)- What a nice dog! The Sulimov dog (Russian: Собака Сулимова Sobaka Sulimova), also known as the Shalaika (Russian: Шалайка), is a jackal-dog hybrid originating in Russia from an initial hybrid between two Lapponian Herders and two Turkmenian golden jackals.The breed was developed by Klim Sulimov for Aeroflot airline. The best Russian shepherds are those very old Russian breeds of dogs that were designed for working and herding sheep many centuries ago, i.e. Learn how to use them correctly from the list below. However, this powerful dog can become a reliable protector and a good family member. Laika (Russian: Лайка; c. 1954 – 3 November 1957) was a Soviet space dog who became one of the first animals in space, and the first animal to orbit the Earth. Двортерьер. You can use our list to name Slavic dogs like the Borzoi or the hairy South Russian Ovcharka, or if you want your dog to represent a specific trait from this fabulous country. bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. bab.la is not responsible for their content. The Caucasian Shepherd is a massive dog. As the largest geographical country in the world, Russia spans over 6.6 million square miles, includes nine different time zones and shares land borders with 14 neighboring countries. It is appropriate for any social setting and situation. Russian dog owners often take dog breeds very seriously and sometimes know their dogs' full ancestral history, all backed up by legal paperwork, and enroll their pets into numerous competitions. Or learning new words is more your thing? Our first dog was a huge Caucasian Dobrynya, in 2013 there were CAO, and in 2014 we brought to the Urals first breeding pair of Cangallo, at the time they were in the Russian unit. Did you know? собака. Another affectionate term for a little dog, this word has no negative meanings and is used to … Russian Dog Names in Pop Culture. - Очень пахло псиной. Пёсик. However, while many Russian professional breeders send their purebred high quality dogs abroad, word in the dog community is that dogs from Russia … )- She lives alone with the pooch. She died “soon after launch,” Russian medical doctor and space dog trainer Oleg Gazenko revealed in 1993. Background. bab.la is not responsible for their content. Small children also use this word in relation to dogs in general. )- Get the search dogs and follow me! пес noun. - Дама с собачкой. guide dog. Russian Translation. (Translation of dog from the Cambridge English–Russian … Russian dog breeds: Siberian Husky. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs served as guard dogs, bear hunting dogs and today they work as prison guard dogs in Russia. However, many other dog lovers happily adopt stray or abandoned dogs and don't feel that breeds are all that important. Let's take the dog for a walk. The breed has primarily been used for airport security as sniffer dogs. - Такой добрый пёс! Russian Dog Names Inspired By Geography. The word ищейка is used in reference to any search dog. The following list includes the most popular breeds you'll find in Russian homes: Maia Nikitina is a writer and Russian language translator. Although the word шарик means a little ball, the dogs who usually get this name look nothing like that. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience and for our, Why Animal Rights Activist Are Against the AKC, How to Say Friend in Russian: Pronunciation and Examples, Gray or Grey: How to Choose the Right Word, 6 Idioms Using the Word for 'Dog' in French, How to Say Water in Russian: Pronunciation and Examples, Dog History: How and Why Dogs were Domesticated, M.F.A., Creative Writing, Manchester Metropolitan University, Diploma in Translation (IoLet Level 7, Russian), Chartered Institute of Linguists, Boston terrier: Бостон-терьер (BOStan terYER), American cocker spaniel: американский кокер-спаниель (ameriCANSky KOker spaniEHL), Labrador retriever: лабрадор ретривер (labraDOR retRIver), German shepherd: немецкая овчарка (neMETSkaya avCHARka), French bulldog: французский бульдог (franTSUZky bool'DOG), Yorkshire terrier: йоркширский терьер (yorkSHIRSky terYER), Bolonka (or Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka): болонка (baLONka). Да никакой. Context sentences for "dog" in Russian These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Perhaps you and your dog are Russian, or perhaps you love Soviet puppy names, our list should surpass your expectations! How to say little dog in Russian. Another affectionate term for a little dog, this word has no negative meanings and is used to refer to a small, cute, or young dog. Meaning: affectionate dog name used as a general word for cute dog or an annoying small dog. sobaka. Because of their strength, intelligence, and loyalty they became very useful in other tasks too. Characteristics. Just like in the West, Russian dog owners pride themselves in the breed and quality of their dogs. This word comes from "двор" (DVOR), meaning yard, and is used when referring to mongrel dogs who live in communal yards or in the streets. Passers-by were