As of now we have taken significant measures to ensure our students’ safety. Of course, Christendom will be providing in-person instruction again, thanks be to God. Christendom College admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. As we prepare our hearts for the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord, let us remain where His Blessed Mother is, standing by Him at His darkest hour, bearing all things with steadfast fidelity and trust in the hope and new life that springs forth from the dead wood of the Cross. Even if students are able to return to campus during the semester, all should plan on continuing online teaching so as to ensure that students do not need to adjust a third time to changing modes of instruction in already stressful circumstances. Amen.We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God.Do not despise our pleas – we who are put to the test – and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin. While this is a time of some uncertainty, we ask that everyone approach the challenge of navigating it with prudence, calm and prayer. Dear Christendom students, parents, faculty and staff: Pax Christi! In the event of a move to online instruction, we hope this will be temporary and to be able to resume regular on-campus classes by Easter. We place the life-giving channels of our faith in the very center of our day, relying on the sacramental life of the Church to deepen our experience of God even as we deepen our academic understanding of His handiwork. Fitting for Lent, we should also redouble our prayers and consider all we decide to do through the lens of charity. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for Protection. There are confirmed cases in Virginia now, but no serious threat in or around the college at this time. 100% ONLINE OR IN THE CLASSROOM. Front Royal, Virginia 22630
We ponder the proper mode of human knowing through study, but also from example. I would like to share with you the prayer that we are reciting at my parish that seems particularly appropriate now. Check out this special video preview. 100% ONLINE OR IN THE CLASSROOM. Get your Master of Arts in Theology. Amid the splendor of the Virginia countryside, a select group will accompany Francis Cardinal Arinze, Dr. Carrie Gress, and members of the College faculty on an intellectual and spiritual journey representing the height of the Christendom College experience. I pray that this email finds you well. O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear our prayer. We will inform the community by April 6 about the feasibility of students returning to campus after Easter. If, however, the situation in Virginia worsens significantly or government officials advise educational institutions to suspend in-person instruction, the college will move to an online format for class instruction. Now is the time to be prudent and seek to live out our Christian call. Jesus Christ remains with us always. The following update regarding the coronavirus was issued to the Christendom community on Jan. 30 from Vice President of Student Affairs Amanda Graf: You may have heard of the Coronavirus, a respiratory virus that has been spreading in China. The following update regarding the coronavirus was issued to Christendom students, parents, faculty and staff from College President Dr. Timothy O’Donnell: Pax Christi! Read a statement and watch a video message from Dr. O’Donnell at Thank you all for your hard work and perseverance over this semester. With COVID-19 transmission continuing nationally, it is possible that some students will be exposed to COVID-19 during the upcoming academic year and that infections will result. The following update regarding the coronavirus was issued to participants of the college’s Semester in Rome and their parents on February 24 from Vice President of Student Affairs Amanda Graf: As I’m sure you are aware, there has been an outbreak of the Coronavirus in northern Italy. Our faith and peace of soul is surely meant to be a shining light needed by a weary and broken world. In the event of a move to online instruction, we hope this will be temporary and to be able to resume regular on-campus classes by Easter. Classes will end on Wednesday, May 5 and the final exam period will take place from May 7 to May 13. Like St. Augustine and his companions, we need not be afraid. Visit Campus. He has called for planning among higher educational institutions which is “specific to their unique constituencies and settings.” Christendom is blessed to be a small, residential College with less than 500 students living on campus. Our liberal arts education is bolstered and supported by a robust faith environment and critically important social formation. Moreover, I was looking forward to your having the opportunity to see the extraordinary progress on the new college chapel (if you haven’t seen, you can follow it here). -The Graduate School’s commencement ceremony this year will be a joint celebration with the undergraduate college on Sunday, August 9, 2020. Dear Christendom College Students, Parents, Faculty and Staff: Pax Christi! Christendom Media. On-campus students who test positive will be isolated in an assigned campus house for ten days. Sat, 10/24 | Women's Volleyball vs. Appalachian Bible W, 3-0 (Final) BX. In addition, the College has: The College has taken the following measures for the benefit of our Faculty and Staff: Dear Christendom students, faculty and staff. