Online chat rooms and social networking sites, such as MySpace, provide easy access for online predators to find unsuspecting kids. MaraPets is highly interactive, allowing users to communicate with each other in a social networking environment. This is particularly useful if your social networking groups include a lot of people who will be attending or marking the occasion. ism band - Radio band used in wireless networking transmissions. Some choose networking and other less romantic pursuits, while others clearly state they're looking for a relationship. CM 1522394 People talk a lot about social networks these days. About Social Networking: Want to learn more about what social networking really is and find out how you can make the most of it? As teens get older, they are more likely to turn to these websites for networking purposes or to make new friends. If you're a bit on the shy side, the idea of networking may seem overwhelming. Hulu also offers a widget that you can add to your social networking site. Then pick up the wireless networking adapter. If you did a Web search for free social networking sites, the first ones that would pop up would probably be MySpace, Facebook and Friendster. There are many effective and easy to use proxy sites available for online social networking sites. Networking hardware, communications, wireless technologies and security are the best areas with overall growth rates projected at 55%. A network of parents have joined together to improve the local PTO and strengthen community involvement. Networking definition, a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest: Working mothers in the community use networking to help themselves manage successfully. Take a look at the online florist's website to see if they have links to any of their social networking pages, then check there for special deals they offer to their followers, friends, and subscribers. You may wonder why anyone would want to create a celeb fake account on a social networking site and the truth is that most people wouldn't. Trade magazines and networking are two of the biggest tools used by active professionals to gain information about a company and its hiring expectations. Attending college also has social benefits, which include meeting new friends and networking with local business people. The board exists to educate those who issue insurance to members of the community, as well as share information and promote business relationships through networking in the industry. This is good place for networking with other Moms who like AMC. 24, The event also included seven seminars on subjects such as marketing, 25, It warned of unexpectedly low fourth-quarter earnings because of lagging sales of its computer, 26, To dial an ISP, simply click on its entry in Dial-up, 27, Landis believes many investors still are underestimating the growth potential of the, 28, The company is close-mouthed about plans, but most observers believe wireless computer, 29, Investors continue to swoon over Cisco, considered one of the dominant vendors of high-end, 30, Installations that run a variety of operating systems and, 3, Besides selecting technological ventures for investment, the firms provide management, marketing and. Christian MySpace comments add a touch of faith to online social networking sites. Social networking has given fans the ability to quickly check up on news and updates, and this includes finding out information about your favorite reality shows. Although they are most often associated with teenagers and college students, social networking sites are becoming increasingly popular among people of all ages. A full 20 percent stated that they felt they were ""somewhat" or "very safe" if they chose to share personal information on a social networking site or a blog that is available to the public. One of the highlights is an "icon archive" that stores small headshots of Lovato for people to use as their icons or avatars on forums or social networking sites. Networking with family members is one of the best things you can do to find employment as a young person. They've installed the new computer network at last. For example, wireless networking removes the risk of tripping over loose computer cables. So, I … It provides us a platform to communicate with other users in network. How to use network in a sentence. The LinkedIn database is an excellent networking resource for professionals. Mobile Marketer indicates that Facebook is the most popular social networking site for this generation, but other sites are popular too. Millenials treat social networking the way their parents and grandparents treated the telephone; they use it primarily for communication. The People Hub aggregates all of the users social networking feeds and photos, providing one location to view and update content. Android EVO 4G runs on 3G & 4G network,  iPhone runs only on 3G only,  has ZEROOOO 4G and can't run on any 4G network  at all The term network cloud is a jargon coined by DoCoMo as I mentioned at the outset.. Employers that advertise online may also be more likely to access a teen's social networking profiles to learn more about them. Get recommendations on how to shoot for social networking sites and digital galleries, sell stock photos and create unique photo products from digital images. It's set up basically like a social networking site. It provides details on the promotional activities the company plans to do, such as direct mail, email marketing, SEO marketing, social media and social networking, print advertisements, radio and television commercials and trade shows. How to use network in a sentence. While it's not as powerful a social networking tool as it used to be, many people still use MySpace