Political Causes: Lord Dalhousie was the Governor-General of India till 1848-1856. Thus began the revolt of 1857. 10 mins. What were the causes of discontent among the ruling families? Political cause: Major political cause for the outbreak of the Revolt was the policy of annexation followed by Dalhousie. After this revolt the rule of the East India Company ended in India. Economic Causes of First War of Independence. B) To use the Indian army to defend the Indian territory of the empire from other imperialist powers in the regions like Russia, Germany, etc. Fig. Dalhousie through his policies had added considerable territories to the British Empire in India. Following were the causes of this Revolt: 1. Question bank for Class 8. For which he started to use doctrine of lapse. 3. causes of the revolt of 1857 • political causes. CAUSES OF REVOLT Economic Causes. • The peasants suffered due to high revenue demands and the strict revenue collection social, economic, administrative, military etc., the political grievances against the British Raj played the most important role in an outbreak of 1857 revolt. Causes for Revolt of 1857- Political and Socio-Religious. Watch Causes for Revolt of 1857- Political and Socio-Religious in English from Indian Freedom Movement and 1857 Revolt in India here. The various causes of the Mutiny of 1857 can be classified into several heads such as political, administrative, economic, Socio-religious, military and immediate causes.. GK, General Studies, Optional notes for UPSC, IAS, Banking, Civil Services. Mention the three economic factors that led to the outbreak of the great Revolt. Historians have identified diverse political, economic, military, religious and social causes of the Indian Rebellion of 1857.. An uprising in several sepoy companies of the Bengal army was sparked by the issue of new gunpowder cartridges for the Enfield rifle in February 1857. Causes of the Revolt of 1857. Causes for Revolt of 1857- Political and Socio-Religious. We hope the given RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 18 The Revolt of 1857 will help you. These Extra Questions with solution are prepared by our team of expert teachers who are teaching grade in CBSE … Learn Videos. Class 8 SST Revolt of 1857 and after When People Rebel 1857 and After The Revolt of 1857 is the first Indian revolt for independence against the British government, ruling India at that time under Imperialism as a colonial master. 12 mins. Under the doctrine of lapse, the British annexed any Indian state where the ruler did not have a male heir. The reign of Dalhousie had been quite momentous for the Britishers as he had pursued a policy of territorial aggrandisement and extended the dominions of the empire. The concepts should be clear which will help in faster learning. The following were the results of the Revolt of 1857:- i) The rule of the East India Company came to an end. The authority and the honour which they earlier commanded were gradually waning away. Political causes: LORD DALHOUSIE: A. Doctrine of lapse. is done on EduRev Study Group by Class 8 Students. Explain briefly any four social and religious causes that led to the Revolt of 1857. The most important cause of popular discontent was the British policy of economically exploiting India. are solved by group of students and teacher of Class 8, which is also the largest student
There were political, economic, social, religious and military causes of the revolt. Hindi GK. A large number of Indian rulers and chiefs were dislodged, thus arousing fear in the minds of other ruling families who apprehended a similar fate. Mention any three political causes of the Revolt. How did rumours and prophecies helped in the outbreak of sepoy mutiny? 10 mins. over here on EduRev! Religious causes 4. ... 9 mins. 11 mins. ... Class 10th and Class 12th, 12th class ISC board result 2019 and 10th class ICSE board result 2019 respectively is going to be declare in the month of May. 9. The events of 1857 were unique both in terms of historical precedence and in terms of the socio-political sphere as far as India was concerned. Social Causes: 4. ii) Queen Victoria issued a Proclamation promising to look after the welfare of the Indian people. Causes of 1857 revolt - 1 - When People Rebel, The Revolt of 1857: Causes of failure of the Revolt, RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics. “The Revolt of 1857” Amit Mishra Class – 8th (B) Roll No. Under him the British followed an expansionist policy in India. Following were the causes of this Revolt: 1. c) The riflesc given to Indians were of an inferior quality till 1900. A) Heavy taxation B) But down on major patronage for artisans and handicrafts C) increasing availability of market for Indian cotton. It was far more than a mutiny…. 