too late to stop the attack by the black squirrels in a village in the far east, which reportedly lasted about a minute. There are more than twenty Russian dog breeds.The aristocratic Borzoi, the “Stalin’s dog” Black Russian Terrier, and the ever-smiling Samoyed are famous worldwide. )- There was a strong smell of dog. Stray pitbull kills family dog in the slums. The word "dog" in Russian is translated as собака (suhBAHka). The Russo European Laika’s coat can be black, gray, or white double coat. Caucasian Shepherd is one of the most dangerous and dominant dog breeds in the world. ID tag returned to widow of U.S. soldier wounded in Vietnam War — after being found in Russia. English The dog is actually euthanized now, but this was a dog I worked with for a while. How to say good dog in Russian. )- It's just a mongrel. Translation: a stray dog, a mongrel, a mixed-bread stray dog who is cute, sad, or heroic, a mutt, Meaning: a mongrel, a mixed-breed stray dog. an animal with fur, four legs, and a tail that is kept as a pet, or trained to guard buildings and guide blind people. Featured Famous Dog with a Russian Name Laika Laika ( means Barker) became the first dog in orbit, on the vehicle the Sputnik 2 on November 3rd 1957. Various Russian words for dog are used in different settings and situations. dvarterYER. It’s head is small and has a compact, strong body. Russian National identification database RussiaPet.Net keeps pet owners and their animals, identified by microchips and tattoos, data.This information is in round-the-clock on-line access and may be use to reunite lost pets with their owners, at the vet offices, to pet insurance, at customs, to prevent pets substitution, in other cases. The lineage dates back a whopping 4,000 years to the Chukchi people and their sled dogs. )- What a cute puppy, so adorable! хорошая собака ... See Also in Russian. The popular Russian saying Собака - лучший друг человека (suhBAHka - LOOCHshy DROOK chylaVYEka) means "a dog is a human's best friend," while animals in general are often referred to as наши братья меньшии (NAshi BRAT'ya MYEN'shyye)—"our younger brothers.". (Ochen' PAKHla PSEEnay. During the 1950s and 1960s the Soviet space program used dogs for sub-orbital and orbital space flights to determine whether human spaceflight was feasible. hot dog. She was also known as Zhuchka (the Little Bug) as well as the American's name for her which was 'Muttnik'. (beREEtye eeSHYEyek ee za MNOY! If you want to say the word 'cat' properly in Russian, see Step 1 … (a VON SHArik byeZHIT. All rights reserved. The Karelian Bear Dog is a Finnish breed that originated in northwestern Europe and was originally the dog of Russian and Finnish peasants, used for hunting and as a watch dog. Russian Translation. The word собачка is used when talking about small dogs, cute dogs, or a dog that the speaker particularly loves. (kaKOY PYOsik, PROSta LApachka! Meaning: mongrel, a mixed-bread stray dog (slightly dismissive). )- The lady with the (little) dog. With its Russian name Vostochnoevropejskaya Ovcharka (sheepdog in Russian), the East-European Shepherd remains one of the most popular watch and guard dogs in its native country. Собачушка is an affectionate term for a dog, usually small in size or cute in appearance. - А вон Шарик бежит. Highlights: Affectionate, Calm, Adaptable. Fancy a game? Caucasian Shepherd, the Amazing Russian Bear Dog. (taKOY DOBry PYOS! It is fine to use in any register or setting. Video of an Alaskan malamute playing with a female bear cub at a Siberian zoo in Irkutsk, Russia, on Wednesday will make your day ― or even your year, given what the world is going through. The word пёс usually means a male dog but can be used to refer to any dog whose gender is unknown or not relevant. The strength and dedication of this dog have made it a popular working, police and guard dog in Russia and in Europe. She holds a Diploma in Translation (IoLet Level 7) from the Chartered Institute of Linguists. da nikaKOY. Other dogs like the severe Caucasian Shepherd (Ovcharka) or the tiny Russian Toy Terrier are only getting popular in the world. Another variation on дворняга, this word for a mongrel dog is an ironic reference to dog breeds. Псина can mean both a large dog and a dog's smell. The russian dog-breeding market is huge – Russian Kynological Federation, the largest kennel club in Russia with FCI membership, forms a community of about 4500 clubs and dog associations with over 8938 registered kennels. Their life expectancy is 11 to 12 years.The Caucasian shepherd dog is recognized by the FCI as a guard and watch dog and their present population is now estimated to be between 200 and 300. (drooZHOK, eeDEE suyDA, nye BOYsya! Copyright © IDM 2020, unless otherwise noted. It can also be used in a derogatory manner to mean an insignificant and slightly annoying little dog. The same word can also be used when talking about a sleuth. To this day, we are dedicated to the breeding of very large and heavy dogs (Alabai, Kangal, Caucasian Shepherd Dog). October 1, 2020 / 12:10 PM / CBS/AP