to find new friends and acquaintances. Classmates: One of the first social networking site created in 1995, more than 40 million registered members worldwide use this site to connect with former classmates, co-workers and military personnel. However, other companies require you to sign up for their e-mail newsletter, friend/visit their social networking site or join a birthday club. Find the ones that suit your lifestyle and enjoy greater organization, social networking, and entertainment than ever before. To learn more about blogging, visit the Everything Blogging category at LoveToKnow Social Networking. An article in Mobile Marketer reviews this trend and points out that smart product advertisers, for example, use this knowledge to create social networking marketing plans and websites that work on mobile devices. Examples of network in a sentence: 1. You can subscribe to Discover Magazine or you can read the website articles, blogs, listen to the Podcasts, watch videos, Twitter, and all the other typical social networking venues. The best way to explain any social networking site these days is to compare it to Facebook, the social networking site people are more familiar with. Parents in today's technologically charged social scene are concerned with security issues with social networking websites like MySpace, Facebook, and Friendster. Networking is a way for one to stay connected to the community or industry. Dancers, who are looking to give themselves an Internet presence, a method of networking with people of similar interests, or even just looking to stay in touch with friends, might also utilize a ballet background on their MySpace page. This is where the beauty of networking comes in. Many people are repelled by the thought of networking. 3. The networking list of example sentences with networking. wireless networking removes the risk of tripping over loose computer cables. I have used these since that time and now have no fear of any networking event that I attend. Love Hate Facebook Page: Love Hate also maintains another social networking page through Facebook. It features a large touchscreen display and an innovative TimeScape interface that connects users to online social networking services. Data Centers offer redundant power, lightning-fast fiber connections and 24X7X365 support from a staff with more than a decade of networking experience. Other teens follow book blogs like Teen Reads or get book recommendations from social networking sites like facebook. Even though it grew into a social networking site, there are a large number of musicians actively using Myspace to share their music. They are social networking sites designed to bring people together (albeit virtual people) to form groups and communicate. Well, even here the network of evidence is as complete as elsewhere. Another tool to help find work as a journalist is networking, especially if you are freelancing. networking hardware device, you'll see the TCP/IP protocol listed below that device. Additionally, with the ever-growing specter of identity theft and phishing scams, the ability to use proxy sites to visit MySpace can only help users retain a sense of security and comfort in their wish to enjoy social networking. Just like other online distractions like email and social networking websites, playing online games might keep you from doing other things you should be doing. The latest version of iMesh - iMesh 7 - follows the same format but also has instant messaging capabilities and a social networking feature. Networking, at many levels and in many ways, is related to the characteristics of our pragmatic framework. In under an hour you can have a pocketful of cards ready for networking events and more. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB The inevitable outcome is an exponential explosion in computing and networking power. They also seek entertainment on social networking sites, so games are quite popular. 3. The clean edge breaks off evenly, without those telltale chads and nubs common to computer generated business cards that raise red flags when passed around at networking meetings. 7. The inevitable outcome is an exponential explosion in computing and networking power. In fact, YouTube is more than a site filled with videos; it's a social networking hub. Educational institutions typically frown on and discourage using MySpace social networking sites for students. Participating in a social networking site for investors lets them feel that they have a finger on the pulse of what is happening in the business world and that they can use this information to make wise investment choices. Take advantage of the popularity of social networking sites and launch your own network, using time-tested marketing techniques to promote it. 5. The skills that a computer networking graduate develops can be applied to applications of all sizes, from opportunities in large corporations to ones involving small business enterprises with a handful of users. In reality, if no one knows about a great new social networking site, no matter how many features it offers, the site won't grow. Top searched words Since technical writing is a specialized field, it is helpful to take advantage of networking opportunities when looking for clients. 