Please feel free to say hi on Twitter or connect with me on LinkedIn. When is the best time of day to cut your grass? Do not start before 8 am or mow past 10 am and you will be mowing your lawn at the ideal time. Exposing freshly cut grass to overnight dew without giving it time to heal will open the door for fungal diseases. Seeded lawns may need up to 2 months before they are ready to be mowed. Nonetheless, the afternoon is a good time to mow your lawn. I’m on the side which believes it does matter. These are used most effectively from May to mid-June and again in September to early October. The main reason in support of midmorning timing for lawn mowing is that your cut grass needs time for healing before evening. Get your lawn… 10 Mistakes To Avoid When Starting a Lawn Mowing Business - […] Useful read: What time can I start mowing? Whatever time of day you cut the grass, make sure you never remove more than a third of the length of the grass. There’s more to mowing the lawn than many people think. This way, it’s not too hot for physical exertion, and it’s … Plus, working when its hot isn’t much fun. For answers to your questions about lawn care, call the WSU Extension office at 735-3551. There are two ways to know when your lawn will be up for the last trim of the year: Trim your Crape Myrtles like a pro. There are two optimal times during the day which are excellent for mowing lawns – mid-morning and late afternoon. Again, some people don’t think it matters at all but I do, for all of the reasons I’ve mentioned above. Farmer Petar - August 8, 2020. If hot and dry: as above but raise the mowing height. Discharge the clippings (unless you bag them) towards the area you've already cut. That’ll give the grass plenty of time to recover and prepare for night fall. However, there are no academic studies quoted on the infographic, so the infographic is not definitive and others are bound to disagree. The sun is higher in the sky and at this time grass has dried out a bit from the early morning dew and any irrigation. There has two main suggestions on this. Mowing at the peak of day, when temperatures are highest, stresses both the lawn and, of course, you. It is ideal to mow the lawn once or twice a week during periods of accelerated growth, and three times a month during periods of normal growth. As long as your grass keeps growing, keep cutting it! I want your garden to look like it’s maintained by a professional. But do you know your lawn needs to be mowed at specific times? If you cut the grass now, you’ll almost hear it cry. The Best Times of Day to Mow the Lawn Mid Morning: 8am – 10am Mid-morning is one of the best times of day to cut the grass. However, as long as you understand why these rules matter you can make a better judgement as to when might be the best time on any given day. Grass cycling returns nutrients and nitrogen to the lawn. So I decided that the the question needed some more attention. The best time of day to mow a lawn is in the early evening. July & August. The grass blades are tender and easily damaged, and the foot and mower traffic could compact the soil, especially if it's moist. You can mow the lawn any time of the day, but there is an optimal time to cut it. Not only does it cause safety issues, especially if you use an electric lawn mower but the quality of cut is nowhere near as good as mowing dry grass. I created this handy illustration that shows you the pros and cons of mowing the lawn during the early morning, late morning, mid day, afternoon, and early evening. Over spring and autumn: For a conventional lawn mow once a week. All Rights Reserved. That’s because any dew or irrigated water will have dried up, and it should be before the heat of the day has set in. When is the Best Time of Day to Mow your Lawn? Here we’ve explained the best time to mow your lawn. GreenPal helps you get multiple competitive free quotes from lawn care services near you for free. The fact is that mowing damages the plant and it will take a day or two for the grass to fully recover. Forget about this point. It’s important to keep mowing your lawn well into the fall season. October Mowing will all but finish so raise the cut to winter height. Plus, your neighbors have probably already gone to work or at the very least are awake. I'm a professional gardener with degrees in Horticulture & Landscape Gardening. When cutting your lawn for the first time in spring, always follow the one third rule: never cut more than a third of the blade of grass in one go, as cutting more than this can 'stress' the grass, stunting subsequent growth. New lawns need time for their roots to be established before they can be mowed for the first time. #1 Mid-morning (8:00-10:00am) There are … Home and lawn growers happen to mow … Hope this helps answer some of your questions about when and when not to cut your grass. The 8 best home remedies to get rid of moles and gophers. What Time Can I Mow My Lawn? The best time of the day to mow is late in the day or during the evening. Even cylinder mowers struggle. Be sure to wait until the grass is dry, though, so … You will surely notice a difference in the aspect of your lawn, once you start doing these operations on a regular