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. Christendom College 134 Christendom Drive Front Royal, Virginia 22630 540.636.2900 | 800.877.5456 Contact Us I write primarily to update you regarding the College’s response to the Covid-19 virus. I pray that you are well on this great feast day of the “Martyr Saints of China,” a group of 120 souls—people young and old, workers and catechizers, lay, priests, and religious—who died for the faith in a land yet hostile to the message of the Gospel. Immunocompromised students will be eligible for reasonable housing accommodations upon request. Most of our class sections are also much smaller than is typical in most institutions. Still, the College is monitoring the situation closely and in cooperation with local health officials. Given the rapid nature of developments concerning COVID-19, the college has decided to take the following steps to ensure the health and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff, especially the most vulnerable members of our community: I understand that our college experience is meant to be residential and that our relational formation and community life are essential to our program. Sat, 10/24 | Men's Soccer vs. Patrick Henry W, 5-1 (Final) BX. Learn more. He is a graduate of the National Journalism Center and earned a B.A. This decision was not made lightly, and it breaks our hearts that the students will not be able to experience the entire Rome semester. No online instruction can adequately be a substitute for the classroom instruction and the shared life in the faith that make our college what it is. Since I last communicated with you, circumstances in the United States concerning the COVID-19 virus have changed rapidly. Mother Mary urged us to rely on the Rosary as a weapon against evil and as a refuge in which we can deepen our love of Jesus Christ. While we hope all of our students will be able to engage fully in our programs, students who are suspected or confirmed to have a COVID-19 infection may be required by the College to quarantine or isolate if recommended by guidance from the CDC, local health officials, or as required by a medical provider and College policies. We continue to look to her during this time of hardship for so many in our country and world. He is a graduate of the National Journalism Center and earned a B.A. Carroll earned an M.A. While Christendom is taking reasonable measures consistent with guidance from the CDC and local health officials to manage the risk of COVID-19, it is important for students and parents to understand that the College cannot eliminate the risk of COVID-19 exposure and infections on campus. Live Coverage of Christendom College Crusaders @ North Carolina Central Eagles Wednesday, December 11, 2019 on MSN Sports Francisco X. McDonough is a graduate Christendom College in Front Royal, Va., with a bachelor’s degree in political science and economics. She made the powerful statement that He “wishes to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart in the world. Our Chaplains must also abide by this directive and have cancelled all Masses in the Chapel of Christ the King. If you have symptoms (fever, aches, persistent cough, congestion). Pax Christi! Homepage. At the same time, I am profoundly grateful for the tremendous faith and abandonment to God’s will that I have seen from you in so many ways. “This plan has been reviewed by the State Council of Higher Education and has been found to be compliant in containing the required components of the ‘Higher Education Reopening Guidance,’ which was developed in consultation with the Virginia Department of Health.”, Christendom College
Naturally, with the COVID-19 virus growing in intensity in the United States and around the world, many of you have questions about returning to campus, as well as the College’s current plans and those that may be put into effect should the risk in the area around the College rise. On Good Friday, April 10, the Holy Shroud of Turin was publicly exhibited online in response to thousands of requests made to Archbishop Caesare Nosiglia of Turin, Italy, during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Given these aims, the College will ensure that: Student Academic Accommodation: Because possible isolation and quarantining requires continued support of student learning, the College has: Christendom is a small, residential campus with students living, studying, and interacting with one another in many settings. We provide the following information related to our decision to offer only online instruction through the end of the semester: In this moment it feels as if so much of what we rely upon is being stripped away. This policy is available for review upon request. We are located in a rural setting, and in a county that has seen 8 total deaths of those with COVID-19, as of today. May our quiet reflections on the Holy Family’s journey toward the manger prepare our hearts for all He will ask of us in our lives both now and always. “With God, the more one seems to lose the more one gains. My heart goes out to each of you, especially our seniors and Rome students, for the challenges that were unexpectedly placed in your lives. Find More Photos on Flickr. “Christendom is blessed to be a small, residential College in a rural setting, with less than 500 students living on campus,” Timothy O’Donnell, the college president, told the Register. Dr. Brendan McGuire, beloved Christendom College history professor, passed away last month, on Oct. 9, at the age of 37. Welcome to Christendom College! But now is the right time to reflect on Jean-Pierre de Caussade’s words from the opening of this letter. As you know, the College has been working for many months now to navigate current events and work toward safely reopening in the fall of 2020. For these reasons, we need students to take responsibility for their own health and safety by following available guidance regarding social distancing, hand-washing, and other measures students can personally take to mitigate the risk of exposure and transmission of this disease. Since I last communicated with you, circumstances in the United States concerning the COVID-19 virus have changed rapidly. Since Christendom rejects federal government funding, there is an average shortfall in the cost of educating our students of about $5,000 per student each year. Christendom College in Front Royal, Virginia, is one of a handful of U.S. colleges or universities that refuses to accept any federal funding, and thus is not