And just about a month ago , I’ve messed up on my weekly filing twice in a row , on the questions . Have you been online and applied yet, Can’t get into my account login because someone is using my information or something trying to get a hold of someone and can’t need to figure something out for stop this now. Here are the best contact numbers and tips to get in touch a live agent at the TX TWC. I received a request for reconsideration after receiving unemployment for 5 months.I did what they said over the phone to call on Monday to re-apply and did so.It’s been 4 weeks now and i get this letter and do not understand why i must fill it out.Been trying to call someone for help but cannot reach anyone.Twice i got lucky and gave a call back number but that was a week ago,nothing since. Like many people, Sha’Vonne Walton, of Rensselaer, filled out an online unemployment application only to discover she needed to talk to a representative to finish the claim. TO APPLY FOR UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BENEFITS Go to our website at unemploymentassistance.shtm. Thing is that if you werre too impatient to download and read the handbook. I still haven’t got my first check. Don’t expect to see benefits until then. TWC customer service or for complex claim issues: then Backdate the Effective Date of my UI Claim Due to COVID-19. This site is privately owned and is neither I was running into a problem of not getting to speak to a person that could help. I believe we deserve to get the back pay but like I said it didn’t let us put the right dates. The unemployment official will ask you the reason for your separation from your employment. I just received my money today and it’s legit only $90!! My claim was filled on 6/25/18. No. In almost all cases, the elected representative will contact you almost immediately, then contact the state DOL, which in turn will contact you. How to talk to unemployment representative in virginia. I have bills to pay and currently no job opportunities available, does anyone know why this happened? I am eligible but still have not received it. But a lot of time that information is generic and not helpful for most people with issues specific to their claim. Also, the supervisors refuse to speak to anyone, even those is the state house. !b.a.length)for(a+="&ci="+encodeURIComponent(b.a[0]),d=1;d
=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e)}b.i&&(e="&rd="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(B())),131072>=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e),c=!0);C=a;if(c){d=b.h;b=b.j;var f;if(window.XMLHttpRequest)f=new XMLHttpRequest;else if(window.ActiveXObject)try{f=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")}catch(r){try{f=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}catch(D){}}f&&("POST",d+(-1==d.indexOf("?")?"? Individuals seeking to file unemployment claims are asked to first begin their claim process through the unemployment benefit services online portal. I filed UI in May, and so far have not received retroactive money. Don’t Refile just continue claiming on my scheduled day when it allowed me to actually certify it said not payable. Even when I call the second they open it says due to high call volume we can not take your call call back tomorrow. See the PA resource page for more information and reader comments. Playing politics with needy Americans. One thing many readers have been complaining about when it comes to getting help or information on their pending UI payment or current unemployment claim is finding a number to call so that they can get through to someone they can speak to. Jump to your State – Florida (FL), California EDD (CA), New York DOL (NY), Texas (TX), New Jersey (NJ), Pennsylvania (PA), Illinois (IL), Georgia GDOL (GA) (more coming soon), You can see the regularly updated CA resource page for more information and reader comments on dealing with the CA EDD, but here are the best contact numbers for help with your UI Claim. Required fields are marked *. Unemployment Insurance claimants who do not have access to the Internet or who speak Spanish can call 502-875-0442 Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., … One-day suspension has nothing to do with unemployment benefits, rather relates to company policy. It was about 8:02am at that point. I filed my unemployment claim the second week of March, 2020 and never heard anything back from them til Apugust 13, 2020, after hundreds of attempts to contact them but failed. Visit Ask EDD to request to backdate your claim if you think it has the wrong start date. Hello I’m not sure if I’m doing this right… I hops so.. Here are the best contact numbers and tips to get in touch a live agent at the NY DOL. I have also used their Contact Us Form on their website to submit written inquiries each week. I do not understand why the Pandemic Unemployment insurance was said to be available and if you apply would most likely get it but 2 months later not a word. Try direct or private messaging them via social media channels. I was receiving payments and my bank account closed there are still no updates on my account whats should I do, I have lost my job filed unemployment and when I was working less hours my employer also filed for me but has not received any financial assistance yet.. Eligibility for benefits begins with the day you file and how the state calculates its