5. There are other, less popular, social networking sites as well, though Myspace and Facebook are probably the most frequented by teenagers and young adults. With MySpace and Facebook being some of the largest online social networking sites, there are numerous law enforcement agencies and special interest groups that monitor their activity closely. Social networking sites such as Facebook and microblogging sites such as Twitter mean that people are very comfortable with sharing news as it happens. In addition, blog postings and comments are reviewed very carefully by the social networking site's staff members, who will remove comments or postings that are misleading or illegal in content. This group will give you access to networking events and informational workshops that can help you learn more about what it's like to work as a journalist. Students who are enrolled in computer networking degree programs learn how to design, install, and configure computer networks. likened to speed dating in that we help you meet other companies through a networking venue. Photos from this app can be shared via social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Using blogs or other social networking tools you can easily post the words online and, even better, receive feedback from others. This social networking pages is a more mature site that is run by MTV. Facebook remains the most popular social networking site for millenials. This type of networking is often referred to as being "viral", in that there is such a short degree of separation between everyone. It also features a range of other cool things to work with your social networking presences online. Networking sites let you create a personalized profile, with information that goes beyond the dating sites' "about me" and "what I'm looking for.". What is the definition of networking? Networking is the process of trying to meet new people who might be useful to you in your job, often through social activities. Xing is a business networking site for professionals and has great global appeal. Social networking naturally concerns many parents, given the vastness of the Internet and how easy it is to post information on the Web that follows you forever or meet and communicate with total strangers. It allows us to share data and resources. Most teenagers have heard of social networking sites; some of the major ones are Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. It allows multiple users to work on a single project. Networking with local agencies that help the elderly is a fantastic way to find telecommuting positions. From Cambridge English Corpus The ' social network ' is the amalgamation of ties among actors and the ' social structure ' is the pattern those ties assume. It allows us to implement the security policies. Facebook is one of the most popular networking site where pictures, videos and personal pages are shared with friends. It is a social networking site that includes a dating component. My research is looking at the use of modulated retro-reflector to provide reliable optical networking for micro-machines within an environment such as a room. The thief or group of thieves sends out emails to addresses either purchased or gathered … network definition is - a fabric or structure of cords or wires that cross at regular intervals and are knotted or secured at the crossings. (joined, used, ran, created, managed, set up) This ensures the benefit and enjoyment of social networking online. Individuals that work within the insurance industry within the state can become members of the state insurance board, which benefits them by creating education and networking opportunities. Facebook: One of the best free iPhone apps, Facebook allows you to connect with all your social networking buddies just like you would on the full website. How to use networking in a sentence. Making contacts and networking are not simply good practice for solo librarians but can be a life-line. Despite being an incompetent worker, I'm employed because I'm great at networking! Both the 360 and the PS3 will support USB devices, wireless communication, home networking, and wireless controllers. Many scrapbookers will welcome the community store trend because of the networking and support. You can also use a social networking site to keep in touch with family members who live far away, plan reunions and share pictures without clogging up your e-mail account. MySpace|MySpace]] has always been inclusive and has a somewhat more youthful feel, though both can be used for networking, meeting people to date or for finding new friends. The phones created under the Microsoft Pink moniker will be aimed at heavy users of social networking and messaging technology, in order to bring faster and better ways to keep in contact with friends and family. Swansea is a consortium member of four leading UK - based universities that will provide innovative future optical, wireless and networking technology scenarios. Example sentences with the word network. Professional development organizations for writers are a fabulous resource for networking with other freelancers. This might include help with advertising and marketing, networking with other professional stagers, or mentor assistance. This site operates on the same basic principle as other social networking Web sites, but is devoted to those in search of business and career opportunities. Social networking sites for adults are becoming more popular, providing avenues for people to enjoy the benefits of communicating on a variety of subjects and interests. Networking is always a good idea when you are in business, and other business owners are a great source of information when you are looking for resources for your business, including grants. You can also use social networking sites to find people to date. use "network" in a sentence. MySpace is a popular social networking site among those who love music. In 2006, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill requiring libraries and schools receiving certain types of federal funding to keep minors from accessing MySpace and other social networking sites. They usually don't last long and sometimes company employees have first dibs on the used computer monitors, so networking is essential. The Word "Network" in Example Sentences Page 1. 