basis, applying organic lawn care products benefits your lawn. Check out our guide to the best lawnmowers that will help you do a great job.. 1. wasps and bees are inactive at night. Flower-rich lawns can be mown every four to six weeks. The GreenPal infographic suggests that the most optimal time to start your lawnmower is mid-morning, 8am-10am. Continue mowing as long as the grass seems to be actively growing. This entry was posted on April 19, 2017 by Team. By 10am, any morning dew or moisture from early irrigation should have evaporated. Check out this illustration and plan your lawn care accordingly.... Related articles After all, every homeowner wants their garden to be aesthetically appealing to everyone how comes by, so cutting the grass is pretty basic. Check out some of GreenPal’s other articles. Mowing Techniques. There are good and bad times of day to mow your lawn but they might not always apply, depending on the weather. my suggestion is get over it. September The autumn rains make the end of August and September a good growing time so mow frequently. The second best time to use your Lawn Mower is between 5pm and 7pm. It might take a while for any dew to evaporate due to shade being cast by your house. 0. We are reader-supported: © 2020 Also read our article on Tips for Mowing Your Lawn … How to Mow New Grass Newly seeded grass needs three to four weeks to get established after germination before you should mow it for the first time. This is important because turf stress can occur when a short lawn is exposed on a hot sunny day. Also, make sure the blade on your lawn mower is sharp and cuts cleanly. Mid-morning is the best time to mow your lawn. Watch Queue Queue Each time a lawn is cut, the grass experiences a good deal of pain. Here Are Four Pro Tips. - GreenSocks - […] jet craft and/or you’d like to watch a video of the world’s quietest power lawnmower, click here. It is still early enough to avoid the heat of day and use your lawn mower when it is still comfortable. 5pm – 7pm. Mowing at this time will cause less stress on your lawn and will give you better all-round results. Should You Fire Your Landscaper? Make safety a priority with these top 10 mowing safety tips. This is usually the sweet spot when the day starts to heat up but has not got too hot and the lawn has dried off. Don't make these 4 mistakes. The reality is that weather conditions change and some days might be dry, overcast and relatively cool. Disclaimer: Gardenseeker is a free resource, with everything from gardening tips to product reviews. This helps keep moisture in the roots while the blades are long. Wet grass can be slippery and mowing can result to accidents. Best time to mow your lawn. Time Between Mowing: When you find it necessary to mow the grass just once a month, this is a good indicator that growth is slowing rapidly. By. Typically, the last mow of the season will be somewhere between October and early December, after the last of the colorful autumn foliage falls to the ground. By the time the trees have lost about 50% of their leaves, grass growth will have … The second best time to mow your … I created this handy illustration that shows you the pros and cons of mowing the lawn during the early morning, late morning, mid day, afternoon, and early evening. Some experts say it matters, others say it doesn’t. Late afternoon, between 4pm – 6pm is also a good time to cut the grass. This will mean you never risk cutting the grass too short, especially when cutting long grass. Other times, it might rain all night and mowing at mid-morning might not be possible. The temperature is starting to cool down, which means less stress for the grass. Follow the proper lawn care techniques like watering and know the best time to mow your lawn! Mid-morning is one of the best times of day to cut the grass. Sod may need 2 to 3 weeks after planting before mowing can be done. Noise restriction times […] Lawn Mowing Business FAQ - GreenSocks There are different opinions on the best time to mow the lawn,some people prefer the morning to the afternoon, however, some mowers say there is no best time of mowing. Look at it practically: If your lawn-mower settings are to allow grass two inches, then, it should not grow past three inches high. Research finds that only mowing your lawn every two weeks, instead of every week, increases bee populations by 30 percent. September The autumn rains make the end of August and September a good growing time so mow frequently. You can mow the lawn any time of the day, but there is an optimal time to cut it. So, if you do not have the opportunity to mow your lawn mid-morning, you should consider doing so in the afternoon. Victa horticulturalist Adam Woodhams suggests the best time of the day to mow your lawn is around mid-morning. How to mow a lawn? It’s just as important to know when NOT to get the mower out so you can avoid causing any unnecessary damage or stress. Typically speaking the best time to buy a lawn mower is during the last quarter of the year. You’ll need to mow your lawn at the right time of day as well. After 10am the temperature starts to rise which can cause further stress to your grass. Good Question: Is There Such A Thing As Mowing