waiting week. I filed 2/19/17 and as of 4/21/17 I have heard NOTHING from Pa. please help. Called spoke to another person basically saying everything is ok to claim. faxed it to them on 2-14-17. Generally, payments are released within 48 hours after DOL contact. I have been waiting four months for unemployment to make decision on my claim. You can see the regularly updated FL resource page for more information and reader comments on dealing with the FL DEO, but here are the best contact numbers for help with your UI Claim. So far last week I had one that gives the normal “there’s nothing we can do” response. We recommend calling before 2:00 p.m., as there is a chance we will not get to your call if you are still in the queue after that point. You may access IDES services using the following methods:To file an Unemployment Insurance claim, click here. I’ve been trying to reach anyone concerning my login issue. if you find out anything please let me know i filed in Aug started receiving my weekly pay the next week I sent an email the following week for backpay and not so much as a confirmation i call everyday and those people who answer know absolutely nothing im not even sure they know what unemployment is for crying out loud. The agency said that they will not contest my unemployment. (function(){for(var g="function"==typeof Object.defineProperties?Object.defineProperty:function(b,c,a){if(a.get||a.set)throw new TypeError("ES3 does not support getters and setters. In New York, for example, many legislators are assisting unemployed workers with claims issues to get on a list for callbacks from the Department of Labor. The problem is that they have hired people that have no clue about what they are doing. sometimes you can get right through and other times you have to call 100 times to get through. Can someone help and explain why I haven’t? But don’t share any confidential information online. But many readers have said this is still a bit buggy and for general questions only. I filed my first claim the last week of June. I called the number every day this week all week and could never get threw. See the New York Department of Labor (DOL) resource page for more information and reader comments. And to get your backpay you gotta continue and continue until it no longer says continue my claim or its all upto date. Assuming CT will accept quitting to care for an ill mother-in-law as qualifying, he should be approved. It’s now been officially 3 months, no word or update no communication, not even anything generic. Reemployment Assistance Hotline for UI Claims –. Or follow me on twitter where I retweet pertinent updates. Does the time of day matter? In order to speak with a customer service agent, call an unemployment benefits Tele-center at 1-800-939-6631. Business hours are Monday –Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Central Time. I do understand that we are at our worst but praying that hear from someone. In almost all cases, the elected representative will contact you almost immediately, then contact the state DOL, which in turn will contact you. If you have questions about Unemployment Insurance, please call our Customer Service Center at 800-244-5631. 4.) In most other states, a MC is always initially denied. It doesnt matter what you’re told. No guarantees, however. Wait a day or so to hear from your rep – no longer. From time to time claims get stalled and/or payments are delayed. Or you can call at any time? Email your state representative as instructed on this page which states 3-4 weeks from application is long enough to wait. An emailed was supposed to be sent to me but I have not received no email or letter. I still have not yet received any compensation. So with that in mind here state UI agency contact numbers and some tips and tricks to get through to a live person. I’m a single mom of 4 small kids and I am almost 6 months pregnant with twins!! After March 14, 2021, new claimants will no longer be permitted to apply for PUA benefits, but eligible individuals who were receiving PUA benefits as of that date will continue to receive benefits until April 5, 2021., The content of this site is for informational purposes only. Or was it a total waste of time? I had only missed 1 day & was given a day in the street for that absent,then the following day when I came back I was given a separation notice saying I had to many No calls,No show.. If you have a question about your unemployment case, please click here for the phone number to the processing center that has your claim. You may at least get a call back as some states are doing. You would have to check with your employer as they are required to enter into it before you take advantage…, Does anyone have a good method for reaching a live person on the phone for Nevada UI? You can do that at openstates by entering your address. is so hire mpre people…our unemployemnt in Oregon wa shandlied very very badly and thousands still wait..its cruel to everyone involved…. That said, each state differs. No luck—same automated message. Posted by out smart em, this latest trick appears to be a direct line to people that can answer questions at the California Employment Development Department (EDD).We have already seen positive feedback and believe this method will continue to bring more success. General information is available anytime. To get specific claim support or information