required to abide by Title IX. We find ourselves coming to the end of a very strange and, in many ways, difficult academic year. Limited access to food, healthcare, and other city services would greatly and negatively affect their experience as well as inhibit staff from providing the level of care that we insist upon. We pray intensely for those who have lost their lives, those in harm’s way, and all of the amazing everyday heroes who are providing medical care, ensuring that families have the food and supplies they require and helping neighbors in need. Students cannot return to the Front Royal campus at this time, but may be able to do so later in the semester after sufficient time in the U.S. Students who independently choose to stay in Rome will be responsible for arranging their own accommodations. Related Videos. We also recommend using the U.S. Embassy in Italy’s website for receiving official information. This is truly an historic event in the life of our community and the local Church, and I wish you could personally witness the progress on this beautiful place of worship. In addition to enhanced, regular cleaning of classrooms. Know that my prayers are with each of you on this great feast of Our Lady of Fatima. With this desire in mind, and considering the Governor of Virginia’s plan to reopen the Commonwealth, I am very happy to provide you with the following information: As we move forward together, it is important to remember that our Catholic liberal arts education is more than just the information that is imparted. Amen.We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God.Do not despise our pleas – we who are put to the test – and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin. March 9: Update to Christendom Students, Parents, Faculty and Staff. Yet we must still be prudent in this moment of difficulty for the world. The order explicitly requires institutions of higher learning to cease any in-person classes and cancel all gatherings of more than 10 individuals. Carroll, who was a contributor at L. Brent Bozell Jr.'s Triumph magazine, decided to found Christendom in the aftermath of the Land O' Lakes conference in 1967. Learn More. Pax Christi! Learn More. You are all in my prayers as we continue along our Holy Season of Lent. Registrations will be accepted through June 15, 2020. Christendom College is a four-year coeducational Roman Catholic Liberal Arts College … On May 13, 2020, I formed a Task Force to explore prudent measures to help safeguard the health and well-being of students, faculty, and staff in reopening the College in the Fall of 2020. Commencement Exercises are scheduled for May 14-15. Dear Christendom College Students, Parents, Faculty and Staff: Pax Christi! COVID-19. We're not like other colleges. We will enter the semester planning to have a spring break from March 6 to March 14. Christendom@ Project. Please be assured of our prayers for your student, your family, and all participating in the Rome semester. O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope.We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick.At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’ pain,with steadfast faith.You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need.We are certain that you will provide, so that,as you did at Cana of Galilee,joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial.Help us, Mother of Divine Love,to conform ourselves to the Father’s willand to do what Jesus tells us:He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us,through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. This step is taken with the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff in mind, along with that of the elderly and immunocompromised among us. leave a comment. At present, the coronavirus appears to pose only a very remote threat to our campus communities. The work of students to remain positive and engaged despite finding yourselves vying for internet bandwidth and quiet spaces to study has been a gift. We also wish to provide professors with adequate spacing from students in each classroom. Learn more. We have been carefully monitoring the situation in Warren County, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the country at large. With this reality in mind, we will take the following steps in the area of student life: The College has adopted a set of infectious disease quarantining and isolation protocols that include best-practice steps for COVID-19. This is a powerful test of our trust and ability to rely exclusively on the One whose sacrifice for our sake shook the heavens and the earth as He conquered death itself. We all bear responsibility for prudent restrictions at this time. Let us turn to her now as we return to campus in the days ahead. As we continue this season of Advent, please count on my prayers for you and your families. Current mandatory government restrictions on group tours and outings are already limiting our ability to conduct our normal program. Fall Open House. We will be praying this prayer together at the college for the foreseeable future and hope you will do so as well. We rely on generous Catholics like you to help bridge the federal funding gap by sponsoring students in need. Make a Virtual Visit. We have already done this for our Rome Semester, and are grateful that we did not delay in bringing our students home. 540.636.2900 | 800.877.5456