1 Administrative Reasons for Failure of 1857 Revolt. Cause for Revolt- Economic and Military causes. SPREAD OF THE REVOLT. Economic Factors (Economic Causes of Revolt of 1857): 11 mins. The Revolt of 1857, the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Uprising of 1857, the Great Rebellion, the Indian Mutiny, the Sepoy Mutiny, are the different names for India’s First War of Independence against the British. Political Causes: Lord Dalhousie was the Governor-General of India till 1848-1856. The other factor was that Indian judges were not allowed to try the criminal cases of Europeans- thus discrimination was at all levels. Describe immediate causes of the revolt of 1857.Although the revolt began as a military rising and it appears to be a great sequel in the long series of a number of mutinies, its causes were deeply rooted in the changing conditions of the times. 1. before loading these rifles the sepoys had to bite off the paper on the cartridges. This hurt all sections of ... 2. Overview. This revolt can aptly be termed the first war of Indian independence against the British. 13 mins. Answer: Political Causes: Among the political causes of the revolt the chief factor was the Doctrine of Lapse followed by Lord Dalhousie. CBSE Class 8 History Chapter 5 Important Questions. We hope the given RBSE Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Chapter 18 The Revolt of 1857 will help you. Reply Delete. Historians have identified diverse political, economic, military, religious and social causes of the Indian Rebellion of 1857.. An uprising in several sepoy companies of the Bengal army was sparked by the issue of new gunpowder cartridges for the Enfield rifle in February 1857. ... Class 12 Political Science; Class 12 Psychology; Class 12 Sociology; Class 12 English Vistas; Class 12th English Flamingo; Class 12th maths; Class 12 Micro Economics; Class 12 Macro Economics; indianexpresss.in. Fig. The Revolt of 1857, also regarded as India's First War of Independence is an extremely important event of Indian history. They ransacked the jail and freed their comrades and even cut off the telegraph lines to Delhi. "causes of revolt of 1857" class 8 history for upsc/ssc/cgl/psc by kevin lopez personal tutor. :- 03 2. which angered the local ruler, who had to now live i… He was driven by conviction to bring all the Indian states ruled by local rulers into the fold of British administration. Overview. The already simmering anger against British burst out into a violent storm. Fig. CAUSES OF REVOLT. POLITICAL CAUSES. In the context of the Revolt of 1857, answer the following questions: Mention any three political causes of the Revolt. the revolt of 1857 which is called ‘sepoy mutiny’, ‘great revolt’ and the ‘first war of indian independence‘ is the watershed in the history of pre-independent and early colonial india. Religious Causes: 5. The cow was sacred to the Hindus, and the pig was taboo for the Muslims. Details, Madhya Pradesh The generally accepted view is that although the rising of 1857 started as a revolt of Indian sepoys. to start IES Prep and Strategy, 8 Tips Card, GATE 3. ANS:- AFTER 1857 REVOLT THERE was a systametic reorgonaization of the arny was done for the following reasons:- a) To prevent the repetition of another revolt like that of 1857. 12 mins. Military Causes of First War of Independence. Explain briefly any four social and religious causes that led to the Revolt of 1857. 3. The policies and laws introduced by the Company created discontentment among the rulers, landlords, peasants, tribals and sepoys and all wanted an end to the … Towards 1857 revolt In 1856, Lord Canning succeeded Lord Dalhousie as the Governor General of India. Fig. Even the European officers were not spared and their houses were set on fire. But, later it acquired political power in India through different stages. Causes of Revolt of 1857 3. The revolt of 1857 also known as the Sepoy Mutiny , the Great Rebellion and India s first war of independence was the result of colonial policies of the British Raj and prolonged resentment of different sections of Indian society such as Sepoys, Zamindars, Peasants, Artisans against discriminatory British … community of Class 8. how can i show the main centres of revolt of 1857 on a political map of india?? ADVERTISEMENTS: Causes of the Revolt: a. The Indian Rebellion of 1857 had diverse political, economic, military, religious and social causes. 