Too Much? Late afternoon is a great time to mow lawn. There are several things you need to remember when mowing for an excellent result. Mid-day The grass tends to tear instead of slice and in the worst cases, you risk ripping chunks of grass from your lawn. By 10am, any morning dew or … While the sun is at its peak, your grass is busy photosynthesising, producing food and trying to keep hold of its moisture. Make sure your lawn mower blade is sharp, to avoid ragged edges, which will make your lawn slow to rejuvenate. It’s best to mow before the heat of the day sets in, and your grass will have plenty of time to dry off fully in the sun. Mid-morning timing is from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. So I wrote a blog post that outlines the best times of day and the worst times. This can stress and weaken the grass making is susceptible to disease. Mowing your lawn too late in the day is just as bad as mowing it too early. On behalf of GreenPal, I've been featured in the Indianapolis Star, the Sacramento Bee, Entrepreneur,, and dozens more. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Watch Queue Queue. At GreenPal, we're helping hundreds of thousands of Americans solve one of the trickiest problems: a reliable, fast, and affordable way to get lawncare taken care of. Shutterstock. Falling Leaves: You should definitely continue mowing the grass, even when the trees are shedding their leaves, as mowing over them is a great mulching technique. 6 Pro Tips For Creating a Hurricane-Tolerant Landscape, Top 10 Mosquito Repelling Plants for Your Garden and Landscape, 12 Outdoor Upgrades That Will Improve the Value of Your Home. For this reason, deciding on the best time of day to mow basically comes down to which time of day will not hurt your lawn the most. The best time to mow Victa horticulturalist Adam Woodhams suggests the best time of the day to mow your lawn is around mid-morning. So use common sense and adapt your mowing schedule to the conditions. As if I was there doing it all for you! However, this isn’t the case 100 percent of the time. 6 reasons why landscape fabric is a bad idea. If moisture levels are good mow as for May & June. And again, pushing a heavy lawn mower around in the midday sun isn’t fun. The grass is dry and standing tall, perfect for an even trim. All rights reserved. Best Time of Day to Mow Your Lawn The best time to start lawn mowing is in the mid-morning, or between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. About the best time of day for mowing there is lot of debate among the pros. Any moisture left behind from the morning dew will have dried off, so you won’t have any problems with a clogged-up mower. That’s because any dew or irrigated water will have dried up, and it should be before the heat of the day has set in. Copyright © 2020 GreenPal. It is also the best time of the day for the mower because it’s still early enough before the heat of the day has set in. If you wait until the early evening, the lawn is usually dry (unless it has rained during the day, of course), the sun is less intense, and the lawn will have plenty of time to recover before the next afternoon’s heat arrives. The best time to start lawn mowing is in the mid-morning, or between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. If dry, growth will slow but do mow at least every two weeks. Midday is another time of day you should avoid. Get started today and get your lawn mowed with out making a phone call. The temperature is generally cooler so you don’t have to worry about the heating stressing the grass. Plus, wet grass sticks to your mower which makes cleaning it harder work than it needs to be. The best rule of thumb is to mow off a third of the average height of the grass on your lawn. The best time to mow. Usually the last mow of the season will be in October or November, but should occur after the last leaves of fall have come down. Follow the one third rule. If you’re buying a second hand lawn mower you can find great quality lawn mowers for sale all year round. In which case, choose the next best time. Your lawn should be dry enough to cut and the grass can recover before the heat of the day sets in. Proper mowing, wat ering, and f tilizing will also help prevent weeds from becoming a problem. Of course, all this depends on us having perfect weather, which let’s be honest, is rarely the case. Best Time of Day to Mow Your Lawn. This video is unavailable. Don’t mow the lawn when the ground is wet. You can also lower the cut if you raised it for the summer but if your lawn is prone to moss you want to be raising the mowing height not lowering it. Even the best lawn mowers can ruin a lawn if the blade is blunt. Below, we discuss the most optimal time to mow, while also discussing the negatives associated with mowing at sub-optimal periods. Mowing your lawn too early means that you run the risk of dew-covered grass which can clog your mower just like cutting rain-drenched grass. Leave flower-rich and long-grassed lawns uncut in spring, unless growth is very vigorous. I want to help you create the garden of your dreams. However, there is still an even better time for cutting grass. The second best time would be mid