3. Facebook App - Facebook has to be one of the most used social networking sites in history. Are you a businessperson looking for networking opportunities? For instance, if the local network is set up to block Facebook or MySpace, you can still visit your favorite social networking destination by typing its address into a site like eBuddy. Would you base financial decisions on knowledge gleaned from a social networking site for investors? Women are more attracted to social networking then men. It is difficult to quantify how many people are involved in social networking across all the different sites, but some estimates say that two thirds of all web users will visit a social networking site at least once a month. It allows us to track and monitor the use of resources. Examples of Network in a sentence Our insurance will only pay for treatment if you use a doctor that is in their network of providers. Joining clubs, societies, or even getting involved as a volunteer in the community can reveal a whole new web of social networking that might have been previously closed off. Social networking sites are Web pages that connect people. Remember to read all about the networking site before committing to join. That's another bit of research that savvy marketers and social networking site developers should take to heart. The networking option allows multiple monsters to collaboratively or competitively rampage through the same city. If you've never used social networking it might be difficult to see why people would want to use social networking. Another way to drive traffic to your web site is to submit articles or blog posts to various social networking sites. And, of course, a lot of people use the networking function to flirt. The President plays a particularly important role in fundraising, networking and as the Forum's chief media spokesperson. Use social networking tools like Facebook and Twitter to spread the word about autism and related pervasive developmental disorders. From Cambridge English Corpus Finally, the search for a marriage partner was a motive to many a young servant to … Networking helps you keep abreast of any job opportunities that might be suited for your skills. Be sure to use social networking websites safely and let your parents know if you encounter any weird situations or messages online. network example sentences. Millenials like to access social networking sites through their mobile devices, so anyone developing apps or new sites must take this into account. Networking. The first question you may ask is why would you want to share your music on the one of the world's largest networking sites anyways. The theoretical frame of the research draws on theories of new regionalism, transnational networking and theories of the state in Latin America. You may find clients by networking at local chamber of commerce events or by participating in groups for young professionals. Sending out a newsletter as a PDF attachment in an email or as an uploaded image on a social networking site is a great way to make a newsletter without spending the hassle with mailing. From this perspective, it's important to be aware of the security issues that come with networking online. There are literally hundreds of free social networking sites all around the world that focus on different interests, types of people and goals that individuals have when it comes to social networking. The people participating on the social networking sites won't be shy about sharing what works for them and what investments went south. Visit LoveToKnow Social Networking to learn about the language of social networking, such as RSS Feeds and Web 2.0 and find the best social networking sites for you. Online games, social networking, browsing the Internet and even checking emails can be a big use of time. UjENA is very supportive in networking with talent to help move their careers to the next level. It is a job that would put her at the heart of the regeneration agenda, providing a good opportunity for networking. For example, the WBC in Mobile, AL provides counseling, support, referrals, networking, and affordable opportunities for all types of business owners. 6. Users will earn Karma points, which is a point system linked to Facebook, the social networking website. Consider finding friends and activities at a senior center similar to networking for business or building a fellowship at church. Discuss awards during job interviews and while networking. Social bookmarking takes social networking in another direction. If you don't have contact information, you may be able to get in touch via social networking sites like Facebook or LinkedIn. Whether you are a MySpace user or you're a parent who's concerned about keeping your kids safe on the popular social networking site, you'll find articles that meet your needs in this category. The client-planner relationship is key to the course of study, and students who enroll can expect to conduct networking with a variety of contacts and learn how to enable and foster successful long-term professional relationships. Is anyone else building or promoting a social networking site for the same group of people? Professional writer networking is a necessary part of building a successful career as a freelance writer. The fact is, you expect that networking will result in. A website that focuses on young people and music is unlikely to be the right place to find social networking for investors and likewise a new parent social networking site is not going to be suitable for people looking to meet singles. 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