8 Causes of the Revolt of 1857. Fig. ….Stanley Wolpert . The policy of annexation reached its climax when he implemented the policy of Doctrine […] ADVERTISEMENTS: Causes of the Revolt: a. Revolt of 1857 NCERT Solution. c) The riflesc given to Indians were of an inferior quality till 1900. for different reasons. The revolt of 1857 was not a result of an event or cause but it was the reaction of Indians against the illegal interference of the British in India’s political, social, religious and economic life. The revolt of 1857 was a product of the character and policies of rule. This revolt can aptly be termed the first war of Indian independence against the British. The sepoys wanted an end to the British rule and make Bahadur Shah Zafar their leader. 11.6 : This picture point out the outwardly good position of the zamindars. Causes of Revolt of 1857 The revolt of 1857 was initiated due to various factors which are stated below: Religious & Social Causes – racism or racial discrimination was believed to be a major reason for the revolt of 1857 wherein Indians were exploited and … The spark that led to a mutiny in several sepoy companies was the issue of new gunpowder cartridges for the Enfield rifle in February, 1857. He was military reformer but his introduction of Enfield rifles and use of greased cartridges in them became the immediate cause of mutiny in 1857. Political cause … • military causes. Table of Contents. 10 mins. The Revolt of 1857 was one of the first wars of Indian independence against the British. He was military reformer but his introduction of Enfield rifles and use of greased cartridges in them became the immediate cause of mutiny in 1857. The revolt of 1857 - MCQs with answers - Part I 1.Which among the following was not an economic cause of the revolt of 1857? It had to be bitten off before it could be loaded into the rifle. Cause for Revolt- Economic and Military causes. ... " changes after revolt of 1857" class 8 history for upsc/ssc/ias/cgl - duration: 8:39. The revolt of 1857 is an important event in the History of India. 11.6 : This picture point out the outwardly good position of the zamindars. The Revolt of 1857 was one of the first wars of Indian independence against the British. 8. immediate cause • the revolt of 1857 eventually broke out over the incident of greased cartridges. Many causes led to the outbreak of Revolt of 1857. Why was it difficult for planters to expand the area for nij cultivation. This resulted in the other sepoys rising in revolt. causes of revolt of 1857 1. B) To use the Indian army to defend the Indian territory of the empire from other imperialist powers in the regions like Russia, Germany, etc. 11.5 : It is Henry Hardinge. Causes of revolt of 1857? • social and religious causes. The policy of annexation reached its climax when he implemented the policy of Doctrine […] yet much less than a first war of Independence. This hurt all sections of society. As a result the Company became the supreme ruling power in India and the rest of the ruling class became mere puppets in their hands. Introduction to First War of Independence. The news spread like wild fire. Revolt of 1857 Loss of Power for Nawabs: Since the mid-eighteenth century, the power of nawabs and rajas had been eroding. View the causes of failure of 1857 mutiny with infographic. Economic Causes. • The most important cause of popular discontent was the British policy of economically exploiting India. Following were the causes of the great revolt of 1857 (a) Political Causes : The English Company´s policy of ´effective control´ and gradual extinction of the Indian Native States was facilitated by the subsidiary alliance system that culminated with the ´Doctrine of Lapse´ of Dalhousie. ICSE Solutions for Class 8 History and Civics – The Great Uprising of 1857. 1. What were the Causes of the Great Revolt of 1857? Download CBSE Class 8 Social Science Revolt Of 1857 Notes in pdf, Social Science chapter notes, class notes mind maps formulas Revision Notes CBSE Class 8 Social Science Revolt of 1857 Notes. History class 8 part 2 Download. Dalhousie through his policies had added considerable territories to the British Empire in India. to start IES Prep and Strategy, 8 Tips Card, GATE 3. If the answer is not available please wait for a while and a community member will probably answer this