call the following numbers between 8 a.m. to 12 noon (Pacific time), Monday through Friday: For English: 1-800-300-5616; For Spanish: 1-800-326-8937, Automated phone line to certify: English: 1-866-333-4606; Spanish: 1-866-333-4606. Working Reduced Hours but Making too Much For State Unemployment and $600 Stimulus Payment (#UIShole), Arizona (AZ) Department of Economic Security Unemployment Insurance Compensation – PUA, LWA, $600 FPUC and PEUC Extended and Back Payments. Check your account information in CONNECT is up-to-date and accurate. Note: EDD representatives answering general questions will not have access to your claim or payment information. "My best recommendation is to file online, go onto the unemployment compensation website and look at the updates," he said. Dude will come back and tell you to enter your social security number, enter it. They are really something else. And the issue is getting through in the first place. I’ve made an outrageous 371 calls to finally reach anyone. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! This is a list in development as I get more details, so please subscribe to get latest updates. I call every day all and never able to get through. I miraculously got through last Wednesday!! If the agent is unable to answer your questions immediately, they will schedule a call back for the following day. Well talking to them gets you no where its all false my situation is so ridiculous. I was cut off in June2020 It’s now October I call everyday no Answers I always get someone on the phone and still no help.. my investigations where back in July I sent in every document they required and some.. So, it was only one instance. I have a few friends that live there and they said yes they pay retroactive! My employment was terminated February 2017, due to 2nd no call-no show in 6-month period (though i did call). I took screenshots of me being told that when I did the live chat option… my patience are gone now tho!! I need help so bad. I lost my job and filed for unemployment in kentucky back at the beginning of august. Wondering if there is a direct number for Illinois? Business hours are 7 … They started paying me on 5/10/2020 and there is no way to claim the money for the previous weeks. "If you are prompted to … Please if anyone can answer this I’d appreciate it. Remember, your elected officials work for YOU. Or can he ask his employer to be layed off so that he can collect? i just got my a check a few weeks ago but i have ben filing since june andi still have no pandemic pay when will i recieve my back pay, I am not getting of the $600.00 retroactive money as of yet. I had forgotten my security question and cannot login the PUA without it.. What must i do? I will keep digging into this and get you updated. Which tells you exactly what you have to answer verbatim then next time read the manual. I have never received unemployment & don’t know the process.. Can u please help me and tell me how did you get your The Back-up dated money I haven’t received anything since June and I’ve been trying to get in touch with every number everything and I don’t know what to do if I have two babies and I don’t even have a dollar to my name I’m sure they supposed to pay me all that back there in money like you said they paid you back but if there was a way that you know how to do it or something please if you can you can email me you can give me a call please help me out I’m a single mom with two kids and struggling I just got an eviction and is very hard please help me in any way thank you and God bless, Can some help i as friend to lose everything no were to go. You have to call 1-800-204-2418 option 5. Hi, me and my daughter applied for pua on September 27, 2020. Go to reset pin and they have a id me verification link. Most state websites also provide a representative “finder.”, CT –, FL –, GA –, IL – http://il–, MA –, MO –, NC –, NJ –, NV –, PA –, SC –, TN –, TX –, VA –, WA – Your email address will not be published. BE PROACTIVE – Contact your state legislator. I get the same message as other states…”due to high call volume, we cannot answer your call, please call back tomorrow”. NJ, here! The reasons for termination were: attendance, including not having approval to work from home and performance. I live in Va. I’m currently getting my unemployment but I have not received my lost wages of the 300.00/ 1800.00 am I the only one? #Russian #treason #TrumpStink 2.) Most employers never willingly lay off so their employees can cost them even yet more money. I was so depressed I just shut down after reading I wouldn’t be eligible for unemployment if it was my fault I was fired& didn’t file a claim just started looking for another job immediately… But then a friend said I should claim… It wouldn’t hurt to see… So I did a week later.. Business hours are now Sunday - Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central Time. See our. Keep claiming throughout the process. I was told to send it myself and 2 weeks later I called back and was told not proper process. Once connected, please direct the communications analyst to call IDES at 800.244.5631. I really need to get in contact with someone, My name is Mable Abrams and i wondering when I’ll receive my pua I’ve Been approved for it 2 1/2 months ago and still haven’t received it, I’ve been approved since May and haven’t received anything. Even visits to your local career center can fail to bear fruit. The challenge is that with all the enhanced unemployment programs now in place, ongoing staffing shortages at state UI agencies due to COVID work restrictions and ongoing system/IT issues with unemployment filing systems it is very hard to get through a live person that can help you. I need to know if Georgia pays retroactive unemployment. I got my regular payments backdated. I am in NJ. Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Pacific time), seven days per week. They havent even started reviewing the backpay applications yet. Relicard has no info on me when I type in my info to find out where my card is. if you call them after hours you can get them for them to tell you that they’re closed but if you call them during hours they act like they system is not working it’s so frustrating right now to keep requesting weekly benefits to not receive anything. Its now the 25th and still nothing. Incompetence. Our office hours are 8am to 5pm M-F”. What a cluster! I Need to talk with a Work Force WV representative. If you have any questions or numbers/approaches that have worked for you please leave a comment below. A live person. I try calling every day it says the wait queue is full and they will have to call me back but I still havent recieved a call back from them. esp with my vehicle sitting on empty and I am not from around here so I don’t know anyone and I Was raised by my grandparents so as far as I know. Will contacting a Pa state representative do me any good since I’m not a constituent? Nor did I ever receive an email from the Dept.of labor(unemployment). We are all being scammed. Issues have been pending since February. How the hell can your call volume be at the max and you have been open for 30 seconds. thanks for your time. Same here I been calling emailing evrything. Visitors should not act upon the content or information without first seeking appropriate professional advice or the official source of information. Call: 800-939-6631 They “further expedited” my case and I was told, by the woman I spoke with, that NJ is now starting this new process, where they compile a list of callers who have been waiting an exorbitant amount of time for answers or action (like myself), and at the end of the day, that list goes to supervisors that have more pull to put it through to the people who evaluate each case. And check to be sure you dont have an appeal open. To certify for Unemployment Insurance benefits, click here or call Tele-Serve at 312-338-4337 Monday – Friday 3:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. affiliated with, nor endorsed by, nor operated Please someone help me get in contact with them. Oh yes I have been getting that also for weeks. Some claimants appeal, some don’t. All that said, expect at least three-four weeks before claim is approved and benefits can be paid retroactive to filing date. By Phone. You may be eligible to modify the date of your claim to the date you originally attempted to apply for Reemployment Assistance only if you were unable to file a claim between the weeks of March 9, 2020 to April 9, 2020. Potential Stimulus delays (even though veto proof approval) and market keeps rising. The fact that I even got someone on the phone, after weeks of calling, definitely gave me hope. Employer is free to set their own policy. The fastest and easiest way to submit your application for benefits is in eServices. State Unemployment Phone Numbers and Getting in Touch With a Live Agent For Help With Your UI Claim. Told it could be from 4- 10 weeks to receive. They just stonewalling like outgoing Trump administration. Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) State Tracker, $600 Payment if I Have Exhausted My Current UIC, Why The Additional $600 Unemployment is a BIG Deal, Part Time Workers Eligible for $600 FPUC UI Stimulus, Veterans, Retirees and Disability Stimulus Checks, Contacting IRS for Missing Stimulus Check, Illionis (IL) Department of Employment Security (IDES) Contact Numbers, Georgia (GA) Department of Labor (GDOL) Contact Numbers,, 2020 to 2021 IRS Tax Refund Processing Schedule and Direct Deposit Cycle Chart, When Will $300 FPUC Extra Unemployment Start Being Paid in My State? Processing centers are assigned based on the last four digits of your Social Security number. It lets them provide unemployment benefits for situations related to the coronavirus (COVID-19). I am just really tired of hearing “just be patient” from the representatives… I feel I have been but at this point with my situation my patience are gone and I am being told to wait and wait because of one of their employees making mistakes filing my claim NOT because of anything I did wrong!! I even tried calling again, just to see if I could get through. Entire process will take two-three months. If your state is not listed, do a Google search for “[state] elected state representative.” Generally, your state’s website will turn up. The unemployment insurance benefit program exists to provide financial assistance until you can find work. I do understand the week waiting period… This is so frustrating while I’m glad unemployment exist.. But I’m not giving up yet. Generally, payments are released within 48 hours after DOL contact. Nothing we can do that at openstates by entering your address very badly. 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