Faculty will make instructional materials and readings available online, and students should not return to campus during this interim period to retrieve their books or other school materials. Having convened for extensive full group meetings and after much effort in subcommittees related to the various aspects of academic and campus life, the Task Force presented me with numerous recommendations, focused on the various areas of College life. Have you no faith?” Our faith remains firm in Jesus Christ, and it leads us to a calm surrender and the peace of knowing that the Master is always with us, even now. So often throughout history, Christian witness in times of trial moved others to embrace the faith. If, however, the situation in Virginia worsens significantly or government officials advise educational institutions to suspend in-person instruction, the college will move to an online format for class instruction. I take this opportunity to announce the schedule and protocols that will be in place for next semester. Pax Christi! Contact Us. The U.S. State Department has just advanced their travel advisory for all of Italy to Level 3 based in part on the CDC’s increased Level 3 warning that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to Italy. in Philosophy at Christendom College, where he … Yet we must still be prudent in this moment of difficulty for the world. and Ph.D. in history from Columbia University. We find ourselves in a difficult moment, and I understand that it is not easy to keep anxiety and anger at bay. Christendom College, Front Royal, Virginia Several changes have been made to the Vita Consecrata Institute this year. 2:43. While Christendom is taking reasonable measures consistent with guidance from the CDC and local health officials to manage the risk of COVID-19, it is important for students and parents to understand that the College cannot eliminate the risk of COVID-19 exposure and infections on campus. In the passage above, St. Peter calls us to courage and holy trust, urging us, especially at a time such as this, to resist temptations to despair, anger, or uncharity. Students will return on Sunday, January 17, and classes will begin on Tuesday, January 19. Prior to beginning his service at Christendom College in 2015, David served for six years at The Cardinal Newman Society (CNS), applying his skills in communications, marketing and development. As we prepare our hearts for the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord, let us remain where His Blessed Mother is, standing by Him at His darkest hour, bearing all things with steadfast fidelity and trust in the hope and new life that springs forth from the dead wood of the Cross. Contact Us. Be sober, be watchful. Christendom College, founded in 1977, is a church-affiliated, liberal arts institution. Pope Francis was surrounded by symbols of God’s power and fidelity, the ancient icon of Mary Salus Populi Romani from the Basilica of St. Mary Major, and the miraculous crucifix kept in the church of San Marcello which helped to eradicate the great plague in Rome in 1522. Given the likely increased restrictions both here and abroad that will result from this decision (in Italy and countries receiving travelers from Italy) as well as the complexities that will result in Rome itself for our program, I am very sorry to inform you that we have decided to end our semester in Rome. Count on my continued prayers for you and your families as we move forward in trust and peace. We are closely monitoring the situation and looking to officials from the US Embassy and AACUPI, the Association of American Colleges and Universities in Italy, for prudential advice about keeping our students safe and healthy. Please continue to pray with me the prayer below as we journey toward Easter, entrusting all of our intentions to Jesus Christ through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother. 7,387 were here. We will be contacting students with more information about these courses in the coming days. We have already done this for our Rome Semester, and are grateful that we did not delay in bringing our students home. Again, we are truly saddened by the circumstances facing Italy right now and the impact they are having on the Rome semester, but we are confident that this is the right decision for the health and safety of our students and staff. It is with a heavy heart that we consider extending the online instruction already in place for our Rome students to the student body at large, especially for our graduating seniors in their last semester. Governor Ralph Northam has recognized the “widely varied missions and circumstances of the many different” colleges and universities. We have decided it is prudent to end the program before travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines are put in place. Latest News; Instaurare Magazine; Principles; Professors on Break; Email Newsletter; Summer Programs; Upcoming Events; Event Video & Audio Downloads; Event Photos; Resources for Media; Social Media Post and Comment Policy; As your children, we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son. Fitting for Lent, we should also redouble our prayers and consider all we decide to do through the lens of charity. Registrations will be accepted through June 15, 2020. We are making arrangements for faculty members to teach classes via correspondence. Even now, our goal is to continue to provide as strong a sense of support and community for students, faculty, and staff as possible. While there have been some cases outside of China, there are only 5 confirmed cases in the U.S., none of which are in our area. Give. Stream faithful Catholic courses at your university or college. The opportunity to deepen our love of Christ, especially in this moment of crisis, is especially great. I am comforted by the extraordinary work of our staff in supporting online instruction while doing all that can be done to maintain the financial health of the College. We will be praying this prayer together at the college for the foreseeable future and hope you will do so as well. 540.636.2900 | 800.877.5456