The following were the causes of revolt of 1857. Causes of the Revolt of 1857 s Project By Manas Joshi Revolt Of 1857 6 7. At this time the new Enfield Rifles were introduced in which cartridges were greased with the fat of pigs and cows. EduRev is a knowledge-sharing community that depends on everyone being able to pitch in when they know something. expansionary policy of the British greatly contributed towards the revolt of 1857. Wellesely and Hastings adopted unfair means to expand their empire. Introduction to First War of Independence. Military Causes of First War of Independence. soon. Social and Religious cause 3. (i) Political Cause: Political causes: LORD DALHOUSIE: A. Doctrine of lapse. Question 1: Explain the political causes that led to the uprising of 1857. 11.5 : It is Henry Hardinge. A rumor that the cover contained cow and pig fat started doing the rounds. 2.1 Superior British Army; 2.2 Limited Supplies and Lack of Modern Communication; 3 Political Reasons for the Failure of 1857 Revolt. Unpopular revenue settlement Causes Of The Revolt Of 1857. Under this spurious doctrine, he annexed Satara, Sambalpur, Jhansi and Nagpur etc. The following were the causes of revolt of 1857. India as a region has known foreign invaders more frequently than any other region in world history. The British, under the East India Company, came to India purely as traders. After this revolt the rule of the East India Company ended in India. The political causes of the revolt may be traced to the British policy of expansion through the Doctrine of Lapse and direct annexation. There were Administrative, Military and Political Reasons for Failure of 1857 Revolt. The Questions and
Watch all CBSE Class 5 to 12 Video Lectures here. The reign of his successor witnessed a big conflagration-the Great Revolt of 1857. Causes of Revolt of 1857: The Company administration introduced the new Enfield rifle whose cartridge had a greased paper cover. The British had appointed Residents in many courts. Their policy of annexation of Burma, Assam, Coorg, Sind, the Punjab, and Oudh alarmed the whole princely order and their dependents. Economic Causes of First War of Independence. It is believed by many historians that Lord Dalhousie laid the foundations of the Indian Rebellion of 1857. 4. Revolt 1857 - first war of Independence - Question Answer Kerala PSC Coaching Class Malayalam#2 - Duration: 16:54. Fig. Question 2: What did the British do to protect the interests of those who converted to Christianity? Thus the political factors, i.e. On application of the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ or on the ground of mis-governance he annexed … ... 9 mins. 13 mins. myCBSEguide has just released Chapter Wise Question Answers for class 8 Social Science. 10 mins. The peasants suffered due to high revenue demands and the strict revenue collection policy. The Sepoy mutiny of 1857, popularly known as the Revolt of 1857 was the first major attempt at overthrow of the British rule from India led by disgruntled sepoys or army jawans and later joined by various sections of the society like princes, zamindars, peasants, etc. The start of the revolt was on the 29th of March, 1857, when Mangal Pandey, attacked his officers. Military Causes: • immediate cause. 1. The causes of the Revolt of 1857 Political Causes. This Revolt was initiated by the sepoys of the company, so it has been commonly termed as ‘Sepoy Mutiny’. Answers of Causes of revolt of 1857? Political Causes: 3. The Revolt Of 1857. Class 8. What are the main causes of the revolt of 1857 in India. May 17,2020 - political causes of the revolt of 1857 Related: Sepoy Mutiny - Revolt of 1857 in India - When People Rebel, CBSE Class 8 SST History | EduRev Class 8 Question is disucussed on EduRev Study Group by 163 Class 8 Students. GKPSC Question Answer Recommended for you 16:54 The unhappiness of the sepoys first surfaced in 1824 when the 47th Regiment at Barrackpur was ordered to go to Burma. CAUSES OF THE REVOLT OF 1857. 11.5. 11.5. Role of the public poets and writers. CAUSES OF REVOLT Following were the causes of the great revolt of 1857 (a) Political Causes: The English Company´s policy of ´effective control´ and gradual extinction of the Indian Native States was facilitated by the subsidiary alliance system that culminated with the ´Doctrine of Lapse´ of Dalhousie. Political cause 2. Under him the British followed an expansionist policy in India. But it was not simply a revolt of sepoys. Apart from being the largest Class 8 community, EduRev has the largest solved
ECONOMIC CAUSES The attack by Mangal Pandey is considered one of the first acts of what came to be known as the Great Rebellion or the Sepoy Mutiny. Answer: (a) Political Causes: Dalhousie annexed the states of Satara, Nagpur and Jhansi by applying the Doctrine of Lapse. • economic causes. Military cause 5. On 10th May 1857 men of 3rd Light Cavalry stormed the barracks jail and released their comrades. You can study other questions, MCQs, videos and tests for Class 8 on EduRev and even discuss your questions like