evening. Early morning is the worst time of day to mow the lawn as morning due makes the grass wet. If you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission which helps maintain the site. When your lawn is mowed in the afternoon, it has time to recover before night falls. Long grassed lawns are best cut once or twice in the summer, usually not before June. the worst time to mow your grass, for the health of your grass, is at night. Leave lawn clippings on the grass when you mow the lawn unless they form clumps or rows. At least, if you care enough about your lawn to want to make it as healthy and as lush as possible. . There’s also plenty of time for the grass to heal before nightfall and the onset of another dew. Mow moving forward, whether you're pushing a push lawn mower or sitting behind the wheel of a riding lawn mower. The next best time to mow is late afternoon, 4pm – 6pm. If you have a mulching mower, mulching the grass clippings into your lawn will recycle valuable nutrients and moisture back into the turf. It’s also important to mow frequently enough that you’re never removing more than 1/3 of the grass blade height at a time. To minimize disturbance and maximize efficiency, the best time to mow your lawn is in the morning, around 8am to 10am. Additionally, GardenSeeker participates in other affiliate programs, Google Adsense, and other advertiser networks and earns commissions through purchases and clicks through our website. Check out this illustration and plan your lawn care accordingly.... Hi, I'm Gene Caballero and I'm the co-founder of GreenPal The ideal length of your lawn depends on your climate, but most experts agree you should keep your grass about three inches long, with the last cut of the season taking it down to between 1-1/4 inches to 1-1/2 inches in length. That depends on the growing cycle of your grass. Mowing in the evening provides about 12 hours of respite for the grass from the sun. Aside from knowing when to cut the grass throughout the year, how often you should mow, and how to mow the lawn properly, have you ever thought about the best time of day to cut the grass? If beautiful, green & pest-free lawns is what you dream of? What Is The Right Time For The Last Mowing Of The Year? Should your lawn care company haul off the lawn clippings? The best time to mow your lawn is at around 9 am in the morning. In which it’s perfectly acceptable to cut the grass in the middle of the day. Last Lawn Cut Before Winter [Best Time, Best Height] Share and help your friends grow As the temperatures plummet, your lawn will get ready to go into hibernation, and once that happens, there will be little scope and requirement for care. People ask me all the time, "when is the best time of day to mow the lawn?" This infographic by YourGreenPal perfectly sums up when the best time of day to cut the grass; Just like there are the best times to mow, there are also the worst times. A perfectly mowed green lawn not only looks great but can also make your neighbours jealous. All year round people are upgrading their current mowers and selling their old ones. is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Lawn moving is an essential task that you have to complete regularly. by Gene Caballero | Last Updated October 07, 2020. LAWN CARE CALENDAR December-January. Now, there are varying opinions as to which is the best part of the day to mow the lawn. never remove more than a third of the length of the grass, Pruning Amelanchier – The Serviceberry Or Juneberry, Pruning Azaleas & Rhododendrons – When & How To Prune & Dead Head, Pruning Acers – How & When To Prune Japanese Maples, Pruning Mock Orange – Philadelphus – How And When To Prune, Pruning Hydrangeas Macrophylla – Mopheads & Lacecaps. The optimal time to mow is in the evening when the sun is down. Even edging your lawn could cause the grass to turn brown as the sun dries it out. This is important because turf stress can occur when a short lawn is exposed on a hot sunny day. This is the best time to mow your lawn, just after the dew or daily watering has dried off, but before it really gets hot. Best Times to Mow 9am – 11am. Mid-morning is by far the best time to get cutting that grass. Between the hours of 9am -11am the sun is higher in the sky allowing the grass to dry from early morning dew. To date its our most shared and read article we have written for ur blog. The best time of day to mow is in the early evening when the lawn is usually dry and the sun isn’t as intense, which gives your lawn time to recover before the next day’s heat. Many gardeners would agree that the best time to mow is mid-morning as it gives the grass time to recover before night time. The only time mid-morning might not be the best time to mow is if you have a north-facing lawn. But majority of pros agree that the best timing for lawn mowing is the mid-morning. While it’s not always the best time for us, mid morning before it rains is the best time to mow your lawn. When you begin to notice a drop off in grass growth, plan to lower the … The sun is higher in the sky and at this time grass has dried out a bit from the early morning dew and any irrigation. 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