Given the rapid nature of developments concerning COVID-19, the college has decided to take the following steps to ensure the health and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff, especially the most vulnerable members of our community: I understand that our college experience is meant to be residential and that our relational formation and community life are essential to our program. Whatever the future holds, as Catholic Christians we should look for the opportunity to assist the most vulnerable in our communities at this time. Let us pray together that our Lord Jesus Christ will steel our resolve to live out Christendom’s mission. Latest Articles Our hope is in Jesus Christ, and He will not abandon us. The more we seem to be losing and the emptier we become of false reliance on the things to which we may have become too attached, the more space Jesus is making for Himself. During this extended Spring Break period, professors will be preparing the tools to be able to offer online instruction to all students should we determine it is necessary. Christendom College 134 Christendom Dr. Front Royal, VA 22630 (540) 636-2900 Scoreboard. Check out this special video preview. Live Coverage of Christendom College Crusaders @ VMI Keydets Wednesday, November 20, 2019 on MSN Sports There are contingency plans in place to continue to educate the students if we do need to end the semester in Rome. Coronavirus Is for the Dogs. It is with a heavy heart that we consider extending the online instruction already in place for our Rome students to the student body at large, especially for our graduating seniors in their last semester. Dramatic steps are being taken in many places to limit the spread of COVID-19 in all sectors. He has degrees in history and teaching from the University of Virginia, and a masters in theology from Christendom College. February 29: Update to Semester in Rome Parents. Christendom@ Project. I look forward to seeing you very soon. He is loved at first for His gifts, but when these are no longer perceptible He is at last loved for Himself. Our special announcement is coming tonight at 9:00 p.m. He is a graduate of the National Journalism Center and earned a B.A. Whatever the future holds, as Catholic Christians we should look for the opportunity to assist the most vulnerable in our communities at this time. Today, Virginia’s governor, Ralph Northam, announced a “stay at home” order for Virginia, which, at this time, extends through June 10. No online instruction can adequately be a substitute for the classroom instruction and the shared life in the faith that make our college what it is. There are now more than 800 known cases of coronavirus in Italy. Based on their information, we do not have any concerns about exposure to the Coronavirus here, but we can minimize the spread of illness by all taking some basic but essential precautions: Thank you for being mindful about keeping our campus healthy! Room and board for the days the students were not in Rome will be pro-rated and credited to your student’s account at the College. I look forward to seeing you very soon. One deep blessing from our time apart is a growing appreciation—for all of us—of how important the in-person, on-campus experience is for a school such as ours. Pax Christi! Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today, especially for protection and healing for all peoples, entrusting to you our parish, families, healthcare workers, and each one of us. This means that: Classroom Space: As a residential College, our students are interacting with one another in a variety of settings, including in the residence halls. This move made the most sense, because the college had to defer its annual May commencement to August 9 this year. 134 Christendom Drive
In some places, the governors of states have urged educational institutions to suspend in-person instruction and move to online formats. We feel it is important to limit the possibility that our students could be detained in other countries or put into mandatory quarantine. Yet God’s ways are not our ways, and in this challenging time we should deepen our prayer, asking for insight in how we can best act for his greater glory even now. We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those who ask for your prayer. I promise salvation to those who embrace it; and these souls will be beloved of God like flowers arranged by me to adorn His throne.” The consecrations to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart that we make regularly at the College reflect our trust in Our Lady’s promises. In light of these realities, we are moving forward with reasonable modifications for the good of our particular community. Our special announcement is coming tonight at 9:00 p.m. Christendom College is a four-year coeducational Roman Catholic Liberal Arts College … What a powerful message God can convey through us if we let Him, showing others our faith in a life after this earthly existence, and our hope in Our Savior who bears our suffering and sin to make possible our eternal happiness. Work is already underway to begin implementing them. The Holy Father’s prayer for these intentions can be found below. BA + MA in Just 5 Years. During this extended Spring Break period, professors will be preparing the tools to be able to offer online instruction to all students should we determine it is necessary. Thank you for all of the sacrifices that you made that contributed to a positive experience this semester. © 2019 Christendom College Graduate School of Theology Contact Us Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today, especially for protection and healing for all peoples, entrusting to you our College community, parishes, priests, religious, Bishops, families, healthcare workers, and each one of us. How often we have seen her powerful intercession through difficult moments in the life of the College! The College will reimburse students up to $500 for the cost of a new flight or to cover the change fee if they are able to transfer their original return flight to this coming week. One … Alumni Gain Worldwide Attention After Backyard Rollercoaster Goes Viral. Christendom College’s COVID-19 Response: Important Updates to Fall Semester. 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Institutions to suspend in-person instruction again, thanks be to God program in Rome Participants & Parents he has in!
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