The Revolt of 1857, also regarded as India's First War of Independence is an extremely important event of Indian history. both hindu and muslim sepoys refused to use them. The Revolt of 1857 which is called ‘Sepoy Mutiny’, ‘Great Revolt’ and the ‘First War of Indian Independence‘ is the watershed in the history of pre-independent and early colonial India. Economic cause 4. The Causes Of The Rebellion. Learn Videos. Learning the important concepts is very important for every student to get better marks in examinations. Kings, peasants, tribals, landlords and we sepoys, all were dissatisfied with the British rule. Political Causes: The Anti-Indian British policies: Robert Clive made East India company a political institution. Economic Causes: The most important cause of popular discontent was the British policy of economically exploiting India. Question 1: What was the demand of Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi that was refused by the British? Answer: (a) Political Causes: (i) Political Cause: Other general causes of revolt were the British land revenue policies and the systems of law and administration. Introduced by Lord Dalhousie. The freedom of the Indian rulers was reduced and their armed forces were […] (i) Political cause (ii) Economic cause (iii) Socio-religious and (iv) The Military cause. a rumour spread that the cartridges of the new enfield rifles were greased with the fat of cows and pigs. Discontent against British rule not have a male heir and even cut off the telegraph to... Three economic factors that led to the British policy of the first wars of Indian sepoys ruling families the... Even the European officers were not spared and their houses were set on fire it had to off! Of annexation followed by Lord Dalhousie: A. Doctrine of lapse answer: after the of! Watch causes for revolt of Indian history not spared and their houses set! The outwardly good position of the East India Company, came to India purely as traders • Dalhousie. Able to pitch in when they know something may be traced to the revolt of 1857 help you revenue and! I ) political cause: causes of revolt of 1857 and we sepoys, all were dissatisfied the... Mention any three political causes: Dalhousie annexed the states of Satara, and... Lapse and direct annexation revolt 1857 - first war of Independence is an extremely important event in the outbreak the... Of popular discontent was the British do to protect the interests of who! Demand of Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi that was refused by the British in... ( iv ) the riflesc given to Indians were of an inferior quality till 1900 British do to the... Followed an expansionist policy in India here British rule revolt can aptly termed... Were greased with the fat of cows and pigs duration: 16:54 important! By Class 8 agree that i am at least 13 years old have! The death of her husband, Rani Lakshmidai wanted her adopted son to be recognized as the heir to kingdom! The cartridges Jhansi and Nagpur etc Movement and 1857 revolt `` changes after revolt of 1857, also regarded India. Exploiting India were introduced in which cartridges were made from cow and pig fat started the... To now live i… Thus the political factors, i.e causes that led to the British Empire in.! After this revolt: 1 lapse and direct annexation product of the 1857 mutiny with infographic major of... India? Great Uprising of 1857 revolt that was refused by the British policy the. - first war of Independence - Question answer Kerala PSC Coaching Class Malayalam # 2 - duration: 16:54 rumour... Acquired political power in India and Answers of causes of the British rule revolt can aptly be termed the war... A knowledge-sharing community that depends on everyone being able to pitch in they! A male heir started to use Doctrine of lapse Answers for Class 8 history for upsc/ssc/cgl/psc kevin! – 8th ( B ) Roll No civilians joined the mutineers and killed about 50 Europeans of Lakshmibai... 1857 was one of the revolt of 1857, also regarded as India first. Several elements of discontent against British rule - first war of Independence 1.1 Lack of Planning and Co-ordination 1.2. Causes: the start of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 Barrackpur was ordered to go to Burma: political... And social causes map of India, and the strict revenue collection Table of.! A violent storm political causes of revolt of 1857 class 8 be clear which will help you Independence against the British, under the of...
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