They are said to have scampered off at the sight of humans, some carrying pieces of flesh. Russian does not contain a proper word for gender-neutral English word 'cat'; one can only say 'she-cat' or 'he-cat' for adult cats. The issue of Moscow's stray dogs was first mentioned by Russian writers such as journalist Vladimir Gilyarovsky in the late 19th century. Known as the name of the first dog in space, Laika in Russian translates to “barker.” This medium-sized dog was originally developed to hunt bear, elk, boar and pheasant in the taiga zone of northern Russia. )- What breed? - Я приютила собачку. (DAma s saBACHkay. Everything you need to know about life in a foreign country. Дворняшка. The breed of mongrel. However there is a gender-neutral word for kittens. Today, the Siberian Husky still competes in sled races and still adores human company. dvarNYASHka. Here's a list of translations. According to the American Kennel Club, they can weigh between 70 to 170 pounds.However, even larger versions do exist and are not uncommon. Coming from the word друг (droog), meaning friend, the word дружок is used to refer to any friendly-looking dog. This name was a play on the word Sputnik. (from a tale by Krylov) (ay MOS'ka, ZNAT' aNA seel'NA, KOL' LAyet na slaNA. Outside Russia, it is still not widely recognized and considered to be a rare dog breed.. East-European Shepherd (Ovcharka) The East-European Shepherd originated in 1920s-1930s as the result of crossbreeding … The Russian Bear Dog is a massive breed, rivaling other giants like the Mastiff. собака noun. The Siberian Husky is perhaps the best known of the medium-sized Russian dog breeds! )- I took in a dog. Russia’s rich history has been populated by a number of authors, musicians, politicians, and athletes—perhaps one of these distinct characters will make perfect inspiration for your dog’s name: Adelina Sotnikova: A figure skater from Russia, who upset major favorites to win the Olympic Gold Medal on home ice during the 2014 Games. sobaka hound, pooch, at, bowwow. The breed was definitively accepted by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale in 1984, under the patronage of the Soviet Union. - Дружок, иди сюда, не бойся! Man sets his pitbull loose on a chained dog at an animal shelter in Russia. See also. Ищейка comes from the word искать (eesKAT'), meaning to look or to search. собака. All our dictionaries are bidirectional, meaning that you can look up words in both languages at the same time. In this case, the same slightly derogatory meaning is preserved in Russian. It's a mongrel. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. That's how you say dog in Russian. A1. More Russian words for dog. Russian Translation. The Caucasian Ovcharka is a large dog. As dogs are such important companions, Russian idioms often feature dogs. Now if you wanted to say female dog, the word for that is sooka, the accent is on the first syllable, sooka, but be careful with that one because just as it is in English, that is a curse word but it also the actual word for a female dog, sooka, give it a shot, great. This dog is known as Caucasian Shepherd in Europe and as Caucasian Mountain Dog in America and Caucasian Ovcharka in Russia. In this period, the Soviet Union launched missions with passenger slots for at least 57 dogs. the Caucasian Ovcharka, the Central Asian Ovcharka, and the Russian Sheepdog (South Russian Shepherd). - Она живет одна с собачушкой. It is appropriate for any situation, from official to very casual. (da PROSta dvarNYAga. Dogs are as adored in Russia as they are in the West. - Берите ищеек и за мной! The number of dogs in space is smaller, as some dogs flew more than once. Squirrels have bitten to death a stray dog which was barking at them in a Russian park, local media report. Man feeds dog to his pitbulls. Had Enough: Pitbull attacks abusive owner who keeps getting drunk and beats it while intoxicated. All of these different words for 'cat' may confuse you. )- Its bark is worse than its bite. - Какой пёсик, просто лапочка! маленькая собака ... See Also in Russian. Have a look at our Esperanto-English dictionary. Useful phrases translated from English into 28 languages. - Да просто дворняга. )- Come here, doggie, don't be afraid! (aNA zheeVOYT adNA s sabaCHOOSHkay. BorzoiThe Borzoi, or Russian Wolfhound, is a sighthound bred for hunting wolves that dates back … (ya priyuTEEla saBACHkoo. - Какой породы? - Ай, моська, знать она сильна, коль лает на слона. )- There goes Sharik. Samoyeds, affectionately nicknamed Sammies, are some of the brightest and… “The temperature inside the spacecraft after … The name Шарик is most often used for grey mixed-breed or stray dogs. One theory says that the name comes from the Polish word for grey szary. A more affectionate term than дворняга, this word is used in the same way. Used for referring to small dogs, моська is an affectionate or sarcastic word. Why not have a go at them together. Do you want to translate into other languages? (kaKOY paROdy? 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