low vision) in three countries and explored the correlates of their performance on two tasks. The composite of divergent thinking was correlated (both zero-order and part correlations) with the measure of global change and general managerial creativity, but not with the incremental change. Rather than emphasizing one process such as divergent thinking, researchers using this approach have identified a wide variety of cognitive processes contributing to creativity. > This deficit has been attributed to the role of the right frontal region in permitting flexible strategy shifts. It’s a straight forward process that focuses on figuring out the most effective answer to a problem. Furthermore, divergent thinking/doing is based on ideational fluency, but it also requires qualitative solutions that are mapped onto flexibility and originality. Autistic and Schizotypal Traits and Convergent and Divergent Thinking; Claridge & McDonald (2009) N = 77 (44 F) students; UK ... D.R. Zig where others zag. 8 de Bono extended his model to distinguish between rock logic and water logic. While both insight and divergent thinking tasks are used to study creativity, there are reasons to believe that the two may call upon very different mechanisms. Rothenburg also introduced the term homospatial thinking. Electroencephalographic studies of divergent thinking yield highly variegated results. Delivery media includes the types of materials that were used to convey material during the course. Iveta Eimontaite, University of Hull On divergent thinking in the visuo‐spatial domain, however, only 15/16‐year‐olds … The information and ideas obtained as a result of divergent thinking can be structured using convergent thinking to produce a single most effective answer. Course delivery includes variables such as how long the training lasts, the amount of lecture used, the amount of practice time given to trainees, the nature of the practice exercises, the amount of feedback provided to trainees, as well as other variables related to how the instructor communicated material to trainees in order to facilitate learning the content incorporated into the course. Next, these developmental time courses are mapped to changes in brain activity when individuals perform divergent thinking tasks. It is not enough to encourage diverse thinking – when you see a load of other white, middle-aged professionals around the table, you will likely suggest solutions that will find approval with your audience. Yet even if Guilford’s methods were questionable, his conception of divergent and convergent thinking has proven to be quite useful. However, divergent thinking, as the precursor to convergent thinking and taking place within a creative problem-solving (or top-down engineering design) process, does not have the same complete freedom. M.A. Brainstorming, free writing, keeping a journal and mind-mapping are examples of divergent thinking. Google Scholar. The two older age groups outperformed the two younger age groups on insight tasks. When multivariate analyses were run by controlling for gender and group size, the significant main effects were for leadership and group conditions as well as an interaction effect of both on fluency and flexibility scores. Earrings 4. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Initially, he emphasized lateral thinking. and divergent thinking (Guilford, 1967). These three tasks vary in the extent to which performance is a function of reliance on divergent versus convergent processes: whereas the Alternate Uses Test is generally perceived to be a relatively ‘pure’ measure of divergent processes, the Remote Associates Test is considered to depend both on divergent and convergent processes, and intelligence tests are perceived to depend primarily on convergent processes. Neuroimaging studies of this paradigm also indicate no reliable changes above and beyond diffuse prefrontal activation. DOI: 10.7771/1932-6246.1172 ... “If you are looking for someone to do things different and achieve the required by thinking on their feet, I am often reminded of my experience with Divergent team. For the next 35 years he attempted to prove exactly this. Additionally, the theoretical framework a course designer used in developing the course is likely to have a pervasive influence on all four of these factors. And some places encourage creativity more than others. Divergent thinking can be a useful metatheory, however, because it suggests the possibility of domain-specific divergent-thinking skills that matter in many domains, including skills that can be promoted using certain techniques. Members of organizations often approach creative ideas with skepticism or even resistance. In the 1950s, J. P. Guildford and his colleagues defined it as the ability to generate multiple alternative solutions to a given situation or problem. Summary: Using both Convergent and Divergent Thinking. Divergent thinking is one of the most well-studied aspects of creativity. They found a main effect for transformation leadership, with the higher transformational leadership group scoring higher in originality and elaboration than the low transformational leadership group. Mumford, in Encyclopedia of Creativity (Second Edition), 2011. Examples of Thinking Leading to Production of Variability/Orthodoxy. The idea of divergent thinking, however, remains influential in the area of creativity assessment, but divergent thinking is now mostly divorced from Guilford’s larger model and its 120 (or 150 or 180, depending on the version of the theory) elements.b, Massimiliano Palmiero, in Creativity and the Wandering Mind, 2020. These findings call into question the usefulness of the divergent thinking … After an initial period of divergent thinking, where diverse ideas are introduced, groups have to organize that information, focus on what’s most important, and make decisions in order to move forward into the phase of convergent thinking. Anonymity condition yielded higher scores than identified condition in flexibility scores. This … For instance, processes like brainstorming, creative thinking and free writing are parts of divergent thinking applied at the beginning … The problem-solving approach to creativity spawned a well-known training program called the Creative Problem-Solving program. This represents a more extensive description of the processes contributing to creative thought than divergent thinking alone. It can be highly productive to think differently, and it pays off in the long run. 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